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Big Data Analysis
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About us

The Marr Lab develops methods to improve image-based diagnostics, therapeutic targets, and the prediction of biomedical system kinetics in close collaboration with our biomedical and clinical partners.

  • We design deep learning algorithms to analyze images and profile single cells, exploiting the information contained in huge biomedical data sets. 
  • We build interpretable mechanistic models that enable the inclusion of prior knowledge to advance our understanding of biomedical systems. 
  • We closely collaborate with clinical and medical researchers to translate our methods towards real-word clinical solutions. 

Gottschlich, Adrian, Moritz Thomas, Ruth Grünmeier, …, Carsten Marr and Sebatian Kobold. 2023  Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas-Guided Development of CAR-T Cells for the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Nature Biotechnology

Boushehri, Sayedali S., Katharina Essig, ..., Elke Glasmacher, Carsten Marr, and Fabian Schmich. 2023 Explainable machine learning for profiling the immunological synapse and functional characterization of therapeutic antibodies. Nature Communications

Hehr, Matthias, ..., Carsten Marr. 2023 Explainable AI identifies diagnostic cells of genetic AML subtypes. PLOS Digital Health

Matek, Christian, Sebastian Krappe, Christian Münzenmayer, Torsten Haferlach, and Carsten Marr. 2021  Highly Accurate Differentiation of Bone Marrow Cell Morphologies Using Deep Neural Networks on a Large Image Data Set. Blood

Matek, Christian, Simone Schwarz, Karsten Spiekermann, and Carsten Marr. 2019 Human-level recognition of blast cells in acute myeloid leukaemia with convolutional neural networks. Nature Machine Intelligence

Strasser, Michael K., Philipp S. Hoppe, Dirk Loeffler, Konstantinos D. Kokkaliaris, Timm Schroeder, Fabian J. Theis, and Carsten Marr. 2018  Lineage Marker Synchrony in Hematopoietic Genealogies Refutes the PU.1/GATA1 Toggle Switch Paradigm. Nature Communications

Buggenthin, Felix, Florian Buettner, ..., Timm Schroeder, Fabian J Theis, and Carsten Marr. 2017 Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning. Nature Methods

For the complete list of publications, see Google Scholar


Ali Boushehri

Guest PhD student

Salome Kazeminia

PhD Student

Valentin Koch

PhD Student

Ario Sadafi

PhD student

Melanie Schulz

PhD student

Moritz Thomas

PhD student

Dominik Waibel

PhD student

Dantong Wang

PhD candidate

Ruben Brabenec

Eike Elfert

Guest scientist

Armin Gruber

MD student

Matthias Hehr

Guest MD student

Peter Lienemann

Guest MD student

Lea Schuh

PhD candidate

Maximilian Buser


Valerio Lupperger


Christian Matek

Associated Postdoctoral Fellow

Xudong Sun


Latest Publications



Marianne Antunes

Administrative Assistant

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