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Polizeieinsatz mit Tränengas
Patrick Mayr -

Fat Smoke


The use of smoke grenade for police and military purpose may be an underestimated threat for human health. In the project “Fat Smoke”, together with the group of Dr. Tobias Stöger, a comprehensive physical and chemical characterization of smoke grenade aerosol is conducted by mass spectrometric, chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques in order to achieve a toxicological assessment from the results of all partners. The scientific approach starts with small-scale smoke generation in the laboratory using milligrams of starting material with the aim toward up-scaling. Finally, suitable materials for smoke generation will be evaluated in field applications.

Fat Smoke


The use of smoke grenade for police and military purpose may be an underestimated threat for human health. In the project “Fat Smoke”, together with the group of Dr. Tobias Stöger, a comprehensive physical and chemical characterization of smoke grenade aerosol is conducted by mass spectrometric, chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques in order to achieve a toxicological assessment from the results of all partners. The scientific approach starts with small-scale smoke generation in the laboratory using milligrams of starting material with the aim toward up-scaling. Finally, suitable materials for smoke generation will be evaluated in field applications.
