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Aerosol Chemistry

Schnelle-Kreis Lab
+49 89 3187 4605E-MailGebäude/Raum: 107/ 228

Aerosol Chemistry concerns with the chemical characterization of emission aerosols, artificially aged aerosols, and environmental aerosols.

Aerosol Chemistry concerns with the chemical characterization of emission aerosols, artificially aged aerosols, and environmental aerosols.



About our Research

The Aerosol Chemistry group is concerned with the chemical characterization of emission aerosols (mainly from combustion sources), artificially aged aerosols (so-called smog chamber studies) and environmental aerosols.

The studies on aerosol sources focus on the one hand on the quantification of toxicologically relevant organic constituents of the aerosols and on the other hand on the identification of single substances or patterns of lead substances (markers) specific for the respective source and/or combustion conditions.

In collaboration with partners operating smog chambers, we study the aging of aerosols under realistic conditions. Samples with high temporal resolution are used to record the progress of degradation of relevant aerosol components and the formation of new components. Identification of components or patterns specific to the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) and aged primary aerosol particles is the focus of our research.

Temporal and spatial variability in aerosol composition and sources is the focus of our studies of environmental aerosols. A key factor is the identification and quantification of the proportions of different primary and secondary aerosol particles (source apportionment) in the organic fraction of the particles. This is based, among other things, on the conductive substances and patterns identified in emission and artificially aged aerosols.

Scientists at Aerosol Chemistry

Dr. Nadine Gawlitta


Deeksha Shukla

PhD Student


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Head of Aerosol Chemistry


Dr. Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis

Dr. Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis

Head of Aerosol Chemistry

107/ 228