Aerosol/Laser-Mass Spectrometry
Passig LabAerosol/Laser-MS research activities include single-particle mass spectrometry of ambient aerosols, laser ionization of complex gas mixtures and particles, and ultrafast laser ablation and ionization in mass spectrometry.
Aerosol/Laser-MS research activities include single-particle mass spectrometry of ambient aerosols, laser ionization of complex gas mixtures and particles, and ultrafast laser ablation and ionization in mass spectrometry.
About our Research
Aerosols play an important role in the Earth's climate and cause a significant burden of disease and environmental impact. The physical and chemical complexity of aerosols and their constant changes (e.g., solar radiation, aging) make it difficult to assess their impact. Our research focuses on novel real-time techniques for physical and chemical characterization of ambient aerosols.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos. Chem. Phys. 22, 1495-1514 (2022)
Single-particle characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in background air in northern Europe.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Atmos. Meas. Tech. 14, 4171-4185 (2021)
Detection of ship plumes from residual fuel operation in emission control areas using single-particle mass spectrometry.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 7139-7152 (2020)
Resonance-enhanced detection of metals in aerosols using single-particle mass spectrometry.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 91, 10282-10288 (2019)
Spatially shaped laser pulses for the simultaneous detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as well as positive and negative inorganic ions in single particle mass spectrometry.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Atmos. Chem. Phys. 19, 139-163 (2019)
Dynamic changes in optical and chemical properties of tar ball aerosols by atmospheric photochemical aging.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine J. Mol. Clin. Med. 1, 23-35 (2018)
Emissions from a modern log wood masonry heater and wood pellet boiler: Composition and biological impact on air-liquid interface exposed human lung cancer cells.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Applied Sciences Appl. Sci. 8:1617 (2018)
Determination of relative ionization cross sections for resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 89, 10917-10923 (2017)
Direct infusion resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry of liquid samples under vacuum conditions.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 89, 6341-6345 (2017)
Aerosol mass spectrometer for simultaneous detection of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and inorganic components from individual particles.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Environmental Science and Pollution Research Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 24, 10976-10991 (2017)
Aerosol emissions of a ship diesel engine operated with diesel fuel or heavy fuel oil.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11:e0157964 (2016)
Metabolic profiling as well as stable isotope assisted metabolic and proteomic analysis of RAW 264.7 macrophages exposed to ship engine aerosol emissions: Different effects of heavy fuel oil and refined diesel fuel.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Fuel Fuel 177, 334-342 (2016)
On-line analysis of organic emissions from residential wood combustion with Single-Photon Ionisation Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (SPI-TOFMS).
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 10:e0126536 (2015)
Particulate matter from both heavy fuel oil and diesel fuel shipping emissions show strong biological effects on human lung cells at realistic and comparable in vitro exposure conditions.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Methods Anal. Methods 7, 3608-3617 (2015)
Needle trap sampling thermal-desorption resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for analysis of marine diesel engine exhaust.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 365, 338-342 (2014)