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From Dna to cell
Andrea Danti -

Single Cell Sequencing

Traditional bulk RNA sequencing has provided invaluable information about the global expression status of cells and tissues. However, it fails to unravel information about variable gene expression pattern between cells in complex mixtures such as the immune system or cells derived from different tumor sites even within the same tissue. 

CF-Genomics offers different sc-library preparation protocols with sc-RNA transcription profiling being most commonly requested. Our 10x Genomics Chromium X Single-Cell Platform is a high-throughput, scalable technology that can encapsulate thousands of single cells in droplets for lysis and reverse transcription. The droplets contain the primers for cell- and molecule-specific barcoding of cDNA. Resulting pooled sc-RNA libraries are sequenced on the NovaSeq 6000. For scRNA approaches it is essential that users provide suspensions of live cells to the core.

Traditional bulk RNA sequencing has provided invaluable information about the global expression status of cells and tissues. However, it fails to unravel information about variable gene expression pattern between cells in complex mixtures such as the immune system or cells derived from different tumor sites even within the same tissue. 

CF-Genomics offers different sc-library preparation protocols with sc-RNA transcription profiling being most commonly requested. Our 10x Genomics Chromium X Single-Cell Platform is a high-throughput, scalable technology that can encapsulate thousands of single cells in droplets for lysis and reverse transcription. The droplets contain the primers for cell- and molecule-specific barcoding of cDNA. Resulting pooled sc-RNA libraries are sequenced on the NovaSeq 6000. For scRNA approaches it is essential that users provide suspensions of live cells to the core.



Our Services

  • scRNA-seq (3' / 5')
  • BCR/TCR profiling (+scRNA-seq)
  • CITE-seq 
  • Fixed cells RNAseq
  • Multiome RNA+ATAC

The preparation of a clean single-cell/nuclei suspension, accurate cell counting and viability >90% is key for a successful experiment.

Our portfolio of methods is constantly being updated and expanded in close interactions with users of our Core Facility.

The following links may also help you for an overview of the For more detailed information to single-cell technologies and experimental design please click here.

Please contact us for an in-depth discussion of your single-cell experiment at the earliest possible planning stages.

Our Contact


Core Facility Genomics

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Gebäude 34