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DNA Metabolomics
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Long Read Sequencing

In addition to the Illumina short read sequencers, the Core Facility offers access to PromethION Oxford Nanopore long read sequencer. Nanopore sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) system enables high-throughput long-read sequencing of DNA and RNA samples, including genomic DNA, amplified DNA, cDNA and RNA. Read lengths with an average of 10,000 to >100,000 bases are possible. DNA or RNA can also be sequenced directly without prior amplification or reverse transcription, allowing direct detection of epigenetic base modifications.

More information can be found here.

In addition to the Illumina short read sequencers, the Core Facility offers access to PromethION Oxford Nanopore long read sequencer. Nanopore sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) system enables high-throughput long-read sequencing of DNA and RNA samples, including genomic DNA, amplified DNA, cDNA and RNA. Read lengths with an average of 10,000 to >100,000 bases are possible. DNA or RNA can also be sequenced directly without prior amplification or reverse transcription, allowing direct detection of epigenetic base modifications.

More information can be found here.

Long Read Sequencing Overview

Oxford Nanopore offers several different library preparation kits for DNA or for RNA that can be used in the Core Facility.

However, due to the wide variety of protocols, it is essential to discuss a project with us in advance to determine if library preparation can be offered for your specific project.

The P2S can operate up to two PromethION flow cells in parallel. Typically, 90 to 100 Gb of data can be expected per flow cell. This system is therefore suitable for sequencing large genomes and transcriptomes or a larger number of samples on one flow cell by barcoding individual samples.

We offer the following options for sequencing on P2S:

  • Sequencing plus library preparation using standard Oxford Nanopore kits, e.g. Ligation Sequencing Kit
  • Sequencing of customer libraries (The Core orders the flow cells and carries out the sequencing)
  • Sequencing of customer libraries (The User orders the flow cells and Core carries out the sequencing)

The customer will receive a link to download the raw data (.POD5 files) and the sequencing data (.FASTQ files). Basecalling can be done with three different models: a Fast model, a High accuracy (HAC) model and a Super accurate (SUP) model. Aligned reads (.BAM files) are also available if the user provides an alignment reference file as a .fasta or .mmi file.

Instrument run by Core Staff:

  • PromethION 2 Solo

Our Contact


Core Facility Genomics

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Gebäude 34