PD Dr. vet. med. Markus Brielmeier
Head of Core Facility Laboratory Animal Services (CF-LAS)We offer state-of-the-art animal husbandry including veterinary care under high animal welfare standards and rely on the latest technologies, some of which we helped to develop ourselves
We offer state-of-the-art animal husbandry including veterinary care under high animal welfare standards and rely on the latest technologies, some of which we helped to develop ourselves
Educational Background and Current Interests
After studying veterinary medicine, I did my PhD on Eppstein Barr Virus. As a postdoc, I discovered that selenoproteins play important roles in development and organ function. When I moved to laboratory animal science, I spent over ten years helping to revolutionize hygiene monitoring of mouse colonies. The fact that this can now save many mouse lives through PCR testing of environmental samples is the highlight of my research life so far.
I am a member of the veterinary faculty of LMU Munich. Currently, I am working on home cage monitoring.