CF-MPC Publication
ZurückMethods in Molecular Biology In: Clinical Metabolomics. 2025. 373-385 (Methods Mol. Biol. ; 2855)
Differential mobility spectrometry-based cardiolipin analysis.
In: Bio-Nano Interfaces: Perspectives, Properties, and Applications. 2024. 795-818
Colloidal stability and surface chemistry are key factors for the composition of the protein corona of inorganic gold nanoparticles.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Obesity Facts Obes. Facts, DOI: 10.1159/000541915 (2024)
Omentin increases glucose uptake, but not insulin sensitivity in human myotubes dependent on extracellular lactotransferrin.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science immunology Sci. Immunol. 9:eadl1467 (2024)
A helminth enzyme subverts macrophage-mediated immunity by epigenetic targeting of prostaglandin synthesis.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biomarker Insights Biomark. Insights 19:11772719241274017 (2024)
The chromosome passenger complex (CPC) components and its associated pathways are promising candidates to differentiate between normosensitive and radiosensitive ATM-mutated cells.
2024 Review in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 23, 5279-5295 (2024)
The circulating proteome─technological developments, current challenges, and future trends.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cells Cells 13:1563 (2024)
The nuclear speckles protein SRRM2 is exposed on the surface of cancer cells.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis 398:118613 (2024)
Relationship of proteins and subclinical cardiovascular traits in the population-based LIFE-Adult study.
2024 Review in Metabolomics Metabolomics 20:103 (2024)
Navigating common pitfalls in metabolite identification and metabolomics bioinformatics.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 14:21864 (2024)
Dipeptide metabolite, glutamyl-glutamate mediates microbe-host interaction to boost spermatogenesis.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 15:7511 (2024)
The novel ribosome biogenesis inhibitor usnic acid blocks nucleolar pre-60S maturation.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in BMC Medicine BMC Med. 22:420 (2024)
Association of plasma proteomics with mortality in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: Results from two population-based KORA cohort studies.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics, DOI: 10.1002/pmic.202300591:e2300591 (2024)
Diabetic retinopathy from the vitreous proteome perspective: The INSC94Y transgenic pig model study.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroinflammation J. Neuroinflamm. 21:190 (2024)
CD44 signaling in Müller cells impacts photoreceptor function and survival in healthy and diseased retinas.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Metabolism Mol. Metab. 88:101994 (2024)
Metabolic plasticity in a Pde6bSTOP/STOP retinitis pigmentosa mouse model following rescue.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolism: clinical and experimental Metabolism 158:155973 (2024)
Copper impairs the intestinal barrier integrity in Wilson disease.
2024 Review in Analytical Science Advances Anal. Sci. Adv. 5:e2400002 (2024)
Targeted and untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics in dried blood microsampling: Recent applications and perspectives.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology Am. J. Physiol.-Cell Physiol. 326, C1462-C1481 (2024)
IGF1 promotes human myotube differentiation toward a mature metabolic and contractile phenotype.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Death & Disease Cell Death Dis. 15:286 (2024)
Fatty acid-binding protein 5 is a functional biomarker and indicator of ferroptosis in cerebral hypoxia.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 14:215 (2024)
Cathepsin S is more abundant in serum of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis-Infected dairy cows.
2024 Nature Nature 628:E6 (2024)
Publisher Correction: Decoding chromatin states by proteomic profiling of nucleosome readers.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Immunity and Ageing Immun. Ageing 21:23 (2024)
Addition of inflammation-related biomarkers to the CAIDE model for risk prediction of all-cause dementia, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia in a prospective study.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in RNA RNA 30, 807-823 (2024)
The novel pre-rRNA detection workflow "Riboprobing" allows simple identification of undescribed RNA species.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in iScience iScience 27:109789 (2024)
SIN-3 transcriptional coregulator maintains mitochondrial homeostasis and polyamine flux.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 43:114008 (2024)
Stem cell-derived vessels-on-chip for cardiovascular disease modeling.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Nature 627, 671-679 (2024)
Decoding chromatin states by proteomic profiling of nucleosome readers.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Hypertension Hypertension 81, 1156-1166 (2024)
Associations of proteomics with hypertension and systolic blood pressure: KORA S4/F4/FF4 and KORA-Age1/Age2 Cohort Studies.
2024 Letter to the Editor in Nature Methods Nat. Methods 21, 153–155 (2024)
RepoRT: A comprehensive repository for small molecule retention times.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biology of Sex Differences Biol. Sex Differ. 15:26 (2024)
Sex and statin-related genetic associations at the PCSK9 gene locus: Results of genome-wide association meta-analysis.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cardiovascular Diabetology Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 23:53 (2024)
Association of plasma proteomics with incident coronary heart disease in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: Results from the population-based KORA study.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Thorax Thorax 79, 524-537 (2024)
COPD basal cells are primed towards secretory to multiciliated cell imbalance driving increased resilience to environmental stressors.
2024 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroinflammation J. Neuroinflamm. 21:33 (2024)
The glucocorticoid receptor as a master regulator of the Müller cell response to diabetic conditions in mice.
2024 Review in Metabolomics Metabolomics 20:15 (2024)
Challenges and perspectives for naming lipids in the context of lipidomics.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biomedicines Biomedicines 12:19 (2023)
Unveiling differential responses of granulocytes to distinct immunostimulants with implications in autoimmune uveitis.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 95, 17550–17558 (2023)
APEX: An annotation propagation workflow through multiple experimental networks to improve the annotation of new metabolite classes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature medicine Nat. Med. 29, 3149–3161 (2023)
Injury-specific factors in the cerebrospinal fluid regulate astrocyte plasticity in the human brain.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 23, 117-129 (2023)
Multicenter collaborative study to optimize mass spectrometry workflows of clinical specimens.
2023 Review in Metabolites Metabolites 13:24 (2023)
Volumetric absorptive microsampling in the analysis of endogenous metabolites.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biomolecules Biomolecules 13:18 (2023)
A lysine residue at the C-terminus of MHC class I ligands correlates with low C-terminal proteasomal cleavage probability.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 8691-8710 (2023)
Human TRMT2A methylates tRNA and contributes to translation fidelity.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in cell and developmental biology Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:1240039 (2023)
Inceptor facilitates acrosomal vesicle formation in spermatids and is required for male fertility.
2023 Review in Proteomics Proteomics 23:e2300032 (2023)
(Re-)use and (re-)analysis of publicly available metabolomics data.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 62:16 (2023)
Antiviral CD8+T-cell immune responses are impaired by cigarette smoke and in COPD.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in BMC Medicine BMC Med. 21:245 (2023)
Proteomic profiling of longitudinal changes in kidney function among middle-aged and older men and women: The KORA S4/F4/FF4 study.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 13:1180642 (2023)
Towards unravelling biological mechanisms behind radiation-induced oral mucositis via mass spectrometry-based proteomics.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolomics Metabolomics 19:61 (2023)
Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry as a tool for Caenorhabditis elegans metabolomics research.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cancers Cancers 15:23 (2023)
Non-oncogene addiction of KRAS-mutant cancers to IL-1β via versican and mononuclear IKKβ.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 66, 1655-1668 (2023)
Associations of plasma proteomics with type 2 diabetes and related traits: Results from the longitudinal KORA S4/F4/FF4 Study.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in The journal of allergy and clinical immunology J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 152, 610-621 (2023)
Asthma-protective agents in dust from traditional farm environments.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Bioinformatics Bioinformatics 39:3 (2023)
mpwR: An R package for comparing performance of mass spectrometry-based proteomic workflows.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 14:1128239 (2023)
Cytokine signaling converging on IL11 in ILD fibroblasts provokes aberrant epithelial differentiation signatures.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biomolecules Biomolecules 13:24 (2023)
Effects of GHR deficiency and juvenile hypoglycemia on immune cells of a porcine model for Laron syndrome.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Pharmaceutics Int. J. Pharm. 643:123257 (2023)
Protein corona investigations of polyplexes with varying hydrophobicity - From method development to in vitro studies.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Controlled Release J. Control. Release 360, 613-629 (2023)
Overcoming the blood-brain barrier? - prediction of blood-brain permeability of hydrophobically modified polyethylenimine polyplexes for siRNA delivery into the brain with in vitro and in vivo models.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 22, 837–850 (2023)
Lipidomic and metallomic alteration of Caenorhabditis elegans after acute and chronic manganese, iron and zinc exposure with link to neurodegenerative disorders.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Neurodegeneration Mol. Neurodegener. 18:15 (2023)
Deficits in mitochondrial TCA cycle and OXPHOS precede rod photoreceptor degeneration during chronic HIF activation.
2023 Review in EBioMedicine EBioMedicine 89:104456 (2023)
A unified classification approach rating clinical utility of protein biomarkers across neurologic diseases.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 14:709 (2023)
Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Microbiology Front. Microbiol. 13:957830 (2023)
Quantitative proteomics of differentiated primary bronchial epithelial cells from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and control identifies potential novel host factors post-influenza A virus infection.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 18:e0280399 (2023)
Proteomics biomarker discovery for individualized prevention of familial pancreatic cancer using statistical learning.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 42:112045 (2023)
Single-copy locus proteomics of early- and late-firing DNA replication origins identifies a role of Ask1/DASH complex in replication timing control.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 1297-1316 (2023)
Depletion of the RNA-binding protein PURA triggers changes in posttranscriptional gene regulation and loss of P-bodies.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 71, 391-414 (2023)
Retinal regions shape human and murine Müller cell proteome profile and functionality.
2023 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Pediatric Research Pediatr. Res. 93, 625-632 (2023)
Validation of disease-specific biomarkers for the early detection of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 41:111867 (2022)
Met/HGFR triggers detrimental reactive microglia in TBI.
2022 Review in Metabolomics Metabolomics 18:106 (2022)
Providing metabolomics education and training: Pedagogy and considerations.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 41:111761 (2022)
Systematic multi-omics cell line profiling uncovers principles of Ewing sarcoma fusion oncogene-mediated gene regulation.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 66, 579-589 (2022)
Serum neurofilament light chain: A novel biomarker for early diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolomics Metabolomics 18:97 (2022)
Critical assessment of chromatographic metadata in publicly available metabolomics data repositories.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Mol. Basis Dis. 1869:166592 (2022)
Proteomics reveals antiviral host response and NETosis during acute COVID-19 in high-risk patients.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, The J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 108, 865-875 (2022)
The acute cytokine response to 30 min exercise bouts before and after 8-week endurance training in subjects with obesity.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of extracellular vesicles J. Extra. Vesicles 11:e12254 (2022)
Release of VAMP5-positive extracellular vesicles by retinal Müller glia in vivo.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy Alzheimers Res. Ther. 14:128 (2022)
Association of the inflammation-related proteome with dementia development at older age: Results from a large, prospective, population-based cohort study.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:9555 (2022)
Pre-activated granulocytes from an autoimmune uveitis model show divergent pathway activation profiles upon IL8 stimulation in vitro.
2022 Review in Metabolomics Metabolomics 18:70 (2022)
Quality assurance and quality control reporting in untargeted metabolic phenotyping: mQACC recommendations for analytical quality management.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 12:924 (2022)
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infected cows reveal divergent immune response in bovine peripheral blood derived lymphocyte proteome.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Bioinformatics Bioinformatics 38, 4044-4045 (2022)
MobilityTransformR: An R package for effective mobility transformation of CE-MS data.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in LAB on a chip Lab Chip 22, 3172-3186 (2022)
Adipose microtissue-on-chip: A 3D cell culture platform for differentiation, stimulation, and proteomic analysis of human adipocytes.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Clinical Nutrition Clin. Nutr. 41, 1818-1826 (2022)
Proteomics of the phase angle: Results from the population-based KORA S4 study.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Metabolism Mol. Metab. 61:101508 (2022)
PAT2 regulates vATPase assembly and lysosomal acidification in brown adipocytes.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature metabolism Nat. Metab. 4, 1086–1088 (2022)
Introducing the lipidomics minimal reporting checklist.
2022 Review in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences Front. Mol. Biosci. 9:841373 (2022)
Networks and graphs discovery in metabolomics data analysis and interpretation.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 13:895519 (2022)
As in real estate, location matters: Cellular expression of complement varies between macular and peripheral regions of the retina and supporting Tissues.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science Science 376:eabf9088 (2022)
Spatial centrosome proteome of human neural cells uncovers disease-relevant heterogeneity.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science Advances Sci. Adv. 8:eabg9287 (2022)
Excessive local host-graft connectivity in aging and amyloid-loaded brain.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science Advances Sci. Adv. 8:eabg9445 (2022)
Brain injury environment critically influences the connectivity of transplanted neurons.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 12:173 (2022)
A modular and expandable ecosystem for metabolomics data annotation in R.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomes Proteomes 10:7 (2022)
Bovine peripheral blood derived lymphocyte proteome and secretome show divergent reaction of bovine immune phenotypes after stimulation with Pokeweed mitogen.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 12:254 (2022)
Pudding proteomics: Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase and microbial proteases can liquefy extended shelf life dairy products.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in British Journal of Cancer BJC Br. J. Cancer (2022)
Prospective evaluation of 92 serum protein biomarkers for early detection of ovarian cancer.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 17:e0268815 (2022)
Genetically regulated gene expression and proteins revealed discordant effects.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature metabolism Nat. Metab. 4, 190-202 (2022)
Impaired phosphocreatine metabolism in white adipocytes promotes inflammation.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 13:1347 (2022)
DIAMetAlyzer allows automated false-discovery rate-controlled analysis for data-independent acquisition in metabolomics.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Immunology Nat. Immunol. 23, 518-531 (2022)
Neutrophils direct preexisting matrix to initiate repair in damaged tissues.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Genetics Nat. Genet. 54, 18–29 (2022)
Genetic variation influencing DNA methylation provides insights into molecular mechanisms regulating genomic function.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroscience J. Neurosci. 42, 1557-1573 (2022)
Collagen VI regulates motor circuit plasticity and motor performance by cannabinoid modulation.
2022 Review in Journal of Chromatography J. Chromatogr. B 1188:123069 (2022)
Current state-of-the-art of separation methods used in LC-MS based metabolomics and lipidomics.
2022 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Death and Differentiation Cell Death Differ., DOI: 10.1038/s41418-021-00883-z (2022)
MS4A15 drives ferroptosis resistance through calcium-restricted lipid remodeling.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Chemistry Front. Chem. 9:788094 (2021)
Novel extraction method for combined lipid and metal speciation from Caenorhabditis elegans with focus on iron redox status and lipid profiling.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science Advances Sci. Adv. 7:eabb3673 (2021)
Phenotypic drug screening in a human fibrosis model identified a novel class of antifibrotic therapeutics.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Anal. Bioanal. Chem., DOI: 10.1007/s00216-021-03828-0 (2021)
N-Alkylpyridinium sulfonates for retention time indexing in reversed-phase-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry–based metabolomics.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Pharmacology Front. Pharmacol. 12:771571 (2021)
Proteomic phenotyping of stimulated Müller cells uncovers profound pro-inflammatory signaling and antigen-presenting capacity.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Biotechnology Nat. Biotechnol. 40, 411–421 (2021)
High-confidence structural annotation of metabolites absent from spectral libraries.
2021 Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60:689 (2021)
Correction to: In vitro cellular and proteome assays identify Wnt pathway and CDKN2A-regulated senescence affected in mesenchymal stem cells from mice after a chronic LD gamma irradiation in utero.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 31, 999-1011 (2021)
Meta-GWAS of PCSK9 levels detects two novel loci at APOB and TM6SF2.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in EMBO Reports EMBO Rep.:e53007 (2021)
PLK1-dependent phosphorylation restrains EBNA2 activity and lymphomagenesis in EBV-infected mice.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 59:2101798 (2021)
Activation of immune cell proteasomes in peripheral blood of smokers and COPD patients - implications for therapy.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Clinical and translational medicine Clin. Transl. Med. 11:e547 (2021)
Metabolomic therapy response prediction in pretherapeutic tissue biopsies for trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric cancer.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in cell and developmental biology Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:725474 (2021)
Mitochondrial impairment by MitobloCK-6 inhibits liver cancer cell proliferation.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 12:5208 (2021)
Defining the RBPome of primary T helper cells to elucidate higher-order Roquin-mediated mRNA regulation.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 11:549 (2021)
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis proteome changes profoundly in milk.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 397-410 (2021)
In vitro cellular and proteome assays identify Wnt pathway and CDKN2A-regulated senescence affected in mesenchymal stem cells from mice after a chronic LD gamma irradiation in utero.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neurobiology of Disease Neurobiol. Dis. 157:105423 (2021)
Proteomic signature of the Dravet syndrome in the genetic Scn1a-A1783V mouse model.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature biomedical engineering Nat. Bio. Eng. 5, 897-913 (2021)
Single-cell-resolved differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells into pancreatic duct-like organoids on a microwell chip.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 65, 430-441 (2021)
Molecular signatures of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 12, 1011–1023 (2021)
Proteomic profiling of low muscle and high fat mass: A machine learning approach in the KORA S4/FF4 study.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 32, 1747-1763 (2021)
Plasma proteomics of renal function: A trans-ethnic metaanalysis and Mendelian randomization study.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Cell Science J. Cell Sci. 134:jcs255422 (2021)
Ancestral role of TNF-R pathway in cell differentiation in the basal metazoan Hydra.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PeerJ PeerJ 9:e11316 (2021)
High glucose treatment promotes extracellular matrix proteome remodeling in Muller glial cells.
2021 Review in Metabolites Metabolites 11:284 (2021)
Quo vadis Caenorhabditis elegans metabolomics - A review of current methods and applications to explore metabolism in the nematode.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cells Cells 10:711 (2021)
Cell surface profiling of retinal Müller glial cells reveals association to immune pathways after LPS stimulation.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Aging Cell Aging Cell 20:e13342 (2021)
HLH-30-dependent rewiring of metabolism during starvation in C. elegans.
2021 Metabolomics Metabolomics 17:33 (2021)
Correction to: Comparison of lipidome profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans-results from an inter-laboratory ring trial.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glycobiology Glycobiology 31, 873-883 (2021)
NEU1 is more abundant in uveitic retina with concomitant desialylation of retinal cells.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolomics Metabolomics 17:25 (2021)
Comparison of lipidome profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans—results from an inter-laboratory ring trial.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science immunology Sci. Immunol. 6:eaaz6563 (2021)
IL-17 controls central nervous system autoimmunity through the intestinal microbiome.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 413, 2091–2102 (2021)
UHPLC-IM-Q-ToFMS analysis of maradolipids, found exclusively in Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 64, 1079-1092 (2021)
Oral insulin immunotherapy in children at risk for type 1 diabetes in a randomised controlled trial.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 34:108653 (2021)
Reduced peroxisomal import triggers peroxisomal retrograde signaling.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 20, 751-762 (2021)
Multiplatform approach for plasma proteomics: Complementarity of olink proximity extension assay technology to mass spectrometry-based protein profiling.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Stem Cell Cell Stem Cell 28, 524-534.e7 (2021)
CRISPR-mediated induction of neuron-enriched mitochondrial proteins boosts direct glia-to-neuron conversion.
2021 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 230:103989 (2021)
Deviant proteome profile of equine granulocytes associates to latent activation status in organ specific autoimmune disease.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, S191-S191 (2020)
Characterization of radiation-induced Normal Tissue Reactions in a Head and Neck Tumor Patient Collective.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 11:607473 (2020)
Chronic hyperglycaemia drives functional impairment of lymphocytes in diabetic INSC94Y transgenic pigs.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 202, 1720-1724 (2020)
Preclinical pulmonary fibrosis circulating protein biomarkers.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Acta Neuropathologica Communications Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 8:207 (2020)
Oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein as a novel target for pathogenic autoimmunity in the CNS.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61:19 (2020)
Neuroretinal-derived caveolin-1 promotes endotoxin-induced inflammation in the murine retina.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 15:e0238533 (2020)
Molecular classification of the placebo effect in nausea.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21:6618 (2020)
JMJD6 regulates splicing of its own gene resulting in alternatively spliced isoforms with different nuclear targets.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21:6832 (2020)
Chronic occupational exposure to ionizing radiation induces alterations in the structure and metabolism of the heart: A proteomic analysis of human formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) cardiac tissue.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Methods Nat. Methods 17, 905–908 (2020)
Feature-based molecular networking in the GNPS analysis environment.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in New Phytologist New Phytol. 228, 1939-1952 (2020)
Metabolomic adjustments in the orchid mycorrhizal fungus Tulasnella calospora during symbiosis with Serapias vomeracea.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetes Diabetes 69, 2766-2778 (2020)
Deciphering the plasma proteome of type 2 diabetes.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 10:301 (2020)
Comprehensive vitamer profiling of folate mono- and polyglutamates in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a function of different sample preparation procedures.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neurobiology of Disease Neurobiol. Dis. 143:105018 (2020)
Disruption of the sodium-dependent citrate transporter SLC13A5 in mice causes alterations in brain citrate levels and neuronal network excitability in the hippocampus.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 32:108059 (2020)
Mitochondrial regulation of the 26S proteasome.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:14461 (2020)
Light sheet fluorescence microscopy guided MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry of cleared tissue samples.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 225:103876 (2020)
CD11d is a novel antigen on chicken leukocytes.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Oncology Mol. Oncol. 14, 2420-2435 (2020)
Nonsense-mediated decay factor SMG7 sensitizes cells to TNF alpha-induced apoptosis via CYLD tumor suppressor and the noncoding oncogenePvt1.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 224:103843 (2020)
Proteome profile of neutrophils from a transgenic diabetic pig model shows distinct changes.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Clinical Medicine J. Clin. Med. 9:991 (2020)
Oncogenic linear collagen VI of invasive breast cancer is induced by CCL5.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 10:130 (2020)
Suggestions for standardized identifiers for fatty acyl compounds in genome scale metabolic models and their application to the wormjam caenorhabditis elegans model.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:1326 (2020)
Potent inhibition of HIV replication in primary human cells by novel synthetic polyketides inspired by Aureothin.
2020 Review in Journal of Separation Science J. Sep. Sci. 43, 1746-1754 (2020)
Current status of retention time prediction in metabolite identification.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS Genetics PLoS Genet. 16:e1008638 (2020)
Autophagy compensates for defects in mitochondrial dynamics.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 10:3064 (2020)
IL8 and PMA trigger the regulation of different biological processes in Granulocyte activation.
Methods in Molecular Biology In: Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Metabolomics. 2020. 361-386 (Methods Mol. Biol. ; 2104)
Using genome-scale metabolic networks for analysis, visualization, and integration of targeted metabolomics data.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 30, 3183-3194.e4 (2020)
iTAG-RNA isolates cell-specific transcriptional responses to environmental stimuli and identifies an RNA-based endocrine axis.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in ACS central science ACS Cent. Sci. 6, 41-53 (2020)
GTP cyclohydrolase 1/tetrahydrobiopterin counteract ferroptosis through lipid remodeling.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neuroscience Neuroscience 424, 102-120 (2020)
Regulation of Alzheimer's disease-associated proteins during epileptogenesis.
2020 Review in Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 258, 221–230 (2020)
The role of Muller cell glucocorticoid signaling in diabetic retinopathy.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 146:106387 (2020)
Time-resolved phosphoproteomic analysis elucidates hepatic 11,12-Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid signaling pathways.
2020 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 19, 337-345 (2020)
Creb signaling mediates dose-dependent radiation response in the murine hippocampus two years after total body exposure.
In: Translational Research Methods in Diabetes, Obesity, and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. 2019. 309-347
Omics: Potential role in early phase drug development.
2019 Meeting abstract in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 54 (2019)
Mitochondrial dysfunction activates MHC class I adaptive immune responses in lung aging.
2019 Meeting abstract in Glia Glia 67, E629-E629 (2019)
Glial cells shape the complement homeostasis the healthy and diseased murine retina.
2019 Meeting abstract in Glia Glia 67, E689-E690 (2019)
Tlr2 and Cxcr3 pathways modulate scar formation after traumatic brain injury.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PeerJ PeerJ 2019:e8130 (2019)
Peripheral blood bovine lymphocytes and MAP show distinctly different proteome changes and immune pathways in host-pathogen interaction.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 29, 2835-2848.e4 (2019)
Cell type-specific complement expression in the healthy and diseased retina.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20:2103 (2019)
Combined treatment with low-dose ionizing radiation and ketamine induces adverse changes in CA1 neuronal structure in murine hippocampi.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20:5239 (2019)
Hyperacetylation of cardiac mitochondrial proteins is associated with metabolic impairment and sirtuin downregulation after chronic total body irradiation of ApoE -/- mice.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 29, 873-888.e10 (2019)
MALT1 phosphorylation controls activation of T lymphocytes and survival of ABC-DLBCL tumor cells.
2019 Review in Metabolites Metabolites 9:200 (2019)
The metaRbolomics Toolbox in Bioconductor and beyond.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Matrix biology plus Matrix biology plus 1, DOI: 10.1016/j.mbplus.2019.04.002:100005 (2019)
Quantitative proteomic profiling of extracellular matrix and site-specific collagen post-translational modifications in an in vitro model of lung fibrosis.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 317, E374-E387 (2019)
Linking bioenergetic function of mitochondria to tissue-specific molecular fingerprints.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Experimental Medicine J. Exp. Med. 216, 1700-1723 (2019)
Immune homeostasis and regulation of the interferon pathway require myeloid-derived Regnase-3.
2019 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 199 (2019)
Quantitative proteomic profiling of extracellular matrix and collagen posttranslational modifications in an in vitro model of lung fibrosis.
2019 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 199 (2019)
Circulating plasma proteins differentially detected in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and in subjects with pre-clinical pulmonary fibrosis.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Chemistry and Physics of Lipids Chem. Phys. Lipids 222, 15-22 (2019)
The sphingolipidome of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Cell Mol. Cell 74, 951-965.e13 (2019)
Cross-regulation between TDP-43 and paraspeckles promotes pluripotency-differentiation transition.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroinflammation J. Neuroinflamm. 16:43 (2019)
The agonistic TSPO ligand XBD173 attenuates the glial response thereby protecting inner retinal neurons in a murine model of retinal ischemia.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Nature 567, 113-117 (2019)
The centrosome protein AKNA regulates neurogenesis via microtubule organization.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Chromatography J. Chromatogr. B 1109, 142-148 (2019)
Development and application of a HILIC UHPLC-MS method for polar fecal metabolome profiling.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Stem Cell Reports Stem Cell Rep. 12, 258-273 (2019)
The surface proteome of adult neural stem cells in zebrafish unveils long-range cell-cell connections and age-related changes in responsiveness to IGF.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Journal of Epidemiology Eur. J. Epidemiol. 34, 409-422 (2019)
Protein markers and risk of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes: A targeted proteomics approach in the KORA F4/FF4 study.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 193, 1-9 (2019)
Dissecting the molecular effects of cigarette smoke on proteasome function.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cell. Mol. Gast. Hept. 7, 571-596 (2019)
A high caloric diet aggravates mitochondrial dysfunction and triggers severe liver damage in Wilson disease rats.
2019 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev. 35:e3074 (2019)
Omentin-regulated proteins combine a pro-inflammatory phenotype with an anti-inflammatory counterregulation in human adipocytes: A proteomics analysis.
2018 Meeting abstract in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 52 (2018)
Pharmacometabolic effect of pirfenidone treatment in IPF detected by high resolution MALDI-FTICR imaging.
2018 Review in Progress in retinal and eye research Prog. Retinal Eye Res. 70, 55-84 (2018)
On the origin of proteins in human drusen: The meet, greet and stick hypothesis.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 9:2884 (2018)
A functionally different immune phenotype in cattle is associated with higher mastitis incidence.
2018 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 197 (2018)
A proteomic analysis of extracellular matrix from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient-derived fibroblasts in response to transforming growth factor beta 1.
2018 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 197 (2018)
A quantitative proteomics profiling of murine lung grafts indicates novel pathways associated with chronic lung allograft dysfunction.
2018 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 197 (2018)
Dissecting the molecular effects of cigarette smoke on proteasome function.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences Front. Mol. Biosci. 5:96 (2018)
Modeling meets metabolomics— the WormJam consensus model as basis for metabolic studies in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.
2018 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 197 (2018)
Pharmacometabolic response to pirfenidone treatment in pulmonary fibrosis detected by high resolution MALDI FTICR-mass spectrometry imaging.
2018 Meeting abstract in Pediatric Blood and Cancer Pediatr. Blood Cancer 65, S366-S366 (2018)
miR-492 regulates metastatic Ppoperties of hepatoblastoma via CD44.
2018 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 61, S150-S150 (2018)
CVB5 proteases 2A reduces insulin granule maturation only indirect.
2018 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 61, S271-S271 (2018)
Linking of bioenergetic function of mitochondria to tissue-specific molecular fingerprints in mice and humans.
2018 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 61, S254-S255 (2018)
Omentin-induced secretion of proteins by primary human adipocytes and stimulation of the innate immune system.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 8:12332 (2018)
Interaction of septin 7 and DOCK8 in equine lymphocytes reveals novel insights into signaling pathways associated with autoimmunity.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 52:1702314 (2018)
Pharmacometabolic response to pirfenidone in pulmonary fibrosis detected by MALDI-FTICR-MSI.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Plant, Cell and Environment Plant Cell Environ. 41, 2791-2805 (2018)
Metabotype variation in a field population of tansy plants influences aphid host selection.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Methods in Molecular Biology Methods Mol. Biol. 1738, 41-61 (2018)
Bio- and chemoinformatics approaches for metabolomics data analysis.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 11:e1700321 (2018)
A proteomics approach to identify candidate proteins secreted by Müller glia that protect ganglion cells in the retina.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Chromatography J. Chromatogr. B 1083, 35-43 (2018)
Metformin impacts cecal bile acid profiles in mice.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in EMBO Reports EMBO Rep. 19:e45294 (2018)
Cross-talk between monocyte invasion and astrocyte proliferation regulates scarring in brain injury.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 66, 1644-1662 (2018)
Influence of white matter injury on gray matter reactive gliosis upon stab wound in the adult murine cerebral cortex.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Electrophoresis Electrophoresis 39, 1645-1653 (2018)
Tandem HILIC-RP liquid chromatography for increased polarity coverage in food analysis.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Plant Physiology Plant Physiol. 176, 2639-2656 (2018)
Mycorrhiza-triggered transcriptomic and metabolomic networks impinge on herbivore fitness.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 49, 184-191 (2018)
The effects of zinc supplementation on primary human retinal pigment epithelium.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Chemistry Front. Chem. 6:29 (2018)
Usage of FT-ICR-MS metabolomics for characterizing the chemical signatures of barrel-aged whisky.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neurobiology of Disease Neurobiol. Dis. 112, 119-135 (2018)
Proteomic profiling of epileptogenesis in a rat model: Focus on cell stress, extracellular matrix and angiogenesis.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 8:1801 (2018)
Spatiotemporal patterning of EpCAM is important for murine embryonic endo-And mesodermal differentiation.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Liver International Liver Int. 38, 1280-1291 (2018)
MiR-492 regulates metastatic properties of hepatoblastoma via CD44.
2018 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Mitochondrion Mitochondrion, DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2017.08.015 (2018)
Mitochondrial adaptation in steatotic mice.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Worm Worm 6:e1373939 (2017)
WormJam: A consensus C. elegans metabolic reconstruction and metabolomics community and workshop series.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Data in Brief Data Brief 15, 163-169 (2017)
Data on chow, liver tissue and mitochondrial fatty acid compositions as well as mitochondrial proteome changes after feeding mice a western diet for 6-24 weeks.
2017 Editorial in Journal of Chromatography J. Chromatogr. B 1071, 1-2 (2017)
Identification of molecules from non-targeted analysis.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 17, 618-634 (2017)
Proteomic landscape of patient-derived CD4+T cells in recent-onset type 1 diabetes.
2017 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 60, S23-S23 (2017)
A novel method for the background-free purification of age-distinct insulin secretory granules for proteomic and lipidomic analyses.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Advanced functional materials Adv. Func. Mat. 27:1701956 (2017)
Colloidal stability and surface chemistry are key factors for the composition of the protein corona of inorganic gold nanoparticles.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 12:e0182993 (2017)
Comparative analysis of LytS/LytTR-type histidine kinase/response regulator systems in γ-proteobacteria.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 17:1700013 (2017)
Proteome dynamics in biobanked horse peripheral blood derived lymphocytes (PBL) with induced autoimmune uveitis.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Bioanalysis Bioanalysis 9, 969-973 (2017)
New Investigator Award: Announcing our finalists!
2017 Meeting abstract in Glia Glia 65, E404-E405 (2017)
Differences of grey and white matter astrocytes in the intact and injured cerebral cortex.
2017 Meeting abstract in Glia Glia 65, E193-E193 (2017)
miRNA profile and expression analysis of Muller cells from the diabetic retina implicates a possible role of PDGF-mediated signaling in retinal glia for disease progression.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neurobiology of Disease Neurobiol. Dis. 105, 164-178 (2017)
A systems level analysis of epileptogenesis-associated proteome alterations.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 7:1388 (2017)
Identification of a high-affinity pyruvate receptor in escherichia coli.
2017 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 195 (2017)
Proteasomal activator 200 (pa200) regulates cellular proliferation: A putative role for Ipf and lung cancer pathogenesis.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 16, 1528-1546 (2017)
Proteome-wide identification of glycosylation-dependent interactors of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 on mesenchymal retinal pigment epithelial cells.
In: (Proteomic Forum 2017, 2-5 April 2017, Potsdam). 2017. 119-120
The proteomic landscape of patient-derived CD4+ T cells in recent-onset type 1 diabetes.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 187, 48-54 (2017)
Investigation of corneal autoantibodies in horses with immune mediated keratitis (IMMK).
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 60, 1541–1549 (2017)
Retinopathy with central oedema in an INSC94Y transgenic pig model of long-term diabetes.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Metabolites Metabolites 7:7 (2017)
QSRR modeling for metabolite standards analyzed by two different chromatographic columns using multiple linear regression.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 7, 1-12 (2017)
Quantitative changes in the protein and miRNA cargo of plasma exosome-like vesicles after exposure to ionizing radiation.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 12:e0172311 (2017)
LipidFrag: Improving reliability of in silico fragmentation of lipids and application to the Caenorhabditis elegans lipidome.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res. 45, 3266-3279 (2017)
Allele-specific quantitative proteomics unravels molecular mechanisms modulated by cis-regulatory PPARG locus variation.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 16, 898-910 (2017)
Amniotic fluid and maternal serum metabolic signatures in the second trimester associated with preterm delivery.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 154, 102-108 (2017)
Formin like 1 expression is increased on CD4 + T lymphocytes in spontaneous autoimmune uveitis.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Bioanalysis Bioanalysis 9, 37-51 (2017)
Metabolic profile of human coelomic fluid.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 17:1600243 (2017)
Cigarette smoke alters the secretome of lung epithelial cells.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 16, 307-318 (2017)
The role of TGF beta and PPAR alpha signalling pathways in radiation response of locally exposed heart: Integrated global transcriptomics and proteomics analysis.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 60, 287-295 (2017)
Peptide serum markers in islet autoantibody-positive children.
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in OncoTarget Oncotarget 8, 9067-9078 (2017)
A dose-dependent perturbation in cardiac energy metabolism is linked to radiation-induced ischemic heart disease in Mayak nuclear workers.
2016 Meeting abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 57 (2016)
The INSC94Y transgenic pig: A novel model for diabetic retinopathy with macular edema.
2016 Meeting abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 57 (2016)
miRNA regulation and potential interactors of Rac1 in the mouse retina.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 7, 542:542 (2016)
Complement regulator FHR-3 is elevated either locally or systemically in a selection of autoimmune diseases.
2016 Meeting abstract in Journal of Investigative Dermatology, The J. Invest. Dermatol. 136, S232-S232 (2016)
Identification of new cell surface targets on human T helper cells.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 6:31431 (2016)
microRNA regulatory circuits in a mouse model of inherited retinal degeneration.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 57, 4504-4511 (2016)
Immunological characterization of intraocular lymphoid follicles in a spontaneous recurrent uveitis model.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 25, 4462-4472 (2016)
HDAC inhibition in the cpfl1 mouse protects degenerating cone photoreceptors in vivo.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 25, 4201-4210 (2016)
Catenin delta-1 (CTNND1) phosphorylation controls the mesenchymal to epithelial transition in astrocytic tumors.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 17:1145 (2016)
Expression and distribution pattern of aquaporin 4, 5 and 11 in retinas of 15 different species.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cell Reports Cell Rep. 16, 559-570 (2016)
5-hydroxymethylcytosine remodeling precedes lineage specification during differentiation of human CD4+ T cells.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 59, 1882-1892 (2016)
MASP1, THBS1, GPLD1 and ApoA-IV are novel biomarkers associated with prediabetes: The KORA F4 study.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in OncoTarget Oncotarget 7, 44062-44075 (2016)
Cyr61 and YB-1 are novel interacting partners of uPAR and elevate the malignancy of triple-negative breast cancer.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11:e0156952 (2016)
In-utero low-dose irradiation leads to persistent alterations in the mouse heart proteome.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 25, 3143-3151 (2016)
The unconventional secretion of ARMS2.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Plant Physiology Plant Physiol. 171, 1495-1510 (2016)
Comparative proteomics analysis of Arabidopsis phloem exudates collected during the induction of systemic acquired resistance.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in OncoTarget Oncotarget 7, 30396-30407 (2016)
Twist1 induces distinct cell states depending on TGFBR1-activation.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroinflammation J. Neuroinflamm. 13:89 (2016)
Aquaporin 11, a regulator of water efflux at retinal Müller glial cell surface decreases concomitant with immune-mediated gliosis.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 15, 1350-1359 (2016)
Proteomic profiling suggests central role of STAT signaling during retinal degeneration in the rd10 mouse model.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Food Chemistry Food Chem. 203, 207-215 (2016)
Natural oxygenation of Champagne wine during ageing on lees: A metabolomics picture of hormesis.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, The Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 74, 44-59 (2016)
Surface proteome analysis identifies platelet derived growth factor receptor-alpha as a critical mediator of transforming growth factor-beta-induced collagen secretion.
2016 Review in Frontiers in Endocrinology Front. Endocrin. 7:12 (2016)
The role of dafachronic acid signaling in development and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans: Digging deeper using cutting edge analytical chemistry.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Plant Physiology Plant Physiol. 170, 1945-1961 (2016)
Modulation of protein S-nitrosylation by isoprene emission in poplar.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Oncogene Oncogene 35, 4269-4281 (2016)
Oncogenic CARMA1 couples NF-κB and β-catenin signaling in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11:e0146887 (2016)
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of RPE cells in vitro confers increased β1,6-N-glycosylation and increased susceptibility to galectin-3 binding.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Brain, Behavior and Immunity Brain Behav. Immun. 53, 138-158 (2016)
Proteomic profiling of epileptogenesis in a rat model: Focus on inflammation.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteome science Proteome Sci. 13:26 (2016)
Long-term consequences of in utero irradiated mice indicate proteomic changes in synaptic plasticity related signalling.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 854, 785-791 (2016)
Proteomic profiling of cigarette smoke induced changes in retinal pigment epithelium cells.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 854, 411-418 (2016)
Retinal caveolin-1 modulates neuroprotective signaling.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 15, 462-480 (2016)
The proteome of native adult Muller glial cells from murine retina.
2016 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Plant, Cell and Environment Plant Cell Environ. 39, 147-164 (2016)
Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): Allergenicity and molecular characterisation of pollen after plant exposure to elevated NO2.
ACS Symposium Series In: Advances in Wine Research. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2015. 13-27 (ACS Symp. Series ; 1203)
Combined nontargeted analytical methodologies for the characterization of the chemical evolution of bottled wines.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in BMC Evolutionary Biology BMC Evol. Biol. 15:283 (2015)
Evidence for the recent origin of a bacterial protein-coding, overlapping orphan gene by evolutionary overprinting.
2015 Meeting abstract in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191:A2363 (2015)
TGF-beta affects nintedanib function via PDGFR alpha in primary human fibroblasts.
2015 Meeting abstract in Allergy Allergy 70, 128 (2015)
Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): How does Ambrosia pollen react to different air pollution? A systems biology approach.
2015 Meeting abstract in Allergy Allergy 70, 104 (2015)
Identification of new cell surface proteins on human naive CD4+ T-cells potentially involved in the early T-cell activation.
2015 Meeting abstract in Epilepsia Epilepsia 56, 193-193 (2015)
Differential proteome analysis during epileptogenesis: Focus on inflammation.
2015 Meeting abstract in Epilepsia Epilepsia 56, 4-4 (2015)
Shared pathophysiology of temporal lobe epilepsy and Alzheimer´s disease - a differential proteomics approach in a post-status epilepticus model.
2015 Meeting abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 56 (2015)
Caveolae and conventional outflow: Proteomic profiling of outflow tissue caveolae and evidence of mechanosensing.
2015 Meeting abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 56 (2015)
MiR-182 and miR-96 co-regulate Rac1 expression in the mouse retina.
In: Krentz, A.J.* ; Heinemann, L.* ; Hompesch, M.* [Eds.]: Translational Research Methods for Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiometabolic Drug Development. London: Springer, 2015. 189-222
Omics: Potential role in early-phase drug development.
2015 Meeting abstract in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 56:2347 (2015)
The effects of zinc supplements on primary human foetal retinal pigment epithelium in culture.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 14, 4674-4686 (2015)
Neonatal irradiation leads to persistent proteome alterations involved in synaptic plasticity in the mouse hippocampus and cortex.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 63, 2340-2361 (2015)
Astrocyte reactivity after brain injury - the role of galectins 1 and 3.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Chromatography A J. Chromatogr. A 1406, 145-155 (2015)
Computational analysis and ratiometric comparison approaches aimed to assist column selection in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry targeted metabolomics.
2015 Review in Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 589, 27-37 (2015)
The Caenorhabditis elegans lipidome A primer for lipid analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 14, 2764-2774 (2015)
The epoxyeicosatrienoic acid pathway enhances hepatic insulin signaling and is repressed in insulin-resistant mouse liver.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 6:7333 (2015)
γ-secretase directly sheds the survival receptor BCMA from plasma cells.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 14, 2085-2102 (2015)
A combined omics approach to generate the surface atlas of human naive CD4+ T cells during early TCR activation.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 5:10230 (2015)
Regulation of immunoproteasome function in the lung.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 5893-5898 (2015)
Chemical messages in 170-year-old champagne bottles from the Baltic Sea: Revealing tastes from the past.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 14, 2055-2064 (2015)
Low-dose ionizing radiation rapidly affects mitochondrial and synaptic signaling pathways in murine hippocampus and cortex.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 10:e0115996 (2015)
Retinal glia promote dorsal root ganglion axon regeneration.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Tetrahedron Tetrahedron 71, 2983-2990 (2015)
Integrating analytical resolutions in non-targeted wine metabolomics.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16, 2678-2692 (2015)
Novel localization of peripherin 2, the photoreceptor-specific retinal degeneration slow protein, in retinal pigment epithelium.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Immunology J. Immunol. 194, 542-552 (2015)
The immunoregulator soluble TACI is released by ADAM10 and reflects B cell activation in autoimmunity.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Histochemistry and Cell Biology Histochem. Cell Biol. 143, 453-462 (2015)
High-resolution MALDI mass spectrometric imaging of lipids in the mammalian retina.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407, 1059-1073 (2015)
DI-ICR-FT-MS-based high-throughput deep metabotyping: A case study of the Caenorhabditis elegans-Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection model.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Metabolism Mol. Metab. 4, 39-50 (2015)
High fat diet-induced modifications in membrane lipid and mitochondrial-membrane protein signatures precede the development of hepatic insulin resistance in mice.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 14, 366-373 (2015)
Total body exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation induces long-term alterations to the liver proteome of neonatally exposed mice.
2015 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in British Journal of Dermatology - BJD Br. J. Dermatol. 172, 994-1001 (2015)
The hand eczema proteome: Imbalance of epidermal barrier proteins.
2014 Meeting abstract in European Journal of Cancer Eur. J. Cancer 50, S63 (2014)
Mesenchymal cells regulate growth of intestinal crypts by a Wnt independent mechanism in 3D culture system.
2014 Meeting abstract in Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 248:40-AGFD (2014)
Combined non-targeted analytical methodologies for the characterization of the chemical evolution of bottled wines.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Chromatography J. Chromatogr. B 978-979, 118-121 (2014)
Fast separation and quantification of steroid hormones Δ4- and Δ7-dafachronic acid in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2014 Meeting abstract in Journal of Neuroimmunology J. Neuroimmunol. 275, 5-6 (2014)
ADAM10 releases the immunoregulator soluble TACI - a novel biomarker for B-cell pathologies.
In: Dechamp, C.* ; Meon, H.* ; Chevrolat, P.* [Eds.]: AMBROISIE, the first international ragweed review. Saint-Priest, France: 2014. 32-43 ( ; 29)
Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen allergenicity: Proteome analysis upon elevated CO2 and drought stress.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Chemistry Front. Chem. 2:102 (2014)
High precision mass measurements for wine metabolomics.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 9:e110464 (2014)
Ionising radiation immediately impairs synaptic plasticity-associated cytoskeletal signalling pathways in HT22 cells and in mouse brain: An in vitro/in vivo comparison study.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 86, 10568-10575 (2014)
A novel approach of MALDI drug imaging, immunohistochemistry, and digital image analysis for drug distribution studies in tissues.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz Bundesgesundheitsbl.-Gesund. 57, 1255-1263 (2014)
Feasibility and quality development of biomaterials in the pretest studies of the German National Cohort.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 5:4879 (2014)
Steroid hormone signalling links reproduction to lifespan in dietary-restricted Caenorhabditis elegans.
2014 Meeting abstract in Journal of Investigative Dermatology, The J. Invest. Dermatol. 134, S55 (2014)
A common atopy-associated variant in the Th2 cytokine locus control region impacts transcriptional regulation and alters SMAD3 and SP1 binding.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 9:e106886 (2014)
S-nitroso-proteome in poplar leaves in response to acute ozone stress.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Chromatography A J. Chromatogr. A 1359, 91-99 (2014)
Optimizing a ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography-time of flight-mass spectrometry approach using a novel sub-2μm core-shell particle for in depth lipidomic profiling of Caenorhabditis elegans.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 109, 50-62 (2014)
In situ cell surface proteomics reveals differentially expressed membrane proteins in retinal pigment epithelial cells during autoimmune uveitis.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 23, 5989-5997 (2014)
Peripherin-2 couples rhodopsin to the CNG channel in outer segments of rod photoreceptors.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 13, 2371-2381 (2014)
Identification of a novel neurotrophic factor from primary retinal Müller cells using SILAC.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res. 42, 7833-7850 (2014)
Jumonji domain containing protein 6 (Jmjd6) modulates splicing and specifically interacts with arginine-serine-rich (RS) domains of SR- and SR-like proteins.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in ISME Journal ISME J. 8, 2380-2396 (2014)
Distinct signatures of host-microbial meta-metabolome and gut microbiome in two C57BL/6 strains under high-fat diet.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 801, 381-387 (2014)
The neuroprotective potential of retinal Müller glial cells.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Histochemistry and Cell Biology Histochem. Cell Biol. 142, 361-371 (2014)
A rapid ex vivo tissue model for optimising drug detection and ionisation in MALDI imaging studies.
2014 Meeting abstract in Experimental Dermatology Exp. Dermatol. 23, E22 (2014)
A common atopy-associated variant in the Th2 cytokine locus control region impacts transcriptional regulation and alters SMAD3 and SP1 binding.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 13, 2005-2018 (2014)
Genetic manipulation of isoprene emissions in poplar plants remodels the chloroplast proteome.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Leukemia Leukemia 28, 2355-2366 (2014)
Therapeutic targeting of naturally presented myeloperoxidase-derived HLA peptide ligands in myeloid leukemia cells by TCR-transgenic T cells.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Water Research Water Res. 57, 280-294 (2014)
Molecular and structural characterization of dissolved organic matter during and post cyanobacterial bloom in Taihu by combination of NMR spectroscopy and FTICR mass spectrometry.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Allergy Allergy 69, 632-642 (2014)
A common atopy-associated variant in the TH2 cytokine locus control region impacts transcriptional regulation and alters SMAD3 and SP1 binding.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 9:e91684 (2014)
Unraveling the equine lymphocyte proteome: Differential septin 7 expression associates with immune cells in equine recurrent uveitis.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Genome Research Genome Res. 24, 592-603 (2014)
Restless Legs Syndrome-associated intronic common variant in Meis1 alters enhancer function in the developing telencephalon.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neurochemistry J. Neurochem. 130, 227-240 (2014)
Cyr61 activates retinal cells and prolongs photoreceptor survival in rd1 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 13, 733-748 (2014)
A cell surface biotinylation assay to reveal membrane-associated neuronal cues: Negr1 regulates dendritic arborization.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Compr. Anal. Chem. 63, 421-442 (2014)
Transcriptome and metabolome data integration-technical perquisites for successful data fusion and visualization.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroscience J. Neurosci. 34, 2797-2812 (2014)
Proteomic survey reveals altered energetic patterns and metabolic failure prior to retinal degeneration.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 14, 913-923 (2014)
High-resolution metabolite imaging of light and dark treated retina using MALDI-FTICR mass spectrometry.
2014 Review in Cell Cell 156, 343-358 (2014)
Leveraging cross-species transcription factor binding site patterns: From diabetes risk loci to disease mechanisms.
2014 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 98, 32–42 (2014)
True blue: S-opsin is widely expressed in different animal species.
München, Technische Universität, Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan, Diss., 2013, 179 S.
Host-Pathogen metabolomics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection models.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 8:e82392 (2013)
Efficient isolation of pure and functional mitochondria from mouse tissues using automated tissue disruption and enrichment with anti-TOM22 magnetic beads.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Veterinary Journal, The Vet. J. 198, 625-630 (2013)
Follow-up protein profiles in urine samples during the course of obstructive feline idiopathic cystitis.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 12, 5812–5819 (2013)
Expression changes and novel interaction partners of talin 1 in effector cells of autoimmune uveitis.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Talanta Talanta 118, 45-53 (2013)
Ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolic characterization reveals cerebellum as a disturbed region in two animal models.
2013 Meeting abstract in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 42 (2013)
Proteomic profiling of alveolar epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract.
2013 Meeting abstract in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 42 (2013)
Identification of biomarkers for early diagnosis in BPD.
2013 Meeting abstract in Bone Marrow Transplantation Bone Marrow Transplant. 48, S74-S75 (2013)
Immunoproteomic identification of naturally presented epitopes presented on primary myeloid leukaemia cells and their potential as targets for T-cell receptor gene modified donor lymphocyte infusions.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 12, 5656-5665 (2013)
Identification of autoantigens in body fluids by combining pull-downs and organic precipitations of intact immune complexes with quantitative label-free mass spectrometry.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Diabetologia Diabetologia 57, 192-203 (2013)
Retinal proteome alterations in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 8:e70011 (2013)
Galectin-3 induces clustering of CD147 and integrin-β1 transmembrane glycoprotein receptors on the RPE cell surface.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Neuroscience Neuroscience 246, 59-72 (2013)
Osteopontin inhibits osmotic swelling of retinal glial (Müller) cells by inducing release of VEGF.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 52, 451-461 (2013)
Long-term effects of acute low-dose ionizing radiation on the neonatal mouse heart: A proteomic study.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nanotechnology Nanotechnol. 24:265103 (2013)
Serum protein identification and quantification of the corona of 5, 15 and 80 nm gold nanoparticles.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Vision Mol. Vis. 19, 904-916 (2013)
Phenotypic map of porcine retinal ganglion cells.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Pathology, The J. Pathol. 230, 410-419 (2013)
Clinical response to chemotherapy in oesophageal adenocarcinoma patients is linked to defects in mitochondria.
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in BMC Veterinary Research BMC Vet. Res. 9:18 (2013)
Bovine neonatal pancytopenia - comparative proteomic characterization of two BVD vaccines and the producer cell surface proteome (MDBK).
2013 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 12, 1331-1343 (2013)
Apoe, Mbl2 and Psp plasma protein levels correlate with diabetic phenotype in NZO mice - an optimized rapid workflow for SRM-based quantification.
2012Vortrag: International Symposium on Climate Change and Human Activities: Coastal Consequences and Responses, 28 - 31 October 2012, Shanghai (2012)
Characterization of dissolved organic matter during and after cyanobacterium (Microcystis aeruginosa) bloom in Taihu Lake, China.
In: Suhre, K.* [Eds.]: Genetics Meets Metabolomics: From Experiment to Systems Biology. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. 57-71
Ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry based non-targeted microbial metabolomics.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 7:e51391 (2012)
Novel potential interacting partners of fibronectin in spontaneous animal model of interstitial cystitis.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 7:e50929 (2012)
Retinal glycoprotein enrichment by concanavalin A enabled identification of novel membrane autoantigen synaptotagmin-1 in equine recurrent uveitis.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 11, 5748-5762 (2012)
Variability of protein and phosphoprotein levels in clinical tissue specimens during the preanalytical phase.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 13, 14053-14072 (2012)
Profound re-organization of cell surface proteome in equine retinal pigment epithelial cells in response to in vitro culturing.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Pathology, The J. Pathol. 228, 459-470 (2012)
Tissue-based proteomics reveals FXYD3, S100A11 and GSTM3 as novel markers for regional lymph node metastasis in colon cancer.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Veterinary Ophthalmology Vet. Ophthalmol. 15, 57-64 (2012)
Miscellaneous vitreous-derived IgM antibodies target numerous retinal proteins in equine recurrent uveitis.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Analytical Chemistry Anal. Chem. 84, 8853-8862 (2012)
Two-dimensional peptide separation improving sensitivity of selected reaction monitoring-based quantitative proteomics in mouse liver tissue: Comparing off-gel electrophoresis and strong cation exchange chromatography.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 75, 4536-4544 (2012)
Altered expression of talin 1 in peripheral immune cells points to a significant role of the innate immune system in spontaneous autoimmune uveitis.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 75, 4545-4554 (2012)
Label-free LC-MSMS analysis of vitreous from autoimmune uveitis reveals a significant decrease in secreted Wnt signalling inhibitors DKK3 and SFRP2.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 7:e39860 (2012)
MassTRIX reloaded: Combined analysis and visualization of transcriptome and metabolome data.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 53, 294-300 (2012)
Vitreal IgM autoantibodies target neurofilament medium in a spontaneous model of autoimmune uveitis.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 12, 1902-1911 (2012)
Direct comparison of MS-based label-free and SILAC quantitative proteome profiling strategies in primary retinal Müller cells.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteomics J. Proteomics 75, 2384-2395 (2012)
Label-free protein profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) heart tissue reveals immediate mitochondrial impairment after ionising radiation.
2012 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 96, 260-269 (2012)
Isolation, characterization and establishment of an equine retinal glial cell line: A prerequisite to investigate the physiological function of Müller cells in the retina.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 6:e27674 (2011)
Osteopontin and fibronectin levels are decreased in vitreous of autoimmune uveitis and retinal expression of both proteins indicates ECM re-modeling.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in American Journal of Veterinary Research Am. J. Vet. Res. 72, 1407-1415 (2011)
Comparison of urine protein profiles in cats without urinary tract disease and cats with idiopathic cystitis, bacterial urinary tract infection, or urolithiasis.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52, 5941-5954 (2011)
Current prospects in optic nerve protection and regeneration: Sixth ARVO/Pfizer Ophthalmics Research Institute conference.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 59, 697-707 (2011)
Differential expression of inwardly rectifying K+ channels and aquaporins 4 and 5 in autoimmune uveitis indicates misbalance in Müller glial cell-dependent ion and water homeostasis.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52, 2314-2320 (2011)
Changes in matrix metalloproteinase network in a spontaneous autoimmune uveitis model.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 59, 821-832 (2011)
GDNF-induced osteopontin from Müller glial cells promotes photoreceptor survival in the Pde6brd1 mouse model of retinal degeneration.
2011 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in BJU International BJU Int. 107, 670-677 (2011)
Decrease of Trefoil factor 2 in cats with feline idiopathic cystitis.
2010 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Immunobiology : Experimental and Clinical Immunobiology 215, 949-955 (2010)
Complement factor B expression profile in a spontaneous uveitis model.
2010 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in AIDS Aids 24, 2433-2442 (2010)
Control of HIV replication in astrocytes by a family of highly conserved host proteins with a common Rev-interacting domain (Risp).
2010 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 9, 2292-2305 (2010)
Deciphering membrane-associated molecular processes in target tissue of autoimmune uveitis by label-free quantitative mass spectrometry.
2010 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 51, 375-382 (2010)
Kininogen in autoimmune uveitis: Decrease in peripheral blood stream versus increase in target tissue.
2010 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 51, 79-88 (2010)
ARMS2 is a constituent of the extracellular matrix providing a link between familial and sporadic age-related macular degenerations.
2009 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 8, (Sp. Iss. SI), 992-998 (2009)
Serum PEDF levels are decreased in a spontaneous animal model for human autoimmune uveitis.
2009 Editorial in Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología Arch. Soc. Esp. Oftalmol. 84, 423-425 (2009)
Müller-cell-derived neurotrophic factors. A road to neuroprotective therapy in the retina.
2009 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neurochemistry J. Neurochem. 108, 796-810 (2009)
PKG activity causes photoreceptor cell death in two retinitis pigmentosa models.
2009 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Parasites and Vectors Parasit. Vectors 2:6 (2009)
Protein expression profile of Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae causing horse gastric myiasis and characterization of horse immune reaction.
2009 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Biological Chemistry, The J. Biol. Chem. 284, 33384-33391 (2009)
Identification of a heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein-recognition region in the HIV Rev protein.
2009Vortrag: 34th Annual Meeting on Retroviruses in CSHL, 17th May 2009, CSHL, NY, USA. (2009)
A novel family of host cell factors that control hiv production by targeting rev.
2008 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 124, 177-183 (2008)
Neuron-specific enolase antibodies in patients with sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome.
2008 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 7, 1349-1361 (2008)
Identification of paracrine neuroprotective candidate proteins by a functional assay-driven proteomics approach.
2008 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Ophthalmic Research Ophthalmic Res. 40, 151-153 (2008)
Equine recurrent uveitis: A spontaneous horse model of uveitis.
2008 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Electrophoresis Electrophoresis 29, 1325-1332 (2008)
Discovering novel targets for autoantibodies in dilated cardiomyopathy.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Clinical and Developmental Immunology Clin. Dev. Immunol. 2007:39245 (2007)
CRALBP is a highly prevalent autoantigen for human autoimmune uveitis.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neuroscience J. Neurosci. 27, 10311-10319 (2007)
Excessive activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase contributes to inherited photoreceptor degeneration in the retinal degeneration 1 mouse.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular Immunology Mol. Immunol. 44, 3291-3296 (2007)
Major retinal autoantigens remain stably expressed during all stages of spontaneous uveitis.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 55, 1061-1073 (2007)
Membrane-initiated effects of progesterone on calcium dependent signaling and activation of VEGF gene expression in retinal glial cells.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 7, 1540-1548 (2007)
Down-regulation of pigment epithelium-derived factor in uveitic lesion associates with focal vascular endothelial growth factor expression and breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier.
2007 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 6, 2121-2131 (2007)
Retinal Mueller Glial Cells Trigger the Hallmark Inflammatory Process in Autoimmune Uveitis.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia Anat. Histol. Embryol. 35, 412-415 (2006)
Defining cytochemical markers for different cell types in the equine retina.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 5, 2185-2200 (2006)
Differential analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria by free flow electrophoresis.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 5, 1462-1470 (2006)
Identification and functional validation of novel autoantigens in equine uveitis.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 5, 324-336 (2006)
Differential modification of phosducin protein in degenerating rd1 retina is associated with constitutively active Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II in rod outer segments.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Molecular and Cellular Biology Mol. Cell. Biol. 26, 2746-2757 (2006)
GDNF family ligands trigger indirect neuroprotective signaling in retinal glial cells.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Neurochemistry J. Neurochem. 96, 802-814 (2006)
Calpain is activated in degenerating photoreceptors in the rd1 mouse.
2006 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 5, 862-878 (2006)
Differential protein profiling of primary versus immortalized human RPE cells identifies expression patterns associated with cytoskeletal remodeling and cell survival.
2005 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Proteomics Proteomics 5, 3623-3636 (2005)
Proteomic analysis of the porcine interphotoreceptor matrix.
2003 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Glia Glia 44, 251-263 (2003)
Proteomic profiling of primary retinal müller glia cells reveals a shift in expression patterns upon adaption to in vitro conditions.
2003 Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44, 3629-3641 (2003)