Extracellular matrix profiling
Proteomics ServiceQuantification of alterations in abundance and modifications of ECM proteins.
Quantification of alterations in abundance and modifications of ECM proteins.
The extracellular matrix is a highly complex 3D network of macromolecules and minerals, providing structural and biochemical support to surrounding cells. Abnormal remodeling has been described in a variety of diseases, e.g. fibrosis, cancer and osteoarthritis. In standard mass spectrometric sample preparation workflows ECM proteins are often underrepresented due to a rather inefficient solubilisation prior to tryptic digest. The employed enrichment and proteolysis protocol allows for efficient identification and quantification of a variety of ECM proteins; including information on collagen chain stoichiometries and collagen modification (in collaboration with Claudia Staab-Weijnitz (CPC) and Roberto Vanacore (Vanderbilt University)).