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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - New AI Applications in Medicine
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Olink® Technologies

Helmholtz Munich hosts the first Core Facility for Olink® technology in Germany. Since 2018, we are continuously expanding our portfolio in line with the market release of Olink products. We are proudly an official Olink® Certified Service Provider for the following Olink platforms: Olink® Explore HT, Olink® Explore 384/3072, Olink® Target, Olink® Focus, Olink® Flex.

With more than 70,000 samples measured over the last 6 years, we confidently offer the highest quality service. We offer a comprehensive service from initial consultation through to data analysis, all within a collaborative research framework that enables cost-effective and affordable projects for academic institutions. We are also pleased to offer more specialized services such as sample randomization and multi-batch bridging.
The tabs below give more detailed information on available Olink® formats and the technology.

To book this service please use iLab Core Management system.

Helmholtz Munich hosts the first Core Facility for Olink® technology in Germany. Since 2018, we are continuously expanding our portfolio in line with the market release of Olink products. We are proudly an official Olink® Certified Service Provider for the following Olink platforms: Olink® Explore HT, Olink® Explore 384/3072, Olink® Target, Olink® Focus, Olink® Flex.

With more than 70,000 samples measured over the last 6 years, we confidently offer the highest quality service. We offer a comprehensive service from initial consultation through to data analysis, all within a collaborative research framework that enables cost-effective and affordable projects for academic institutions. We are also pleased to offer more specialized services such as sample randomization and multi-batch bridging.
The tabs below give more detailed information on available Olink® formats and the technology.

To book this service please use iLab Core Management system.

We are proudly an official Olink® Certified Service Provider

We are proudly an official Olink® Certified Service Provider for the following Olink platforms: Olink® Explore HT, Olink® Explore 384/3072, Olink® Target, Olink® Focus, Olink® Flex.

How does the technology work?

Considered as a next-gen proteomics platform, Olink technology enables highest throughput and specificity (Figure 1). Its consistent and reliable results have made it widely recognized and extensively cited in various research fields for protein profiling and biomarker development.

Olink® PEA technology is based on dual recognition of each protein target by a pair of highly specific, oligonucleotide-linked, antibodies creating a unique template for subsequent detection by q-PCR (Olink®Target) or NGS readout in the latest breakthrough format (Olink®Explore).


Key features of Olink proteomics

  •  Exceptional specificity and sensitivity
  • Very low sample volume requirements
  •  Low CVs
  • High throughput protein analysis

Supported Olink® platforms

We are experts in generating high-quality data using all Olink® proteomic plat­forms. To explore how this versatile assay can advance your research, please contact us or visit the Olink website.

Olink Platform

Library size

(# proteins)

# Proteins measured at one time


# Panels

Sample consumption per panel



Olink Explore HT




2 µL


Olink Explore 384/3072




1 µL


Olink Target 96



15 (+MOUSE)

1 µL


Olink Target 48



2 (+MOUSE)

1 µL


Olink Flex


15 - 21


1 µL

Relative & absolute

Olink Focus


Up to 21


1 µL

Relative or absolute


High throughput solutions for protein biomarker discovery

Olink Explore HT enables the measurement of 5400+ human proteins simultaneously, encompassing all major biological pathways and spanning 10 logs of protein concentrations. It can analyze up to 344 samples at once, using just (nominally) 2 µL of sample. Results are reported in relative quantification (NPX), allowing for comprehensive and precise analysis of protein expression levels.

Olink Explore 3072 measures ~3000 human proteins representing all major biological pathways in the Reactome database. Consuming only (nominally) 6 µL of sample, it can concurrently analyze as many as 352 samples across 10 orders of magnitude in protein concentrations. Results are reported in relative quantification (NPX), enabling a straightforward comparison of fold changes in protein expression levels between samples.


Targeted protein panels for focused areas of research 

Olink Explore 384 encompasses eight, non-overlapping panels for analyzing specific proteins related to cardiometabolism, inflammation, neurology, or oncology, providing a flexible and efficient solution for targeted investigations.Each panelmeasures ~370 human proteins across a maximum of 352 samples, all while using just (nominally) 1 µL of sample. Results are reported in relative quantification (NPX), facilitating precise comparison of protein expression levels.

Olink Target 96 measures up to 92 proteins across 88 samples simultaneously, utilizing only (nominally) 1 µL per sample. The data are reported in relative quantification (NPX), providing valuable insights into protein expression levels. Olink Target 96includes 15 panels that have been thoughtfully designed to minimize overlap (detailed information can be found here). This means that you have the flexibility to select and combine multiple panels, further expanding your proteome coverage for a more comprehensive analysis.


Inflammatory assay for cytokine studies and inflammation-related diseases

Olink Target 48 Cytokine & Immune Surveillance conveniently analyzes 89 human proteins associated with inflammation, allowing you to gain valuable insights into the complex mechanisms involved in cytokine signaling and inflammatory responses. The proteins are measured simultaneously across 40 samples, utilizing only 1 µL per sample. The results obtained through this ready-to-use panel are reported in absolute quantification (pg/mL), providing you with precise measurements of protein levels.

Olink Target 48 Mouse Cytokine enables measurement of 43 proteins associated with inflammation, immune response and immuno-oncology for a comprehensive view of the murine immune system. The proteins are measured simultaneously across 40 samples, utilizing only 1 µL per sample. The results obtained through this ready-to-use panel are reported in absolute quantification (pg/mL), providing you with precise measurements of protein levels. The minimal sample volume is a breakthrough in disease modelling, allowing repeated biomarker analysis from the same mouse in longitudinal studies.


Mix-&-match assay for tailored, flexible results

Olink Flex gives you the freedom to customize and create a made-to-order assay capable of measuring up to 21 human proteins concurrently across 40 samples. Protein targets can be selected and combined from a library of approximately 200 inflammation-related human proteins with an impressive 99% combinability. Moreover, only 1 µL per sample is required per Olink Flex panel, with results reported in both absolute quantification (pg/mL) and relative quantification (NPX). You have two options to build your Olink Flex assay. Firstly, you can create a customized assay from scratch, tailoring it to your specific research requirements, with a free and convenient panel builder in Olink® Insight. Alternatively, you can choose from carefully curated template panels for cytokine storm, immuno-oncology, or interferon stimulation, providing you with a ready-made solution for targeted investigations.


Custom-made assay for biomarker validation & beyond

Olink Focus provides you with the flexibility to select and combine up to 21 proteins from a comprehensive library of approximately 3000 human proteins. In a single assay, you can analyze 144 or 160 samples simultaneously with only 1 µL per sample, allowing for efficient and streamlined experimentation with minimum sample consumption. Olink Focus is tailored to meet your research requirements. Data can be reported in either absolute quantification (pg/mL) or relative quantification (NPX), and the level of validation can be customized to meet your specific needs. To get started, the minimum order consists of a panel that empowers the analysis of up to 21 proteins for 1000 samples. Experts will guide you in designing your Olink Focus panel, guaranteeing optimal outcomes. Once the order is placed, the development of the panel will be completed in less than six months.

Our Contact

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - New AI Applications in Medicine

Olink Platform Core Facility Metabolomics and Proteomics

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Gebäude 25