Data Analysis Café
Bring your laptop, bring your questions, bring your cup!
Core Facility Statistical Consulting and the Bioinformatics Platform of the Genomics Core Facility offer the Data Analysis Café. It is an open format for statistical consulting. Here, employees of Helmholtz Munich have the opportunity to exchange ideas with experienced statisticians and bioinformaticians. They offer their help with data problems, the correct application of statistical methods or questions about the analysis code.
Core Facility Statistical Consulting and the Bioinformatics Platform of the Genomics Core Facility offer the Data Analysis Café. It is an open format for statistical consulting. Here, employees of Helmholtz Munich have the opportunity to exchange ideas with experienced statisticians and bioinformaticians. They offer their help with data problems, the correct application of statistical methods or questions about the analysis code.
The next dates for the Data Analysis Café are:
13th February 2025: 11 am to 12 noon
18th of March 2025: 11 am to 12 noon
Online (Link will be provided with registration e-mail)
The Data Analysis Café is offered to all employees of the Helmholtz Munich and is free of charge.
Each participant has 15 minutes to discuss their question with a bioinformatician or a statistician. If you are interested in participating, please book a time slot here.
Please describe in one or two sentences what your question is about. This will help us to better assign you to the appropriate team members. Due to the online format, we have to keep the time slots strictly to ensure that each participant gets a turn.
Please prepare your questions accurately. If you need help with programming or have coding questions, make sure to have everything ready to demonstrate.
- My code is not running; can you help me?
- I have problems with importing my data
- Which statistical test do I have to use?
- How can I visualize my results?
- How to interpret the p-value?
- How should I deal with multiple testing?
- How can I convert files between different formats?
- How do I interpret a differential expression analysis?
The general idea of the Data Analysis Café is to answer questions within a few minutes.
Other formats of the Statistical Consulting can be found here.