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Whistleblower System, Hinweisgebersystem
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Whistleblowing System

As a public company, we have always positioned ourselves clearly in favour of legally compliant action, because only this ensures sustainable success for all of us. This is of particular concern to us.

We provide the possibility to report violations as quickly, easily and, above all, securely and anonymously as possible via an anonymous whistleblower solution from the company “LegalTegrity”. This also includes complaints regarding possible risks or violations in the context of responsibility for our supply chain.

Regardless of this, we would like to assure you that we always aim to create a trusting environment in which things can be discussed openly. Therefore, we see the whistleblower system as a last resort and would like to remind you that the whistleblower system does not serve the purpose of replacing the already existing communication channels of Helmholtz Munich , but is only an additional possibility to submit information.

You also have the option of using external reporting procedures, although you should prefer internal reporting if effective action can be taken against the violation internally. Information on external reporting procedures can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ).

These external reporting offices will approach you with an acknowledgement of receipt and point out the possibility of reporting to our internal reporting office. If, after examining your report, the external reporting office comes to the conclusion that it falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act and that the allegation is valid, then they can contact our company to clarify the facts. If the external reporting office is not competent or if the external reporting office cannot investigate the reported violation within a reasonable period of time, it will pass it on to the competent prosecution authorities. Minor violations are often not prosecuted by the authorities.

In order to be able to uncover misconduct quickly and to stop a violation immediately, we therefore ask you to use our Internal Reporting Office as a matter of priority. This will help your colleagues and the company.

As a public company, we have always positioned ourselves clearly in favour of legally compliant action, because only this ensures sustainable success for all of us. This is of particular concern to us.

We provide the possibility to report violations within the company as quickly, easily and, above all, securely and anonymously as possible via an anonymous whistleblower solution from the company “LegalTegrity”.

Regardless of this, we would like to assure you that we always aim to create a trusting environment in which things can be discussed openly. Therefore, we see the whistleblower system as a last resort and would like to remind you that the whistleblower system does not serve the purpose of replacing the already existing communication channels of Helmholtz Munich , but is only an additional possibility to submit information.

You also have the option of using external reporting procedures, although you should prefer internal reporting if effective action can be taken against the violation internally. Information on external reporting procedures can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ).

These external reporting offices will approach you with an acknowledgement of receipt and point out the possibility of reporting to our internal reporting office. If, after examining your report, the external reporting office comes to the conclusion that it falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act and that the allegation is valid, then they can contact our company to clarify the facts. If the external reporting office is not competent or if the external reporting office cannot investigate the reported violation within a reasonable period of time, it will pass it on to the competent prosecution authorities. Minor violations are often not prosecuted by the authorities.

In order to be able to uncover misconduct quickly and to stop a violation immediately, we therefore ask you to use our Internal Reporting Office as a matter of priority. This will help your colleagues and the company.

Helmholtz Munich provides the following Complaints Offices:

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User guide:

Exclusively for whistleblowing purposes, Helmholtz Munich has set up a telephone hotline and web solution together with “LegalTegrity” where all employees, business partners (e.g. service providers, suppliers, etc.) in particular can openly report company-related legal violations or human rights and environmental risks by name, but also anonymously. 
Phone number: +4969 99998839 (Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm)

Every hint is carefully followed up. 

The whistleblower system can be used by all employees and trainees of Helmholtz Munich. In addition, the whistleblower system is available to guests, temporary workers as well as freelance employees and external people, especially business partners (e.g. cooperation partners, suppliers).

(1) Reports of questionable, unusual accounting, auditing, banking and other monetary practices, which may significantly affect the interests of the Helmholtz Munich and may directly or indirectly lead to damage or other detriment to Helmholtz Munich, its relatives or third parties.

(2) Reporting matters related to internal accounting controls, corrupt practices and financial crimes.

(3) Other grievances at Helmholtz Munich or other violations of internal guidelines (e.g. Code of Conduct against Corruption) and in particular criminal law regulations.

(4) Hints on human rights or environmental risks and violations of human rights or environmental obligations in Helmholtz Munich's own business area and along the supply chain.

(5) The whistleblower system is not intended to replace existing complaints offices, but to complement them and be ultima ratio.

After receipt of a hint via the whistleblower system the system notifies the hint recipient, an external lawyer, about the receipt of the message. The hint recipient will notify the Compliance Officer of the receipt of the report. The notification will first be processed by the external lawyer, who, after checking the notification, will make an initial assessment and procedure recommendation to the investigation team. The investigation team checks the processed message and procedure recommendation and remains in charge of the hint processing. If a particular complaint office or authorized representative (e.g. commission for questions of good scientific practice) already exists or has been appointed at the Helmholtz Munich, the whistleblower will be recommended by the Hint recipient to the responsible complaint office or authorized representative.  A referral to the responsible complaints office or representative is only not made if the complaint office or authorized representative is affected by the information itself.

If necessary, the investigation team can be called in for support.

Permanent members of the investigation team are:

    the Compliance Officer, Dr. Nikolaus Ukert
    the Head of the Internal Audit Department, Sonja Opitz
    the Head of the Corporate Legal, Compliance & Audit Department, Andrea Oepen
    the Head of the Legal Affairs Department, Karina Blasius
    the in-house lawyer of the Human Resources Department, Bianca Willibald

In cases where the report is against the permanent members of the investigation team, the hint recipient (external lawyer) has to directly notify at least one member of the management. If the report is directed against one of the members of the management, the other permanent member of the the management has to be informed. In the event that the report is against the entire management the chairperson of the supervisory board is to be informed directly by the investigation team.

Helmholtz Munich wants to encourage openness and will support whistleblowers even if the information later turns out to be unfounded. Whistleblowers should not have to fear discrimination because they have reported violations.

Anyone who believes they have been wronged should immediately inform the manager responsible for detecting misconduct. If the matter is still not resolved, a formal complaint must be filed

Whistleblowers must not be threatened or subjected to any form of reprisal.
Anyone involved in such a procedure must expect action under labour law. In certain cases, whistleblowers also have the right to sue for damages at an employment tribunal.

Conversely, should Helmholtz Munich determine that whistleblowers have deliberately made false accusations the whistleblowers must expect action under labour law. Whistleblowers who knowingly provide false or misleading information are not under any protection. This may lead to disclosure of the identity of the whistleblower(s) (if the whistleblower(s) disclosed their identity during reporting) as well as disciplinary action or even civil or criminal liability.

The whistleblower will receive feedback within seven days that a report has been received.
Within three months, the whistleblower will receive information about the measures taken, the status of the internal investigations and their results. However, the time frame can be extended to six months if this is required by the special circumstances of the case, in particular if the nature and the complexity of the subject matter of the notification entail a lengthy investigation. 

Compliance and anti-corruption officer Julia Mühlenberg will continue to be available at any time to answer questions about the whistleblower system, the topic of compliance and anti-corruption at