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Icons, Gesundheit
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Core Facilities Head Office

At Helmholtz Munich eight core facilities support and enable more than 1500 scientists working together to discover personalized medical solutions for environmentally triggered diseases. We use the iLab Core Management system to book services by internal and external users. 

At Helmholtz Munich eight core facilities support and enable more than 1500 scientists working together to discover personalized medical solutions for environmentally triggered diseases. We use the ilab Core Management system to book services by internal and external users. 

Core Facilities Head Office

Core Facilities provide a centralized infrastructure for fast, convenient and affordable access to state-of–the-art technologies and services. They are operated by highly skilled staff with the expertise and skills needed to maximize their utility. Continuous method development within the CFs keeps them at the cutting edge of science. Our services are open to internal and external academic and industry users on a fee-for-service basis.

Research platforms democratize expensive and complex technologies so scientists can solve challenging problems quicker. By offering a flexible ‘end-to-end’ service, from experimental design to data analysis, cores support every step of the way. Cross-platform workflows enable state-of-the-art multi-omics approaches bringing together technical expertise from several specialties. Cores are an essential source and repository for techniques, methods and training and furthermore a great exchange forum bringing together scientists across disciplines.

Helmholtz Munich is dedicated to continuous investment in its core facilities, guided and driven by science. Expert steering committees consult us on scientific and technology-driven investment and service development, with the Core Facility Advisory Board responsible for overall strategy integration.

The Core Facility Head office supports the seamless function and administration of all cores. Together we are engaged in keeping our services within strategic focus and at the cutting edge of science.

Our Contact

Icons, Gesundheit

Core Facilities Head Office

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Building 31, Room 301-304