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Microscopic View of Cellular Sorting via Flow Cytometry
Bos Amico - / KI generiert

Core Facility Flow Cytometry

Core Facility Flow Cytometry (CF-FLOW) provides state of the art infrastructure, expert support and service for a wide range of cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry applications. Our high- end cytometers allow measuring up to 30 parameters while our spatial biology solution can unravel hundreds of protein-and RNA markers on tissue sections.
To keep the facility at the cutting edge of science we continuously develop and implement new methods, also for cross-platform workflows with other Helmholtz Munich cores, and we are open to test new technological developments. We offer comprehensive support including experimental design, troubleshooting and data analysis and are open to internal and external customers. A complimentary portfolio of basic and advanced training courses and support with grants and publications help our users in achieving their goals.

We use the iLab Core Management system to book services by internal and external users.

Core Facility Flow Cytometry (CF-FLOW) provides state of the art infrastructure, expert support and service for a wide range of cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry applications. Our high- end cytometers allow measuring up to 30 parameters while our spatial biology solution can unravel hundreds of protein-and RNA markers on tissue sections.
To keep the facility at the cutting edge of science we continuously develop and implement new methods, also for cross-platform workflows with other Helmholtz Munich cores, and we are open to test new technological developments. We offer comprehensive support including experimental design, troubleshooting and data analysis and are open to internal and external customers. A complimentary portfolio of basic and advanced training courses and support with grants and publications help our users in achieving their goals.

We use the iLab Core Management system to book services by internal and external users.

Useful Links and Resources

Below are just a few of many more links for a general introduction to flow cytometry:

An introduction to flow cytometry by M. Ormerod (

BD Biosciences Introduction to Flow cytometry (self-paced modules)

BD Biosciences Multicolor Flow Cytometry tools

BD Biosciences Seminar series “Understanding the immune system” (registration required, especially good for high parameter multicolor flow cytometry)

Biolegend WebTools for Flow Cytometry

Biorad Flow Cytometry explained

ThermoFisher Flow cytometry Learning Center

FlowJo tutorials and webinars

Expert Bio/The cheeky Scientist (Blog)

BiteSize Bio/Flow Cytometry (Blog)


Our Contact

Microscopic View of Cellular Sorting via Flow Cytometry

Core Facility Flow Cytometry

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Building 35.34, Room 2085/2086