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Healthy Human Lungs 2d illustration
jijomathai -

Strobl Lab

B cell development and activation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common causes of death in industrialized countries. In recent years, it has become clear that B lymphocytes play an important role in the development of the disease. With a large background of basic research on the development and activation of B cells, we would now like to contribute to a better understanding of the role of these cells in the development of COPD. Ultimately, we want to open new therapeutic options.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common causes of death in industrialized countries. In recent years, it has become clear that B lymphocytes play an important role in the development of the disease. With a large background of basic research on the development and activation of B cells, we would now like to contribute to a better understanding of the role of these cells in the development of COPD. Ultimately, we want to open new therapeutic options.

Our Research

Within the last two decades our lab established a series of conditional mouse models (Notch2-KO, Notch2-KI, LMP1/CD40, CD40/LMP, LMP1/CD30, CD30-KI, CD30-KO) to learn more about the role of important transmembrane receptors in the development, activation, and pathological changes of B lymphocytes. We have shown that B cell specific expression of constitutive active forms of CD40 (LMP1/CD40) and CD30 (LMP1/CD30) leads to lymphomagenesis. Another recent milestone was the discovery of plasticity between mature B cell subpopulations. We are now planning to use our conditional mouse models in the analysis of pathological entities of the lung.

Our conditional mouse models are based on the Cre/lox technology that has been established for more than 20 years and allows cell specific activation or inactivation of selected target genes. Our work is mainly based on the examination of single cells by FACS analysis, fluorescence microscopy of histological sections and RNAseq analyses.

Picture left: lung tissue with iBALT formation (aggregated B- and T-cells)

Scientists at Strobl Lab


Lothar J. Strobl

Group Leader

Ursula Rambold

PhD Student

Claas Tapken

PhD Student

Ursula Zimber-Strobl

Senior Scientist


2024, Scientific Article in Cellular & Molecular Immunology

CD30 influences germinal center B-cell dynamics and the expansion of IgG1-switched B cells.

Initially, identified as a Hodgkin lymphoma marker, CD30 was subsequently detected on a subset of human B cells within and around germinal centers (GCs). While CD30 expression is typically restricted to a few B cells, expansion of CD30-expressing B cells occurs in certain immune disorders and during viral infections. The role of CD30 in B cells remains largely unclear. To address this gap in knowledge, we established a conditional CD30-knockin mouse strain. In these mice, B-cell-specific CD30 expression led to a normal B-cell phenotype in young mice, but most aged mice exhibited significant expansion of B cells, T cells and myeloid cells and increased percentages of GC B cells and IgG1-switched cells. This may be driven by the expansion of CD4+ senescence-associated T cells and T follicular helper cells, which partially express CD30-L (CD153) and may stimulate CD30-expressing B cells. Inducing CD30 expression in antigen-activated B cells accelerates the GC reaction and augments plasma cell differentiation, possibly through the posttranscriptional upregulation of CXCR4. Furthermore, CD30 expression in GC B cells promoted the expansion of IgG1-switched cells, which displayed either a GC or memory-like B-cell phenotype, with abnormally high IgG1 levels compared with those in controls. These findings shed light on the role of CD30 signaling in GC B cells and suggest that elevated CD30+ B-cell numbers lead to pathological lymphocyte activation and proliferation.

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2024, Scientific Article in Nature Communications

Notch2 controls developmental fate choices between germinal center and marginal zone B cells upon immunization.

Sustained Notch2 signals induce trans-differentiation of Follicular B (FoB) cells into Marginal Zone B (MZB) cells in mice, but the physiology underlying this differentiation pathway is still elusive. Here, we demonstrate that most B cells receive a basal Notch signal, which is intensified in pre-MZB and MZB cells. Ablation or constitutive activation of Notch2 upon T-cell-dependent immunization reveals an interplay between antigen-induced activation and Notch2 signaling, in which FoB cells that turn off Notch2 signaling enter germinal centers (GC), while high Notch2 signaling leads to generation of MZB cells or to initiation of plasmablast differentiation. Notch2 signaling is dispensable for GC dynamics but appears to be re-induced in some centrocytes to govern expansion of IgG1+ GCB cells. Mathematical modelling suggests that antigen-activated FoB cells make a Notch2 dependent binary fate-decision to differentiate into either GCB or MZB cells. This bifurcation might serve as a mechanism to archive antigen-specific clones into functionally and spatially diverse B cell states to generate robust antibody and memory responses.

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2023, Scientific Article in Cells

A mouse model to study the pathogenesis of γ-herpesviral infections in germinal center B cells.

CD30-positive germinal center (GC)-derived B cell lymphomas are frequently linked to Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infection. However, a suitable animal model for the investigation of the interplay between γ-herpesvirus and host cells in B cell pathogenesis is currently lacking. Here, we present a novel in vivo model enabling the analysis of genetically modified viruses in combination with genetically modified GC B cells. As a murine γ-herpesvirus, we used MHV-68 closely mirroring the biology of EBV. Our key finding was that Cre-mediated recombination can be successfully induced by an MHV-68 infection in GC B cells from Cγ1-Cre mice allowing for deletion or activation of loxP-flanked cellular genes. The implementation of PrimeFlow RNA assay for MHV-68 demonstrated the enrichment of MHV-68 in GC and isotype-switched B cells. As illustrations of virus and cellular modifications, we inserted the EBV gene LMP2A into the MHV-68 genome and induced constitutively active CD30-signaling in GC B cells through MHV-68 infections, respectively. While the LMP2A-expressing MHV-68 behaved similarly to wildtype MHV-68, virally induced constitutively active CD30-signaling in GC B cells led to the expansion of a pre-plasmablastic population. The findings underscore the potential of our novel tools to address crucial questions about the interaction between herpesviral infections and deregulated cellular gene-expression in future studies.

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2022, Scientific Article in Frontiers in Immunology

RelB contributes to the survival, migration and lymphomagenesis of B cells with constitutively active CD40 signaling.

Activation of CD40-signaling contributes to the initiation, progression and drug resistance of B cell lymphomas. We contributed to this knowledge by showing that constitutive CD40-signaling in B cells induces B cell hyperplasia and finally B cell lymphoma development in transgenic mice. CD40 activates, among others, the non-canonical NF-ĸB signaling, which is constitutively activated in several human B cell lymphomas and is therefore presumed to contribute to lymphopathogenesis. This prompted us to study the regulatory role of the non-canonical NF-ĸB transcription factor RelB in lymphomagenesis. To this end, we crossed mice expressing a constitutively active CD40 receptor in B cells with conditional RelB-KO mice. Ablation of RelB attenuated pre-malignant B cell expansion, and resulted in an impaired survival and activation of long-term CD40-stimulated B cells. Furthermore, we found that hyperactivation of non-canonical NF-кB signaling enhances the retention of B cells in the follicles of secondary lymphoid organs. RNA-Seq-analysis revealed that several genes involved in B-cell migration, survival, proliferation and cytokine signaling govern the transcriptional differences modulated by the ablation of RelB in long-term CD40-stimulated B cells. Inactivation of RelB did not abrogate lymphoma development. However, lymphomas occurred with a lower incidence and had a longer latency period. In summary, our data suggest that RelB, although it is not strictly required for malignant transformation, accelerates the lymphomagenesis of long-term CD40-stimulated B cells by regulating genes involved in migration, survival and cytokine signaling.

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2021, Scientific Article in Molecular Immunology

Context-dependent regulation of immunoglobulin mutagenesis by p53.

p53 plays a major role in genome maintenance. In addition to multiple p53 functions in the control of DNA repair, a regulation of DNA damage bypass via translesion synthesis has been implied in vitro. Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes for affinity maturation of antibody responses is based on aberrant translesion polymerase action and must be subject to stringent control to prevent genetic alterations and lymphomagenesis. When studying the role of p53 in somatic hypermutation in vivo, we found altered translesion polymerase-mediated A:T mutagenesis in mice lacking p53 in all organs, but notably not in mice with B cell-specific p53 inactivation, implying that p53 functions in non-B cells may alter mutagenesis in B cells. During class switch recombination, when p53 prevents formation of chromosomal translocations, we in addition detected a B cell-intrinsic role for p53 in altering G:C and A:T mutagenesis. Thus, p53 regulates translesion polymerase activity and shows differential activity during somatic hypermutation versus class switch recombination in vivo. Finally, p53 inhibition leads to increased somatic hypermutation in human B lymphoma cells. We conclude that loss of p53 function may promote genetic instability via multiple routes during antibody diversification in vivo.

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2021, Scientific Article in Science Signaling

ERK phosphorylation is RAF independent in naïve and activated B cells but RAF dependent in plasma cell differentiation.

Members of the RAF family of serine-threonine kinases are intermediates in the mitogen-activated protein kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK-ERK) signaling pathway, which controls key differentiation processes in B cells. By analyzing mice with B cell-specific deletion of Raf1, Braf, or both, we showed that Raf-1 and B-Raf acted together in mediating the positive selection of pre-B and transitional B cells as well as in initiating plasma cell differentiation. However, genetic or chemical inactivation of RAFs led to increased ERK phosphorylation in mature B cells. ERK activation in the absence of Raf-1 and B-Raf was mediated by multiple RAF-independent pathways, with phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) playing an important role. Furthermore, we found that ERK phosphorylation strongly increased during the transition from activated B cells to pre-plasmablasts. This increase in ERK phosphorylation did not occur in B cells lacking both Raf-1 and B-Raf, which most likely explains the partial block of plasma cell differentiation in mice lacking both RAFs. Collectively, our data indicate that B-Raf and Raf-1 are not necessary to mediate ERK phosphorylation in naïve or activated B cells but are essential for mediating the marked increase in ERK phosphorylation during the transition from activated B cells to pre-plasmablasts.

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2021, Scientific Article in Nature Communications

Notch2-mediated plasticity between marginal zone and follicular B cells.

Follicular B (FoB) and marginal zone B (MZB) cells are functionally and spatially distinct mature B cell populations in the spleen, originating from a Notch2-dependent fate decision after splenic influx of immature transitional B cells. In the B cell follicle, a Notch2-signal is provided by DLL-1-expressing fibroblasts. However, it is unclear whether FoB cells, which are in close contact with these DLL-1 expressing fibroblasts, can also differentiate to MZB cells if they receive a Notch2-signal. Here, we show induced Notch2IC-expression in FoB cells re-programs mature FoB cells into bona fide MZB cells as is evident from the surface phenotype, localization, immunological function and transcriptome of these cells. Furthermore, the lineage conversion from FoB to MZB cells occurs in immunocompetent wildtype mice. These findings demonstrate plasticity between mature FoB and MZB cells that can be driven by a singular signaling event, the activation of Notch2.

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Lothar J. Strobl

Group Leader