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Diabetes Kongress 2022 | 25. Mai - 28. Mai 2022 | Berlin

Stephanie Kullmann Receives the Ferdinand Bertram Award 2022

Awards & Grants, Diabetes, IDM,

Helmholtz Munich scientist Stephanie Kullmann is awarded this year's Ferdinand Bertram Award of the German Diabetes Society (DDG). With this award, the DDG honors her research on the role of central nervous processes in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

In recent years, the award winner has been able to show that the effect of insulin in the human brain plays an important role in peripheral metabolism and eating behavior. Her current research projects focus in particular on the question of whether and how the insulin sensitivity of the brain can be improved. Initial study results show that insulin resistance in the brain can be treated – with positive effects for the metabolism of the entire body.

Stephanie Kullmann is a scientist at the Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases of Helmholtz Munich at the University of Tübingen since 2014, where she leads the group for "Metabolic Neuroimaging". She began her scientific career after completing her bachelor's degree in biology at Lee University in the USA and a subsequent master's degree in "Neuro- and Behavioral Sciences" at the International Max Planck Research School at the University of Tübingen. As a doctoral student, she conducted research at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Tübingen. In 2013, the award winner received her PhD in neuroscience there, and in 2019 she habilitated at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen. Since 2020, Stephanie Kullmann has been a member of the study committees of the Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience of the International Max Planck Research School at the University of Tübingen.

About the award

The Ferdinand Bertram Prize, endowed with 20,000 euros, has been awarded since 1963 in honor of the diabetologist Ferdinand Bertram, who died in 1960, and is donated by Roche Diabetes Care Deutschland GmbH.