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Helmholtz Munich

Burgstaller Lab

Immunotherapeutic Technologies

In the group of Immunotherapeutic Technologies we have a strong focus on establishing and applying advanced tools leading to the discovery and development of novel therapeutics, and thereby efficiently tackling chronic lung diseases.

In the group of Immunotherapeutic Technologies we have a strong focus on establishing and applying advanced tools leading to the discovery and development of novel therapeutics, and thereby efficiently tackling chronic lung diseases.

About our Research

In the group of Immunotherapeutic Technologies we have a strong focus on establishing and applying advanced tools leading to the discovery and development of novel therapeutics, and thereby efficiently tackling chronic lung diseases. 

Pulmonary fibrosis, and especially Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), is a progressing and finally deadly disease. The underlying pathophysiology is deranged wound-healing due to repetitive injury of the lung parenchyma, tissue scarring and abnormal extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition, largely attributed to (myo)fibroblasts as effector cells. Currently existing pharmacotherapy do not stop disease progression, leaving lung transplantation as the only clinical treatment. Thus, there is a high medical need for novel antifibrotic therapeutics.

Human disease models, drug development and translation

We seek to establish and apply advanced tools which are based on human disease models. With this toolbox we aim to discover and develop novel therapeutics that inhibit progression of fatal fibrotic lung diseases and ultimately secure survival of the patients. Using predictive human disease models already in early preclinical investigations in combination with phenotypic screening strategies, are the driving force for accelerating translation of novel first-in-class small-molecule drugs into the clinic.

Picture left: In-vitro fibrosis model - Lung myofibroblasts in 2D cell culture

New molecular targets and mode-of-action

Downstream of the drug discovery and development pipeline, we aim to understand and investigate the drugs’ mode-of-action, as well as to identify novel molecular targets and signaling pathways.  For all this we work highly multidisciplinary and collaborative. Our toolbox of applied technologies includes assay development, phenotypic high-throughput drug-screening, deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods, imageomics, medicinal chemistry, advanced 3D and 4D imaging techniques, human ex-vivo disease models as precision cut lung slices (PCLS), mouse disease models, lung organoids, bioengineering and system biology approaches.

Scientists at Burgstaller Lab

Clemens Eisenacher

PhD Student
Portrait Joshua Jäger LHI

Joshua Jäger

MD Student

Buse Karakuzulu

PhD Student
Portrait Kevin Merchant LHI

Kevin Merchant

PhD Student
Portrait Marisa Neumann LHI

Marisa Neumann

Technical Assistant (TA)
Porträt Diana Gonzalez

Diana Porras-Gonzalez

PhD Student

Rujula Sharma

Master Student

Lin Shen

PhD Student

Arun Kumar Verma

Porträt Xin Wei LHI

Xin Wei

PhD Student


2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Nature Communications

LungVis 1.0: An automatic AI-powered 3D imaging ecosystem unveils spatial profiling of nanoparticle delivery and acinar migration of lung macrophages.

Targeted (nano-)drug delivery is essential for treating respiratory diseases, which are often confined to distinct lung regions. However, spatio-temporal profiling of drugs or nanoparticles (NPs) and their interactions with lung macrophages remains unresolved. Here, we present LungVis 1.0, an AI-powered imaging ecosystem that integrates light sheet fluorescence microscopy with deep learning-based image analysis pipelines to map NP deposition and dosage holistically and quantitatively across bronchial and alveolar (acinar) regions in murine lungs for widely-used bulk-liquid and aerosol-based delivery methods. We demonstrate that bulk-liquid delivery results in patchy NP distribution with elevated bronchial doses, whereas aerosols achieve uniform deposition reaching distal alveoli. Furthermore, we reveal that lung tissue-resident macrophages (TRMs) are dynamic, actively patrolling and redistributing NPs within alveoli, contesting the conventional paradigm of TRMs as static entities. LungVis 1.0 provides an advanced framework for exploring pulmonary delivery dynamics and deepening insights into TRM-mediated lung immunity.

2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in JCI insight

Fibroblast-derived extracellular vesicles contain SFRP1 and mediate pulmonary fibrosis.

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a lethal chronic lung disease characterized by aberrant intercellular communication, extracellular matrix deposition, and destruction of functional lung tissue. While extracellular vesicles (EVs) accumulate in the IPF lung, their cargo and biological effects remain unclear. We interrogated the proteome of EV and non-EV fractions during pulmonary fibrosis and characterized their contribution to fibrosis. EVs accumulated 14 days after bleomycin challenge, correlating with decreased lung function and initiated fibrogenesis in healthy precision-cut lung slices. Label-free proteomics of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid EVs (BALF-EVs) collected from mice challenged with bleomycin or control identified 107 proteins enriched in fibrotic vesicles. Multiomic analysis revealed fibroblasts as a major cellular source of BALF-EV cargo, which was enriched in secreted frizzled related protein 1 (SFRP1). Sfrp1 deficiency inhibited the activity of fibroblast-derived EVs to potentiate lung fibrosis in vivo. SFRP1 led to increased transitional cell markers, such as keratin 8, and WNT/β-catenin signaling in primary alveolar type 2 cells. SFRP1 was expressed within the IPF lung and localized at the surface of EVs from patient-derived fibroblasts and BALF. Our work reveals altered EV protein cargo in fibrotic EVs promoting fibrogenesis and identifies fibroblast-derived vesicular SFRP1 as a fibrotic mediator and potential therapeutic target for IPF.

2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Thorax

COPD basal cells are primed towards secretory to multiciliated cell imbalance driving increased resilience to environmental stressors.

INTRODUCTION: Environmental pollutants injure the mucociliary elevator, thereby provoking disease progression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Epithelial resilience mechanisms to environmental nanoparticles in health and disease are poorly characterised. METHODS: We delineated the impact of prevalent pollutants such as carbon and zinc oxide nanoparticles, on cellular function and progeny in primary human bronchial epithelial cells (pHBECs) from end-stage COPD (COPD-IV, n=4), early disease (COPD-II, n=3) and pulmonary healthy individuals (n=4). After nanoparticle exposure of pHBECs at air-liquid interface, cell cultures were characterised by functional assays, transcriptome and protein analysis, complemented by single-cell analysis in serial samples of pHBEC cultures focusing on basal cell differentiation. RESULTS: COPD-IV was characterised by a prosecretory phenotype (twofold increase in MUC5AC+) at the expense of the multiciliated epithelium (threefold reduction in Ac-Tub+), resulting in an increased resilience towards particle-induced cell damage (fivefold reduction in transepithelial electrical resistance), as exemplified by environmentally abundant doses of zinc oxide nanoparticles. Exposure of COPD-II cultures to cigarette smoke extract provoked the COPD-IV characteristic, prosecretory phenotype. Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomics revealed an underlying COPD-IV unique basal cell state characterised by a twofold increase in KRT5+ (P=0.018) and LAMB3+ (P=0.050) expression, as well as a significant activation of Wnt-specific (P=0.014) and Notch-specific (P=0.021) genes, especially in precursors of suprabasal and secretory cells. CONCLUSION: We identified COPD stage-specific gene alterations in basal cells that affect the cellular composition of the bronchial elevator and may control disease-specific epithelial resilience mechanisms in response to environmental nanoparticles. The identified phenomena likely inform treatment and prevention strategies.

2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Respiratory Journal

Sfrp1 inhibits lung fibroblast invasion during transition to injury induced myofibroblasts.

BACKGROUND: Fibroblast to myofibroblast conversion is a major driver of tissue remodeling in organ fibrosis. Distinct lineages of fibroblasts support homeostatic tissue niche functions, yet, their specific activation states and phenotypic trajectories during injury and repair have remained unclear. METHODS: We combined spatial transcriptomics, multiplexed immunostainings, longitudinal single-cell RNA-seq and genetic lineage tracing to study fibroblast fates during mouse lung regeneration. Our findings were validated in IPF patient tissues in situ as well as in cell differentiation and invasion assays using patient lung fibroblasts. Cell differentiation and invasion assays established a function of SFRP1 in regulating human lung fibroblast invasion in response to TGFβ1. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We discovered a transitional fibroblast state characterized by high Sfrp1 expression, derived from both Tcf21-Cre lineage positive and negative cells. Sfrp1+ cells appeared early after injury in peribronchiolar, adventitial and alveolar locations and preceded the emergence of myofibroblasts. We identified lineage specific paracrine signals and inferred converging transcriptional trajectories towards Sfrp1+ transitional fibroblasts and Cthrc1+ myofibroblasts. TGFβ1 downregulated SFRP1 in non-invasive transitional cells and induced their switch to an invasive CTHRC1+ myofibroblast identity. Finally, using loss of function studies we showed that SFRP1 modulates TGFβ1 induced fibroblast invasion and RHOA pathway activity. CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals the convergence of spatially and transcriptionally distinct fibroblast lineages into transcriptionally uniform myofibroblasts and identifies SFRP1 as a modulator of TGFβ1 driven fibroblast phenotypes in fibrogenesis. These findings are relevant in the context of therapeutic interventions that aim at limiting or reversing fibroblast foci formation.

2023, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Science Translational Medicine

Ex vivo tissue perturbations coupled to single-cell RNA-seq reveal multilineage cell circuit dynamics in human lung fibrogenesis.

Pulmonary fibrosis develops as a consequence of failed regeneration after injury. Analyzing mechanisms of regeneration and fibrogenesis directly in human tissue has been hampered by the lack of organotypic models and analytical techniques. In this work, we coupled ex vivo cytokine and drug perturbations of human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS) with single-cell RNA sequencing and induced a multilineage circuit of fibrogenic cell states in hPCLS. We showed that these cell states were highly similar to the in vivo cell circuit in a multicohort lung cell atlas from patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Using micro-CT-staged patient tissues, we characterized the appearance and interaction of myofibroblasts, an ectopic endothelial cell state, and basaloid epithelial cells in the thickened alveolar septum of early-stage lung fibrosis. Induction of these states in the hPCLS model provided evidence that the basaloid cell state was derived from alveolar type 2 cells, whereas the ectopic endothelial cell state emerged from capillary cell plasticity. Cell-cell communication routes in patients were largely conserved in hPCLS, and antifibrotic drug treatments showed highly cell type-specific effects. Our work provides an experimental framework for perturbational single-cell genomics directly in human lung tissue that enables analysis of tissue homeostasis, regeneration, and pathology. We further demonstrate that hPCLS offer an avenue for scalable, high-resolution drug testing to accelerate antifibrotic drug development and translation.

2023, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in OpenNano

Lab-scale siRNA and mRNA LNP manufacturing by various microfluidic mixing techniques – an evaluation of particle properties and efficiency.

Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) are promising drug delivery systems for various RNAs such as small interfering (siRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA). Microfluidic mixing is a common technique to encapsulate RNA in LNPs. However, high flow rates and lipid concentrations are used for LNP formation to control LNP size as well as RNA encapsulation efficiency. We investigated the feasibility of downscaling siRNA and mRNA LNP manufacturing to save materials and enable a broader access to this technology. To optimize such a down-scaled procedure, we evaluated physicochemical nanoparticle characteristics including hydrodynamic diameter, zeta potential, particle concentration, encapsulation efficiency, and recovery for LNPs produced with three different microfluidic methods. We observed differences in nanoparticle characteristics and in vitro performance regarding cellular uptake, gene silencing, and mRNA expression. We determined the gene knockdown ability of the best siRNA LNPs formulation ex vivo using precision-cut lung slices to highlight the translational character of LNPs for inhalation and observed comparable efficacy as with a commercially available transfection reagent.



Gerald Burgstaller LHI

Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Burgstaller

Team Leader