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Helmholtz Munich

Fernandez Lab

Immune networks in chronic lung diseases

Our scientific focus is to understand the contribution of the immune system to organ fibrosis. Fibrosis is a common final outcome of most chronic inflammatory diseases, especially chronic lung diseases.

Our scientific focus is to understand the contribution of the immune system to organ fibrosis. Fibrosis is a common final outcome of most chronic inflammatory diseases, especially chronic lung diseases.

Fibrosis - Incurable with limited therapies

To date, as many as 45% of all deaths in the developed world are related to pathological tissue remodeling. Chronic lung diseases (CLD) are the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide. Among CLD, Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) is a debilitating and incurable disease. Scaring of the lung leads to respiratory failure and 50% of patients die 3-5 years after diagnosis. Our understanding of the pathophysiology of PF is unfortunately limited to established and advanced stages when the extensive lung scaring is irreversible.

Project details

  • Functional assessment of interactions between mononuclear myeloid cells and lung structural cells
  • Identification of key ligand/receptor interactions in immune-structural lung cell crosstalk
  • Molecular characterization of in immune-structural lung cell interaction
  • Target evaluation in in-vitro models

Scientists at Fernandez Lab


Dr. Loredana Asarian

Portrait Benteng Deng LHI

Benteng Deng

PhD Student
Porträt Daniela Dietel LHI

Daniela Dietel

Lab Manager
Porträt Subhasree Dutta

Subhasree Dutta

PhD Student
Porträt Wei Han

Wei Han

PhD Student
Porträt Shaoping Hu

Shaoping Hu

PhD Student
Jia_Jianlong_Portrait _LHI_FREI

Jianlong Jia

PhD Student

Shuzhen Li

PhD Student
Portrait Dmytro Sirokha LHI

Dmytro Sirokha

PhD Student

Vesa Stana

Doctoral candidate


2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Translational Oncology

Improved survival of patients with stage III small-cell lung cancer with primary resection: A SEER-based analysis.

INTRODUCTION: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is mostly diagnosed in stage III-IV patients and associated with poor prognosis. To date, surgery is no gold-standard treatment for any SCLC stage and evidence is lacking whether it is beneficial. Here we investigate the impact of surgery, with special attention to stage III SCLC patients, sub-stages and treatment combinations. METHODS: The overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) of 33,198 SCLC patients (SEER database) were analyzed retrospectively, using various statistical analyses, including propensity score matching (PSM), recursive partitioning, and sequential landmark analyses. RESULTS: Independent of stage, the OS of patients with surgery-including treatments was almost always better than without surgery. This holds true for stage I-II patients, even after PMS analysis (p < 0.017). The same was found for stage IV patients that underwent surgery plus chemotherapy vs. chemotherapy alone (p = 0.013 after PSM). Stage III patients showed a robust improvement in OS and CSS after surgery (OS: 18 vs.13 months) or surgery plus chemotherapy (OS: 20 vs.15 months) as confirmed by well-balanced PSM and sequential landmark analyses of long-term survivors. More detailed analyses using two independent approaches showed prolonged OS in T3-4/N0-1 and T1-2/N2 stage III patients after surgery or surgery plus chemotherapy. Importantly, primary site surgery had a major survival advantage over surgery at regional sites (p < 0.003). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that selected patients of all stages, including stage III T3-4/N0-1 and T1-2/N2, can benefit greatly from surgery-including treatments. Thus, surgery should be included into hospital treatment recommendations for specifically selected SCLC patients. Condensed abstract Primary resection in patients with stage III SCLC needs re-evaluation. Selected patients with stage III SCLC benefit significantly from surgery. Patients with T3-4/N0-1 and T1-2/N2 stage III SCLC should be considered for surgery.

2024, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in European Respiratory Journal

Sfrp1 inhibits lung fibroblast invasion during transition to injury induced myofibroblasts.

BACKGROUND: Fibroblast to myofibroblast conversion is a major driver of tissue remodeling in organ fibrosis. Distinct lineages of fibroblasts support homeostatic tissue niche functions, yet, their specific activation states and phenotypic trajectories during injury and repair have remained unclear. METHODS: We combined spatial transcriptomics, multiplexed immunostainings, longitudinal single-cell RNA-seq and genetic lineage tracing to study fibroblast fates during mouse lung regeneration. Our findings were validated in IPF patient tissues in situ as well as in cell differentiation and invasion assays using patient lung fibroblasts. Cell differentiation and invasion assays established a function of SFRP1 in regulating human lung fibroblast invasion in response to TGFβ1. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We discovered a transitional fibroblast state characterized by high Sfrp1 expression, derived from both Tcf21-Cre lineage positive and negative cells. Sfrp1+ cells appeared early after injury in peribronchiolar, adventitial and alveolar locations and preceded the emergence of myofibroblasts. We identified lineage specific paracrine signals and inferred converging transcriptional trajectories towards Sfrp1+ transitional fibroblasts and Cthrc1+ myofibroblasts. TGFβ1 downregulated SFRP1 in non-invasive transitional cells and induced their switch to an invasive CTHRC1+ myofibroblast identity. Finally, using loss of function studies we showed that SFRP1 modulates TGFβ1 induced fibroblast invasion and RHOA pathway activity. CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals the convergence of spatially and transcriptionally distinct fibroblast lineages into transcriptionally uniform myofibroblasts and identifies SFRP1 as a modulator of TGFβ1 driven fibroblast phenotypes in fibrogenesis. These findings are relevant in the context of therapeutic interventions that aim at limiting or reversing fibroblast foci formation.

2023, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in EMBO Journal, The

DNA sensing via the cGAS/STING pathway activates the immunoproteasome and adaptive T-cell immunity.

The immunoproteasome is a specialized type of proteasome involved in MHC class I antigen presentation, antiviral adaptive immunity, autoimmunity, and is also part of a broader response to stress. Whether the immunoproteasome is regulated by DNA stress, however, is not known. We here demonstrate that mitochondrial DNA stress upregulates the immunoproteasome and MHC class I antigen presentation pathway via cGAS/STING/type I interferon signaling resulting in cell autonomous activation of CD8+ T cells. The cGAS/STING-induced adaptive immune response is also observed in response to genomic DNA and is conserved in epithelial and mesenchymal cells of mice and men. In patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic activation of the cGAS/STING-induced adaptive immune response in aberrant lung epithelial cells concurs with CD8+ T-cell activation in diseased lungs. Genetic depletion of the immunoproteasome and specific immunoproteasome inhibitors counteract DNA stress induced cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell activation. Our data thus unravel cytoplasmic DNA sensing via the cGAS/STING pathway as an activator of the immunoproteasome and CD8+ T cells. This represents a novel potential pathomechanism for pulmonary fibrosis that opens new therapeutic perspectives.

2022, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Frontiers in Immunology

Lung epithelial CYP1 activity regulates aryl hydrocarbon receptor dependent allergic airway inflammation.

The lung epithelial barrier serves as a guardian towards environmental insults and responds to allergen encounter with a cascade of immune reactions that can possibly lead to inflammation. Whether the environmental sensor aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) together with its downstream targets cytochrome P450 (CYP1) family members contribute to the regulation of allergic airway inflammation remains unexplored. By employing knockout mice for AhR and for single CYP1 family members, we found that AhR-/- and CYP1B1-/- but not CYP1A1-/- or CYP1A2-/- animals display enhanced allergic airway inflammation compared to WT. Expression analysis, immunofluorescence staining of murine and human lung sections and bone marrow chimeras suggest an important role of CYP1B1 in non-hematopoietic lung epithelial cells to prevent exacerbation of allergic airway inflammation. Transcriptional analysis of murine and human lung epithelial cells indicates a functional link of AhR to barrier protection/inflammatory mediator signaling upon allergen challenge. In contrast, CYP1B1 deficiency leads to enhanced expression and activity of CYP1A1 in lung epithelial cells and to an increased availability of the AhR ligand kynurenic acid following allergen challenge. Thus, differential CYP1 family member expression and signaling via the AhR in epithelial cells represents an immunoregulatory layer protecting the lung from exacerbation of allergic airway inflammation.

2022, Wissenschaftlicher Artikel in Cells

FK506-binding protein 11 is a novel plasma cell-specific antibody folding catalyst with increased expression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Antibodies are central effectors of the adaptive immune response, widespread used therapeutics, but also potentially disease-causing biomolecules. Antibody folding catalysts in the plasma cell are incompletely defined. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal chronic lung disease with increasingly recognized autoimmune features. We found elevated expression of FK506-binding protein 11 (FKBP11) in IPF lungs where FKBP11 specifically localized to antibodyproducing plasma cells. Suggesting a general role in plasma cells, plasma cell-specific FKBP11 expression was equally observed in lymphatic tissues, and in vitro B cell to plasma cell differentiation was accompanied by induction of FKBP11 expression. Recombinant human FKBP11 was able to refold IgG antibody in vitro and inhibited by FK506, strongly supporting a function as antibody peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase. Induction of ER stress in cell lines demonstrated induction of FKBP11 in the context of the unfolded protein response in an X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1)-dependent manner. While deficiency of FKBP11 increased susceptibility to ER stressmediated cell death in an alveolar epithelial cell line, FKBP11 knockdown in an antibody-producing hybridoma cell line neither induced cell death nor decreased expression or secretion of IgG antibody. Similarly, antibody secretion by the same hybridoma cell line was not affected by knockdown of the established antibody peptidyl-prolyl isomerase cyclophilin B. The results are consistent with FKBP11 as a novel XBP1-regulated antibody peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase and indicate significant redundancy in the ER-resident folding machinery of antibody-producing hybridoma cells.



Isis Fernandez Mitarbeiterfoto LHI

Dr. Isis E. Fernandez

Team Leader