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The DNA is packaged into chromatin
Helmholtz Munich | Amelie J. Kraus

For you application, you need to provide ALL the following documents (NON-FULL APPLICATIONS WILL BE NOT TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT):

  1. Evidence of ENROLLMENT in your university program for the current academic year (type of degree, area of study, starting date and predicted date of study completion). Please add a TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS showing the list of coursework and grades from your university studies to date.
  2. Please note that THE PERIOD OF THE SUMMER INTERNSHIP NEEDS TO BE COVERED in your enrollment. Provide an evidence of student stutatus, or at least expected, during the summer (read answer to this question below).
  3. COVER/MOTIVATION LETTER, in English (max. 1 page; font 11; contact details in top right corner): show your skills, experience and motivation to join the Summer Internship Program in Epigenetics, your research interest in the 3 chosen labs/projects, and how our program fits into your future career plans.
  4. CV in English (max. 2 pages, font 11): education, previous positions and what you learned there -skills- (wet lab techniques, programming languages). For computational projects: add a section for programming skills and for what you used them. 

Picture is not required.

If you already possess an undergraduate degree, please upload the following documents in addition:

  • Certificate of your degree and Transcript of records.
  • Short description of your thesis work if you have gone through one (can be bullet points: thesis title, techniques/programs you used, grade).


You can read here the information about the recognition of your degree by the German authorities:

In case your degree is not listed in the ANABIN database (ANABIN instructions), you can apply for its recognision after you are contacted to confirm your selection for the program, but we recommend you to start applying for a Certifiquate of Equivalence now (application form and information) since it may take months to get it.

The reocgnition will be required during the hiring process, as well as your visa if you are not from the EU.


If you have doubts regarding the application process, please check the FAQ section first.

If your question is not listed, please contact us.

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