jijomathai - stock.adobe.com
Research Interests
- Multi-omics data analysis to identify key targets for drug repositioning
- Application/development of several in silico-based drug repositioning methods to identify candidate drugs for Alzheimer's disease
- Genome-scale metabolic modelling of neurodegenerative diseases
- Development of interactive R-shiny-based user interfaces to analyse biological data
Skills and Expertise
MetabolomicsBioinformaticsMetabolismData IntegrationBiostatisticsBig DataGenome-scale metabolic modelling Molecular dynamics simulation Shiny app development
Professional Background
2022 - present
Ph.D. Student
at the Computational Health Center / ICB, Helmholtz Zentrum München
2019 - 2021
Master Student
at the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology/ Gebze Technical University
Bachelor Student
at the Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University