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Porträt Raffael Ott
Helmholtz Munich | ©Petra Nehmeyer

Dr. rer. nat. Raffael Ott

Lead scientist of research area: Computational biology and immune response trajectories of type 1 diabetes development, Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health
+49 89 3187 43385E-MailGebäude/Raum: 106

Scientific Career & Research Areas

Dr. rer. nat. Raffael Ott studied nutritional science at the Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany, with studies abroad at the University of Adelaide in Australia. He performed his doctoral studies at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Germany, and received his doctor in biology from the Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany.

In 2019, he joined the Forschergruppe Diabetes e.V. at Helmholtz Munich, pursuing his post-doctoral studies. Since 2022 he is working as lead scientist for "Computational biology and immune response trajectories of type 1 diabetes development" at the Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Munich.

Raffael Ott is

Fields of Work & Expertise

Type 1 diabetesEpigeneticsGestational diabetesMolecular biologyBig DataNutritionFetal programmingEpidemiology

Academic & Professional Background

since 2022

Lead scientist resaerch area "Computational biology and immune response trajectories of type 1 diabetes development", Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Munich

2019 - 2022

Post-doctoral fellow: Forschergruppe Diabetes e.V., Helmholtz Munich, Germany

2012 - 2018

PhD in biology, Charité and Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany


Visiting fellow: Royal Adelaide Hospital, University of Adelaide, Australia


Master of Science: Nutritional Science, Technical University Munich, Germany


Bachelor of Science: Nutritional Science, Technical University Munich, Germany


  • 2016 - Project award 2016 from the GFVP e.V.

  • 2015 - Best abstract award at the 8th international Diabetes in Pregnancy (DIP) conference


Porträt Raffael Ott

Dr. Raffael Ott

Lead Scientist Research Area: Computational Biology and Immune Response Trajectories of Type 1 Diabetes Development

Heidemannstraße 1, 80939 München