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Frau hat Heuschnupfen gegen Birkenpollen
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Hay fever: Earlier and earlier, longer and longer, more and more severe?


Topic: "Allergic Rhinitis" in BR24 Gesundheitsmagazin

The Pollen Information Service reported the first occurrence of hazel pollen this winter on December 29, 2021.

Pollen flies earlier in the year. Pollen flies longer in the year, in part due to invasive plant species like ragweed becoming native to our area. However, hyposensitization, currently the best treatment option for hay fever sufferers, is only available during the "pollen-free season." This time slot is shrinking in the course of climate change.

New information for sufferers of "hay fever" in a report by the BR24 health magazine from 13.2.2022:

with Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann as expert

You can listen in at BR media center: Heuschnupfen: Immer früher, immer länger, immer heftiger?

starting minute 6:40


more facts about „Heuschnupfen“ at the Dossier


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