Helmholtz Munich | @Bikram Dasgupta
Dr. Donovan Correa-Gallegos
IRBME-MailGebäude/Raum: Großhadern/ 2nd floor/ B.301
Fields of Work and Expertise
Cellular Biology Developmental Biology Stem Cells
Tissue Repair Regeneration
Professional Background
since 2021
Postdoctoral researcher, IRBM
PhD in medical research, LMU
Key publications
Correa-Gallegos D., Ye H., Dasgupta B., Sardogan A., Kadri S., Kandi R., Dai R., Lin Y., Kopplin R., Shantaram D.S., Wannemacher J., Ichijo R., Jiang D., Strunz M., Ansari M., Angelidis I., Schiller H.B., Voltz T., Machens H.-G., Rinkevich Y. (2023). CD201+ fascia progenitors choreograph injury repair. Nature. In press.
Correa-Gallegos D, Rinkevich Y (2021) Cutting into wound repair. FEBS Journal, doi.org/ 10.1111