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Prof. Dr. Gil Westmeyer
Helmholtz Munich / Matthias Tunger

Prof. Dr. Gil Westmeyer

Director of the Institute for Synthetic Biology (ISBM)

"In biomedicine, there is a progression from the synthesis of small molecular drugs via the biotechnological production of proteins to the biological engineering of theranostic cells. We seek to promote a careful and safe development in this direction by crafting molecular tools to monitor and control cellular circuits.”

Prof. Dr. Gil Westmeyer

Director of the Institute for Synthetic Biology (ISBM)

"Quote“In biomedicine, there is a progression from the synthesis of small molecular drugs via the biotechnological production of proteins to the biological engineering of theranostic cells. We seek to promote a careful and safe development in this direction by crafting molecular tools to monitor and control cellular circuits.”


Gil Westmeyer studied medicine and philosophy in Munich and conducted his doctoral work on the molecular basis of Alzheimer’s disease in Christian Haass’ laboratory in Munich before receiving a part of his clinical education at Harvard Medical School.

Starting in 2005, he worked as a postdoctoral Fellow with Alan Jasanoff at M.I.T in the Departments of Biological Engineering and Brain & Cognitive Sciences. In 2011, he joined Helmholtz Munich as a Young Investigators’ group leader and the Technical University of Munich as an assistant professor in 2012.

Since 2021, Gil is the Director of the Institute for Synthetic Biomedicine (ISBM) at Helmholtz Munich. He is also Professor of Neurobiological Engineering at TUM.

ISBM develops and deploys next-generation biotechniques for molecular sensing and actuation of distributed cellular processes to reverse engineer cell-circuit function and guide future cell therapies.



Skills and Expertise

Mammalian cell engineering Synthetic biology

Genetic engineering Molecular imaging


Professional Career


Director of the Institute for Synthetic Biomedicine (ISBM)


Professor of Neurobiological Engineering – TUM School of Natural Sciences & TUM School of Medicine, TUM


Assistant Professor of Molecular Imaging – Technical University of Munich (TUM)


Young Investigators’ Group Leader Helmholtz Center Munich


Postdoctoral Fellow - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Departments of Biological Engineering & Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Honors and Awards

ERC Consolidator Grant
Elected member of the Young Academy of Europe
ERC Starting Grant

Visualizing the invisible

Gil Westermeyer on Schwanke meets Science, ARD alpha

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Most important publications

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Truong, J., Phlairaharn, T., Eßwein, B., Gruber, C., Tümen, D., Baligács, E., Armbrust, N., Vaccaro, F.L., Lederer, E., Beck, E.M., Geilenkeuser, J., Göppert, S., Krumwiede, L., Grätz, C., Raffl, G., Schwarz, D., Zirngibl, M., Živanić, M., Beyer, M., Körner, J.D., Santl, T., Evsyukov, V., Strauß, T., Schwarz, S., Höglinger, G., Heutink, P., Doll. S., Conrad, M., Giesert, F., Wurst, W., Westmeyer, G. G.

Non-invasive and high-throughput interrogation of exon-specific isoform expression

Roberts, S., Seeger, M., Jiang, Y., Mishra, A., Sigmund, F., Stelzl, A., Lauri, A., Symvoulidis, P., Rolbieski, H., Preller, M., Deán-Ben, X.L., Razansky, D., Orschmann, T., Desbordes, S.C., Vetschera, P., Bach, T., Ntziachristos, V., Westmeyer, G.G

Calcium Sensor for Photoacoustic Imaging