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Helmholtz Munich | Amelie J. Kraus

Full house again at the 6th Munich Epigenetics Spotlight Meeting

The sixth Munich Epigenetic Spotlight meeting was held at the Stem Cell Center of Helmholtz Munich in Großhadern on Monday 24th October 2022. Keynote speakers were Eileen Furlong from EMBL, Heidelberg, and Yang Shi from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford.

Organised by Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, Robert Schneider and Amelie J. Kraus, the meeting brought together the local epigenetics community including over 80 researchers from Helmholtz Munich, LMU, TUM and the University of Regensburg.

The Keynote lectures by Eileen Furlong and Yang Shi were complemented by four short talks and six flash talks by Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs from Helmholtz Munich and the LMU. After two virtual meetings in 2020 and 2021, the sixth Spotlight Meeting could be held in-person again, which stimulated in-depth discussions on our current understanding of chromatin regulation.

The 7th Spotlight Meeting will take place on Monday, October 16th, 2023. Registration will open in July 2023.


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