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© Helmholtz Munich/IBMI

IBMI Biology Central Support

Bengel Lab

The IBMI Biology Central Support provides our researchers with comprehensive and expert support throughout the whole process of their scientific endeavors. 

Bengel Lab

The IBMI Biology Central Support provides our researchers with comprehensive and expert support throughout the whole process of their scientific endeavors. At the early stage, we advise on ethics requirements and experimental design for research on animal models in
compliance with the required high standards of animal welfare. In the middle stages, we design representative phantoms and carry out
the successful implementation of demanding imaging techniques and state-of-the-art molecular biological techniques. At the final
stages, we analyze the collected data and prepare the ethics statements for manuscripts.

About Our Research

The IBMI Biology Central Support provides our researchers with comprehensive and expert support throughout the whole process of their scientific endeavors.  At the early stage, we advise on ethics requirements and experimental design for research on animal models in compliance with the required high standards of animal welfare.  In the middle stages, we design representative phantoms and carry out the successful implementation of demanding imaging techniques and state-of-the-art molecular biological techniques.  At the final stages, we analyze the collected data and prepare the ethics statements for manuscripts.

Our Researchers

Doris BengelP1088688_DxO_bearbeitet

Dr. Doris Bengel

Laboratory manager

Building 56/ room 028a
Porträt Pia Anzenhofer

Pia Anzenhofer


Building 56 / room 48
Porträt Sarah Glasl

Sarah Glasl


Building 56 / room 48
Porträt Uwe Klemm

Uwe Klemm


Building 56 / room 48

Our Topics


In-vivo imaging with RSOM

Laser safety


In-vivo imaging with MSOT

Cytoskeleton of HeLa-cells

IBMI Biology Central Support: Contact

Doris BengelP1088688_DxO_bearbeitet

Dr. Doris Bengel

Laboratory manager

Building 56/ room 028a