Prof. Dr. Franz Hagn
Professor für strukturelle MembranbiochemieBayerisches NMR (BNMRZ)
Department Bioscience
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Technical University of Munich
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 2
85748 Garching
Our labs and offices are located in the new BNMRZ building, Erst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 2 on the research campus Garching.
Please contact Prof. Franz Hagn (franz.hagn(at) or +49-(0)89-289-52624) and office.membrane(at) for general inquiries.
Structural Membrane Biochemistry (Prof. Hagn)
TUM School of Natural Sciences, Dept. Bioscience
Technical University of Munich
Lichtenbergstrasse 4
85748 Garching
Bayerisches NMR (BNMRZ)
Department Bioscience
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Technical University of Munich
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 2
85748 Garching
Our labs and offices are located in the new BNMRZ building, Erst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 2 on the research campus Garching.
Please contact Prof. Franz Hagn (franz.hagn(at) or +49-(0)89-289-52624) and office.membrane(at) for general inquiries.
Structural Membrane Biochemistry (Prof. Hagn)
TUM School of Natural Sciences, Dept. Bioscience
Technical University of Munich
Lichtenbergstrasse 4
85748 Garching