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Prof. Dr. Aloys Schepers
Coordinator EpiCrossBorders: International Helmholtz-Edinburgh Research School for EpigeneticsFocus Areas as Ombudsperson
Problems in the field of experimental researchProblems in the supervision of doctoral studentsConflicts in the working environmentAuthorship questions
Since 2021
Ombudspersion for PhD students
Since 2021
Coordinator of the Research School EpiCrossBorders: International Helmholtz-Edinburgh Research School for Epigenetics and Senior Scientist at the Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells
Since 2019
Associate Professor at the Biomedical Centre of the LMU
2016 - 2021
Deputy Head of the Core Facility for Monoclonal Antibodies
1999 - 2016
Group Leader; Department of Gene Vectors at Helmholtz Munich (DNA replication, Chromatin, Epigenetics, Epstein-Barr Virus)
1996 - 1999