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Prof. Dr. Bjoern Eskofier
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Bjoern Eskofier

Principal Investigator for Translational Digital Health Group at AI for Health

Research Focus

Bjoern’s research is focused on translating digital health research and innovation to clinical and medical application. His research motivation is generating a positive impact on human wellbeing, be it through increasing performance, maintaining health, improving rehabilitation, or monitoring disease. Bjoern has defined his research and entrepreneurial agenda to revolve around contributions to a “Digital Health Ecosystem”, where patients are connected to other stakeholders within the healthcare system using digital support tools. His research philosophy is that only multidisciplinary teams of engineers, medical experts, industry representatives and entrepreneurs will have the tools to actually implement changes in healthcare.

René Raab, Arne Küderle, Anastasiya Zakreuskaya, Ariel D Stern, Jochen Klucken George Kaissis, Daniel Rueckert, Susanne Boll, Roland Eils, Harald Wagener, Bjoern M Eskofier. Federated Electronic Health Records for the European Health Data Space. The Lancet Digital Health 5(11):e840-e847, 2023, doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(23)00156-5.

Bjoern M Eskofier, Jochen Klucken. Predictive Models for Health Deterioration: Understanding Disease Pathways for Personalized Medicine. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 8(25):131-156, 2023, doi: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-110220-030247.

Michael Nissen, Nuria B Campo, Madeleine Flaucher, Katharina M Jaeger, Adriana Titzmann, Dominik Blunck, Peter A Fasching, Victoria Engelhardt, Bjoern Eskofier, Heike Leutheuser. Prevalence and Course of Pregnancy Symptoms: Retrospective Analysis of Self-Reported Pregnancy App Symptom Tracker Data. Npj Digital Medicine 11;6(1):189, 2023, doi: 10.1038/s41746-023-00935-3.

Skills & Expertise

Machine learningData analytics


Professional Background

April - August 2023

Visiting Professor in Prof. Scott Delp’s NMBL lab at Stanford University's Schools of Engineering and Medicine.

April 2023 - Present

Associate Principal Investigator and leader of the research group “Translational Digital Health” at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich.

March - August 2018

Visiting Professor in Prof. Alex “Sandy” Pentland’s Human Dynamics group at MIT Media Lab.

February - March 2016

Visiting Professor in Prof. Paolo Bonato’s Motion Analysis Lab at Harvard Medical School.

2016 - Present

Founding spokesperson of FAU’s Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE), spokesperson of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action GAIA-X usecase project “TEAM-X”, and co-director of “EmpkinS”

2016 - Present

Area Editor for the “IEEE Open Access Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology” and Associate Editor for the “IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.”

2016 - Present

Active in the organization of several IEEE and ACM meetings (e.g., BSN, BHI, EMBC, IJCAI, ISWC, UbiComp), most recently as General Chair of BHI (IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics Conference) 2023.

2013 - Present

Head the Machine Learning and Data Analytics (MaD) Lab at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU).


Graduated in Electrical Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU).

2006 - 2013

Completed PhD in Biomechanics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benno Nigg at the University of Calgary (Canada).

Honors and Awards

  • 2023: Unipreneurs award by the German Minster of Education and Research and the German Minister for Economy and Climate Action

  • 2021: Best paper award at the Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-55)

  • 2021: Co-spokesperson of SFB 1483 “EmpkinS” at FAU

  • 2020: Curious Minds Award in “Life Sciences” by Manager Magazin / Merck

  • 2018: Best paper award at the fifteenth international conference on body sensor networks (BSN 2018)

  • 2017 - 2022: Heisenberg professor of the DFG

  • 2015: Eugen-Rehfisch Award for the best clinical research paper at the Forum Urodynamicum Conference

  • 2021: Among “World‘s top 2% cited scientists”

Gold Star Awards Luxury Background
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  • Scientific Advisory Board of COVID-RED (IMI2 EU project)
  • WEAFING (H2020 EU project)
  • DiMo (COMET FFG project, Austria)
  • Senior Member of ACM, IEEE
  • Member of 3D-AHM, ASQF, DAGM