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Stapel Zeitschriften
Henry Schmitt -

Publications from Dr. Gabriele Anton

2021 Scientific Article in European Journal of Epidemiology Eur. J. Epidemiol. 36, 233–241 (2021)

Karch, A. ; Schindler, D. ; Kühn-Steven, A. ; Blaser, R. ; Kuhn, K.A. ; ... ; Schulz, T.F. ; Transplant Cohort of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF Transplant Cohort) Consortium (Anton, G.) ; Transplant Cohort of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF Transplant Cohort) Consortium (Wichmann, H.-E.)

The transplant cohort of the German center for infection research (DZIF Tx-Cohort): Study design and baseline characteristics.