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Oxidative Stress Diagram
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Assessment of oxidative stress in cells exposed to fine particulate matter


Oxidative stress is an early biochemical effect caused by different stress situations of an organism. Persisting oxidative stress can lead to damage of cellular macromolecules and thus finally induce harmful inflammation processes. Exposure to fine particulate matter is one important causer of oxidative stress in cell systems; and the assessment of oxidative stress in cell systems exposed to various exposure scenarios is a helpful measure in the investigation and elucidation of molecular effect mechanisms. For this purpose liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric methods for the determination of biomarkers of oxidative stress in cell-samples are established and applied during different studies.

Assessment of oxidative stress in cells exposed to fine particulate matter


Oxidative stress is an early biochemical effect caused by different stress situations of an organism. Persisting oxidative stress can lead to damage of cellular macromolecules and thus finally induce harmful inflammation processes. Exposure to fine particulate matter is one important causer of oxidative stress in cell systems; and the assessment of oxidative stress in cell systems exposed to various exposure scenarios is a helpful measure in the investigation and elucidation of molecular effect mechanisms. For this purpose liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric methods for the determination of biomarkers of oxidative stress in cell-samples are established and applied during different studies.