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Adipogenese von 3T3L1-Adipocyten in 10facher Vergrößerung
Helmholtz Munich | Maria Keller

CRISPR dCAS9 Based Epigenetic Editing in vitro

CRISPR dCAS9 Based Epigenetic Editing in vitro

Based on previous findings for obesity specific methylation pattern in human subcutaneous- and omental visceral adipose tissue (e.g. Keller et al, 2016, Mol Met), this project aims to identify possible epigenetic alterations that define a "point of no return" in obesity and comorbidities development. Thus, we are testing the reversibility of methylation remodeling in (human) adipocytes by means of epigenetic editing.


Contact Project Leader

MA-Foto Maria Keller_IMG_E0369_ohne Hintergrund

Dr. Maria Keller

