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Identification of Novel Metabolites Impacting Vascular Function

Identification of Novel Metabolites Impacting Vascular Function

Food in our bodies is broken down into tiny molecules – metabolites – that are used to generate energy, as well as serve as precursors for building biomolecules such as organelles and proteins. Poor diet as well as metabolic disease change the balance of metabolites in our bodies. This is known to promote vascular disease and dysfunction. However, which metabolites are able to do this remains unclear.

In this project, we systematically identify the metabolites that impact vascular cells. We aim to uncover the associated molecular mechanisms and how the identified metabolite(s) change the physiology of the body to promote disease.

Contact Project Leader

PI-/MA-Foto Bilal Sheikh - freigestellt

Dr. Bilal Sheikh

Group Leader "Vascular Epigenetics"
