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Giulia Pagani
Helmholtz Munich | © Michael Haggenmüller

Giulia Pagani Successfully Acquires DFG Funding

Awards & Grants, IAP,

For pioneering research into the development of allergic diseases, Giulia Pagani has received a grant of 61,400 euros from the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Giulia Pagani, bioinformatician at the Institute of Asthma and Allergy Prevention at Helmholtz Munich, received funding after successfully completing the “DFG Allergology Junior Academy” to use a multi-omics approach to explain the protective effect of farms on hay fever. Various population-based studies have identified exposure to microbes within the farm environment as an important protective factor in addition to contact with animals and raw milk consumption. So far, however, little is known about the interaction of microorganisms with the immune system.

In her project, Giulia Pagani presents a multi-omics approach that examines the connections between the microbiome and the immune response and the associated protective effect against hay fever in children aged six to ten years. The resulting findings should provide information on how the immune system, which is influenced by the microbiome, protects against atopic diseases and how its influences change over time.

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Dr. Giulia Pagani_Porträt_freigestellt

Dr. Giulia Pagani
