Publications of Gerhard Przemeck
2022 Scientific Article in Cell Death Discovery Cell Death Discov. 8:387 (2022)
Mutations within the cGMP-binding domain of CNGA1 causing autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa in human and animal model.
2021 Scientific Article in Molecular Metabolism Mol. Metab. 54:101334 (2021)
A point mutation in the Pdia6 gene results in loss of pancreatic β-cell identity causing overt diabetes.
2020 Scientific Article in Communications Biology Comm. Biol. 3:628 (2020)
PAX6 mutation alters circadian rhythm and beta cell function in mice without affecting glucose tolerance.
2020 Scientific Article in Diabetes Diabetes 69, 915-926 (2020)
DLL1- and DLL4-mediated Notch signaling is essential for adult pancreatic islet homeostasis.
2020 Scientific Article in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61:44 (2020)
Mutation in Bmpr1b leads to optic disc coloboma and ventral retinal gliosis in mice.
2017 Scientific Article in Molecular Metabolism Mol. Metab. 6, 1304-1312 (2017)
Point mutation of Ffar1 abrogates fatty acid-dependent insulin secretion, but protects against HFD-induced glucose intolerance.
2017 Scientific Article in Journal of Theoretical Biology J. Theor. Biol. 430, 32-44 (2017)
Modeling coexistence of oscillation and Delta/Notch-mediated lateral inhibition in pancreas development and neurogenesis.
2016 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 59, S259-S259 (2016)
Systemic metabolic effects exerted by a point mutation in the RED subdomain of PAX6.
2016 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 59, S188-S188 (2016)
Dll1-and Dll4-mediated Notch signalling in adult pancreatic beta cells is essential for the structural integrity of islets and maintenance of glucose homeostasis.
2016 Scientific Article in Genes Genomes Genetics G3 Genes Genomes Genetics G3 6, 4035-4046 (2016)
The first Scube3 mutant mouse line with pleiotropic phenotypic alterations.
2016 Scientific Article in Mammalian Genome Mamm. Genome 27, 587-598 (2016)
Viable EdnraY129F mice feature human mandibulofacial dysostosis with alopecia (MFDA) syndrome due to the homologue mutation.
2016 Scientific Article in Diabetes Diabetes 65, 2540-2552 (2016)
Bezafibrate improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility in STZ-treated diabetic mice.
2016 Scientific Article in Mammalian Genome Mamm. Genome 27, 111-121 (2016)
Exome sequencing identifies a nonsense mutation in Fam46a associated with bone abnormalities in a new mouse model for skeletal dysplasia.
2014 Meeting abstract in Diabetologia Diabetologia 57, S172 (2014)
Defective compensatory insulin secretion causes HFD-induced glucose intolerance in mice with point mutation in free fatty acid receptor 1.
2014 Scientific Article in Beitrage zur Entomologie Beitr. Entomol. 64, 221-229 (2014)
Haplotypes, median networks, and diagnostic characters as tools to elucidate the intraspecific genetic and taxonomic structure of bumblebees, with a description of Bombus cryptarum pallidocinctus new subspecies (Hymenoptera: Apida: Bombus).
2014 Scientific Article in PLoS Computational Biology PLoS Comput. Biol. 10:e1003843 (2014)
Fast synchronization of ultradian oscillators controlled by Delta-Notch signaling with Cis-inhibition.
2013 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 8:e81833 (2013)
Prdm6 is essential for cardiovascular development in vivo.
2013 Scientific Article in 6, 16-19 (2013)
Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht? Regulationsmechanismen der Segmentierung im Wirbeltierembryo.
2013 Scientific Article in Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism J. Bone Miner. Metab. 31, 293-303 (2013)
In vitro analysis of bone phenotypes in Col1a1 and Jagged1 mutant mice using a standardized osteoblast cell culture system.
2012 Scientific Article in Human Molecular Genetics Hum. Mol. Genet. 21, 3535-3545 (2012)
Cardiopulmonary dysfunction in the osteogenesis imperfecta mouse model Aga2 and human patients are caused by bone-independent mechanisms.
2012 Scientific Article in PLoS Computational Biology PLoS Comput. Biol. 8:e1002586 (2012)
From dynamic expression patterns to boundary formation in the presomitic mesoderm.
2010 Scientific Article in Beitrage zur Entomologie Beitr. Entomol. 60, 229-242 (2010)
A phylogenetic framework for the North American bumblebee species of the subgenus Bombus sensu stricto (Bombus affinis, B. franklini, B. moderatus, B. occidentalis & B. terricola) based on mitochondrial DNA markers.
2010 Scientific Article in Beitrage zur Entomologie Beitr. Entomol. 60, 13-32 (2010)
Phylogenetic relationships of the bumblebees Bombus moderatus, B. albocinctus, B. burjaeticus, B. florilegus and B. cryptarum based on mitochondrial DNA markers: A complex of closely related taxa with circumpolar distribution.
2010 Scientific Article in Gene Expression Patterns Gene Expr. Patterns 10, 265-273 (2010)
Combination of in silico and in situ hybridisation approaches to identify potential Dll1 associated miRNAs during mouse embryogenesis.
2010 Scientific Article in Development / Company of Biologists Development 137, 437-445 (2010)
Domain-specific control of neurogenesis achieved through patterned regulation of Notch ligand expression.
2009 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 4:e6054 (2009)
Dll1 haploinsufficiency in adult mice leads to a complex phenotype affecting metabolic and immunological processes.
2009 Review in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. 10, 236-243 (2009)
The German Mouse Clinic: A platform for systemic phenotype analysis of mouse models.
2008 Scientific Article in Molecular Oncology Mol. Oncol. 2, 356-367 (2008)
The CALM and CALM/AF10 interactor CATS is a marker for proliferation.
2008 Scientific Article in PLoS Genetics PLoS Genet. 4:e7 (2008)
ER stress-mediated apoptosis in a new mouse model of Osteogenesis imperfecta.
2007Vortrag: 19th Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting, 5-9 September 2007, Hinxton/Cambridge, UK. (2007)
A genetic screen for modifiers of the delta1-dependent notch signalling function in the mouse.
2007 Scientific Article in Journal of Theoretical Biology J. Theor. Biol. 248, 120-129 (2007)
Cell-based simulation of dynamic expression patterns in the presomitic mesoderm.
2007 Scientific Article in Genetics Genetics 175, 1451-1463 (2007)
A genetic screen for modifiers of the delta1-dependent notch signaling function in the mouse.
2006Vortrag: Entwicklungsbiologischer Sino-German Workshop über Mesodermbildung und -differenzierung, 0.-03 September 2006, Beijing, China. (2006)
The Notch gene regulatory network during somitogenesis.
2006Vortrag: ICMSB, 2nd August 2006, München, Germany. (2006)
The Notch gene regulatory network during somitogenesis.
2006Vortrag: Mouse Molecular Genetics, 30th August 2006 - 3rd September 2006, Cold Spring Harbor, USA. (2006)
Towards the function of the PDZ-binding domain of Delta1.
2006 Scientific Article in Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling Theor. Biol. Med. Model. 3, 11:11 (2006)
Number of active transcription factor binding sites is essential for the Hes7 oscillator.
2005 Scientific Article in Nature Methods Nat. Methods 2, 403-404 (2005)
Introducing the German Mouse Clinic: Open access platform for standardized phenotyping.
2005 Scientific Article in Molecular and Cellular Biology Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 1980-1988 (2005)
Cytoplasmic thioredoxin reductase is essential for embryogenesis but dispensable for cardiac development.
2004 Scientific Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101, 14126-14131 (2004)
Targeted disruption of the Walker-Warburg syndrome gene Pomt1 in mouse results in embryonic lethality.
2003 Scientific Article in Journal of Molecular Biology J. Mol. Biol. 333, 229-235 (2003)
Interaction of the MAGUK family member Acvrinp1 and the cytoplasmic domain of the notch ligand Delta1.
2003 Scientific Article in Development / Company of Biologists Development 130, 3-13 (2003)
Node and midline defects are associated with left-right development in Delta1 mutant embryos.
In: Proceedings (8th FELASA Symposium). London: Laboratory Animals Ltd, 2002. 19-22