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Übersicht zur Medizinalchemie
Merlin Kardaß

Plettenburg Group

The Plettenburg group focusses on the development of new chemical probes with different modes of detection, targeted delivery and the design of novel inhibitors.

The Plettenburg group focusses on the development of new chemical probes with different modes of detection, targeted delivery and the design of novel inhibitors.

Research Topics

Medicinal Chemistry

A systemic exposure of bioactive substances can result in a variety of adverse effects. The specific delivery of drugs into specific cell types is therefore a powerful strategy to enhance biological activity, keeping the required drug amount low and to circumvent adverse effects resulting of uptake into different cells. Therefore, the Plettenburg group focusses on the development of cell specific ligands and the conjugation with drugs thereof.

The design of novel inhibitors for enzymes or protein-protein interactions is another core element in the research of the group. Besides classical medicinal chemistry approaches like hit optimization of hits from primary screens based on synthetic or natural product libraries also new fragment based approaches are investigated.

The optimization is done in a multi parametric fashion, taking biological activity as well as physicochemical (e.g. chemical stability, solubility) and eADME properties (e. g. cytotoxicity, plasma stability, plasma protein binding, off-target interactions) into account in order to create new lead structures.


New dyes and probes as chemical tolls for biological imaging are a specific focus of the Plettenburg group.

Besides molecules for novel detection methods like photoacoustic imaging, also molecules are developed for use as contrast agents, switchable dyes and biosensors for specific metabolites.

A systemic exposure of bioactive substances can result in a variety of adverse effects. The specific delivery of drugs into specific cell types is therefore a powerful strategy to enhance biological activity, keeping the required drug amount low and to circumvent adverse effects resulting of uptake into different cells. Therefore, the Plettenburg group focusses on the development of cell specific ligands and the conjugation with drugs thereof.

The design of novel inhibitors for enzymes or protein-protein interactions is another core element in the research of the group. Besides classical medicinal chemistry approaches like hit optimization of hits from primary screens based on synthetic or natural product libraries also new fragment based approaches are investigated.

The optimization is done in a multi parametric fashion, taking biological activity as well as physicochemical (e.g. chemical stability, solubility) and eADME properties (e. g. cytotoxicity, plasma stability, plasma protein binding, off-target interactions) into account in order to create new lead structures.


New dyes and probes as chemical tolls for biological imaging are a specific focus of the Plettenburg group.

Besides molecules for novel detection methods like photoacoustic imaging, also molecules are developed for use as contrast agents, switchable dyes and biosensors for specific metabolites.


Prof. Dr. Oliver Plettenburg

Director of Institute of Medicinal Chemistry View profile

Valerie Gießelmann


Felix Neure


Dr. Matjaz Brvar


M.Sc. Merlin Kardaß

PhD student

Dr. Haydn Ball


M.Sc. Simon Blazy

PhD student

MSc Huilong Ma

PhD student

MSc Merle Weitzenberg

PhD student

Dr. Gerrit Jürjens

M. Sc. Mara Scheunert

PhD student

Dr. Mark Wever


M. Sc. Meret Sypli

PhD student

Dr. Michal Kratochvíl


B. Sc. Joey Reverey

Master student

M. Sc. Samah Al Mbarak

Ph.D. student

M. Sc. Erik Unger

PhD student

M. Sc. Ardalan Jafari

PhD student

M. Sc. Scherin Fayad

PhD student

M. Sc. Isabel Hamp

PhD student

Dr. Christin Ahlbrecht


Dr. Tony Fröhlich


M. Sc Caroline Berrou

PhD student

Melda Akay


Jonas Rieckhoff



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Valerie Gießelmann


Schneiderberg 1b 30167 Hannover, Building OCI, Room 5