Dr. Aydan Sardogan
IRBMAydan Sardogan is a post-doctoral research scientist in Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab, in the Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, Helmholtz Munich. She is interested in fundamental questions of mesothelial cell behavior under stress conditions and during development. Her current research focuses are lineage tracing studies, clonality studies, stem cells, post-surgical adhesions and fibrosis. The overall aim of her research is to understanding the role of mesothelial cells in various injury models and during development.
Aydan Sardogan studied double major bachelor degrees in the areas of Genetics and Bionegineering and Biomedical Engineering at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey. She studied Biology at the Ludwig-Maximillian Universität (LMU) and obtained her master degree in 2018. She joined to Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab during her master studies and studied the biology of mesothelial cells. She completed her PhD study in Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab at the Medical Faculty of LMU, where she continued working on mesothelial cell biology and their importance during different life times and injury.
Aydan Sardogan is a post-doctoral research scientist in Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab, in the Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, Helmholtz Munich. She is interested in fundamental questions of mesothelial cell behavior under stress conditions and during development. Her current research focuses are lineage tracing studies, clonality studies, stem cells, post-surgical adhesions and fibrosis. The overall aim of her research is to understanding the role of mesothelial cells in various injury models and during development.
Aydan Sardogan studied double major bachelor degrees in the areas of Genetics and Bionegineering and Biomedical Engineering at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey. She studied Biology at the Ludwig-Maximillian Universität (LMU) and obtained her master degree in 2018. She joined to Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab during her master studies and studied the biology of mesothelial cells. She completed her PhD study in Dr. Yuval Rinkevich’s lab at the Medical Faculty of LMU, where she continued working on mesothelial cell biology and their importance during different life times and injury.
Fields of Work and Expertise
Regeneration Mesothelium Stem Cell Developmental BiologyFibrosisTransgenic Mouse ModelsTissue Repair
Professional Background
Postdoctoral researcher, IRBM, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany
PhD, Medical Research, Ludwig-Maximillian University Munich, Germany
M.Sc., Biology, Ludwig-Maximillian University Munich, Germany
B.Sc., Biomedical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Turkey
B.Sc., Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Turkey
Honors, Awards and Conferences
2022, 15-17 September, Lyon
ETRS, annual meeting, poster presentation