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Helmholtz Munich | Amelie J. Kraus

The afternoon of Science: Munich Epigenetics Spotlight Meeting 2023 brings epigenetics community together

On October 16, 2023, the Munich Epigenetics community came together for their 7th annual Epigenetics Spotlight meeting, dedicating an afternoon to explore the latest breakthroughs in the field of epigenetics.


In addition to the enlightening keynote talks by Jane Mellor (University of Oxford) and Rob Klose (University of Oxford) the program featured four exciting presentations and flash presentations by early career researchers from Helmholtz Munich, LMU and University of Regensburg. 


Organized by Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, Robert Schneider, and Ksenia Kuznetsova, this year's gathering drew over 100 researchers from Helmholtz Munich, LMU, TUM, and the University of Regensburg, reinforcing the sense of community and collaboration within the field of epigenetics.


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The event was sponsored by Arima Genomics.

Stay tuned for Munich Epigenetics Spotlight Meeting 2024 announcements!