LHI scientist Mareike Lehmann enters the „Hall of Fame of European Lung Science.”
ERS Early Career Member Award for her work on cellular senescence in chronic lung diseases like COPD and IPF
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) awards this year's Early Career Member Award to lung researcher Prof. Mareike Lehmann. The Award is intended to honour a promising early-career member of ERS based on potential for future scientific contribution as well as past and current engagement in the ERS.
Mareike Lehmann is a group leader at the Institute for Lung Health and Immunity (LHI, Helmholtz Munich) and a professor of translational inflammation research at the University of Marburg. Her group at Helmholtz Munich focuses on cellular senescence in chronic lung diseases. She was awarded with a prestigious Emmy Noether award earlier this year that will further allow her to explore cellular senescence and inflammaging in the development of COPD and IPF with a special focus on extracellular vesicles.
The 37-year-old scientist is particularly pleased about the ERS award: "The ERS is the largest European specialist society for pneumology and has been my scientific haven since the beginning of my career," she explains. "Seeing that my research is attracting international interest and that my commitment to society and especially to young researchers is being recognized motivates me immensely and confirms that I'm on the right track."
The "Early Career Member Award" will be presented at the annual meeting of ERS in Milan, Italy in mid-September. There, Mareike Lehmann will also have the opportunity to present her research to the international scientific audience.