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Biobanking, Data and ELSI

We address topics related to biobanking, ELSI questions, and biodata management as a basis for molecular epidemiology.

We address topics related to biobanking, ELSI questions, and biodata management as a basis for molecular epidemiology.

About our Research

Our research group consists of experts in all topics related to biobanking such as ELSI (ethical, legal and social issues), biosample acquisition, processing and storage, data management and access to biosamples.

Quality management and data and quality standards are important aspects in all of these topics. Therefore, we are partner in a number of biobanking projects.

People at Biobanking, Data and ELSI

Porträt Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux

Dr. Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux

Senior Scientist, Head of Research Group 'Biobanking, Data and ELSI' View profile
Porträt Stephanie Mach-Kolb

Stephanie Mach

Science Manager
Porträt Hans Demski

Hans Demski

IT and Data Manager
Porträt Monika Kraus

Dr. Monika Kraus

Senior Scientist, Deputy Head of Research Group "Biobanking, Data and ELSI"
Porträt Julia Groth

Dr. Julia Groth

Senior Scientist, Project Manager
Porträt Bärbel Fösel

Dr. Bärbel Fösel

Senior Scientist, Project Manager

Manuela Scheuner

Scientist, Project Manager / Quality Management (QMB)

Kathrin Hill

HIntergrund_EPI - LinkedIn HighlightEpigenetics

Aloysious Alonso Lubega

IT and Data Manager

Dr. Sonja Kunze

Senior Scientist, Project Manager

Marc Müller

Project Manager

Ewelina Parchanska

Scientist, Project Manager

Hakan Kantar


Ellen Sargsyan

Vanessa Nalewaja

Our Projects

DZIF / Unit Liquid Biobanking

​The German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF) Liquid Biobanking is located at Helmholtz Munich and responsible for all issues related to the collection of liquid biosamples. Our goal is to provide safe, high-quality, authenticated and standardised biospecimens for DZIF projects and external partners.

DZIF / Transplant Cohort​ (Tx)

​At Helmholtz Munich we are responsible for long-term storage of the biosamples collected at the two Munich Tx partner clinics LMU and MRI as well as for the harmonized, quality-controlled collection of biosamples at all five partner sites by providing joint SOPs and conducting annual audits. Moreover, we host the DZIF Central Biosample Register (DZIF-ZBR), for central data storage and administration of the DZIF Tx-cohort sample collection and further DZIF studies.

DZIF / Translational Infrastructure Bioresources, Biodata & Digital Health (TI BBD)

We are part of the Translational Infrastructure Bioresources, Biodata & Digital Health (TI BBD) of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) and host important DZIF registries and hubs at Helmholtz Munich.

ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) / Ethics Coordination (EC)

Clinical studies, registers and cohorts, collect a wealth of quality-assured health data and biosamples. Participants’ consent provided, using this data for secondary research projects efficiently utilizes existing resources and is increasingly encouraged.

Ethics coordination as part of research data infrastructures

We accompany clinical studies and dedicated infrastructures from project planning onwards and are responsible for the integration of infrastructural, ethical and data protection aspects of the processing and use of patient data and biosamples by the research infrastructure into patient documents. We further provide ELSI consultation to ensure that applicable regulatory frameworks allow secondary use of data collected as part of and additional to clinical studies and managed by large national research data infrastructures.

To support Interoperability, consent contents are translated into machine-readable code enabeling the implementation of automated processes, such as bulk consent querying as part of secondary research requests. We further provide Consulting for ethical and regulatory aspects of (emerging) topics in clinical research such as OMICS, record linkage, health insurance data, new legislation, patient involvement, among other.

These topics were adressed as part of the research data infrastructures of the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) and the NUM Clinical Epidemiology and Study Platform (NUKLEUS) of the German Network University Medicine (NUM) in a continuously changing environment over the past 10 years and counting.


We support a wide variety of DZHK funded clincal studies

  • Integration of the Clinical Research Platform and the DZHK Heart Bank in Patient Information and Consent Documents
  • Maintenance of the ethics concept of the clinical research section
  • Support of Use & Access processes of DZHK Heart Bank
  • Support for the public relations team in the area of patient participation



NAPKON 1.0/2.0: The National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON) was initiated in July 2020 during COVID pandemic conditions within the framework of the University Medicine Network (NUM) and bundles previously decentralized national research activities in a common framework of cohorts and infrastructures.

NAPKON-TIP (NAPKON Therapeutic Intervention Platform): The project aims to establish an infrastructure for adaptive clinical platform studies in Germany. Using the recruitment network established in NAPKON and the NUKLEUS infrastructure, successful concepts from international study platforms are to be integrated and adapted to the national and NUM legal contexts.

RACOON FADEN (NUM Radiological Cooperative Network - Early detection of adenomyosis): The clinical trial investigates validated radiological features after MRI examination for the early detection of adenomyosis in young patients and aims to establish an infrastructure for the extraction of imaging biomarkers of the uterus for scalable use. For this purpose, the two NUM infrastructures RACOON and NUKLEUS joined forces.


Helmholtz Munich Biobank

The Helmholtz Munich Biobank with its worldwide unique and valuable collection of human biosamples is a major resource for researchers working in the fields of prevention, diagnosis and therapy of complex diseases.

We currently store over one million biosamples from more than 50,000 people from population-based and clinical studies in a quality-controlled manner.


German Biobank Alliance
Joint Biobank Munich

Together with the biobanks of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and the Technical University of Munich we form the Joint Biobank Munich (JBM) and are partner in the German Biobank Alliance (GBA). JBM serves as network for joint projects of the Munich partners with relation to biobanking.

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Contact Head

Porträt Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux

Dr. Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux

Senior Scientist, Head of Research Group 'Biobanking, Data and ELSI'

Building 45, Room 003