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Molecular Diagnostics
kentoh -

Complex Diseases

We aim to decipher the molecular underpinnings of complex traits and the effect of environment and lifestyle on (epi-)genomic regulation.

We aim to decipher the molecular underpinnings of complex traits and the effect of environment and lifestyle on (epi-)genomic regulation.

About our Research

Our research focuses on the molecular analysis of cardiometabolic traits. We combine state-of-the-art laboratory and statistical methods to study the complex interplay between molecular mechanisms, environment and lifestyle in the context of the onset and progression of disease. Identified loci are subjected to further functional characterization. We have particular experience in conducting high-throughput genotyping and genome-wide methylation projects.


People at Complex Diseases

Porträt Melanie Waldenberger

Dr. Melanie Waldenberger

Senior Scientist, Head of Research Group 'Complex Diseases' View profile
Porträt Pamela Matias Garcia

Pamela Matias Garcia

Postdoc, Deputy Head of Research Group 'Complex Diseases'
Porträt Monica Gomez

Monica del Carmen Gomez Alonso

Porträt Nadine Lindemann

Nadine Lindemann


Ritika Sharma

PhD Student (visiting)
Porträt Julia Groth

Dr. Julia Groth

Senior Scientist, Project Manager

Liye Lai

PhD Student
Porträt Marketa Rynesova

Markéta Fuchs (née Rynesova)

PhD Student

Dr. Thomas Delerue

Porträt Alicia Podadera

Alicia Podadera Herreros

PhD Student

Dr. Aayah Nounu

Porträt Ganling Ding

Ganling Ding

PhD Student

Current Projects

Funded by BMBF


Dietary induced methylome and transcriptome dynamics assessing nutrition impacts on cardiovascular and metabolic health


Funded by DFG

Risk Prediction Score

Identification and validation of circulating sncRNAs causally associated with gallbladder cancer and development of a multifactorial risk prediction score

Funded by DFG & CONACYT

Functional Characterization

Functional characterization of DNA methylation at the LGALS3BP and SREBF1 loci: molecular mechanisms linked to metabolic disorders

Funded by EU


Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Funded by DZHK

Shared Expertise

Epigenetic age acceleration and cardiometabolic health: a longitudinal investigation.

Contact Head

Porträt Melanie Waldenberger

Dr. Melanie Waldenberger

Senior Scientist, Head of Research Group 'Complex Diseases'
