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Next Generation Services

Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also called massively parallel or deep sequencing, stands for a DNA/RNA sequencing technology that is much quicker and cheaper than the previously used Sanger sequencing and has revolutionized genomic research. A good summary for users new to NGS technologies can be found in the document  "An Introduction to next generation technology". Please see below for an overview of our services. You can book all our services via iLab.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also called massively parallel or deep sequencing, stands for a DNA/RNA sequencing technology that is much quicker and cheaper than the previously used Sanger sequencing and has revolutionized genomic research. A good summary for users new to NGS technologies can be found in the document  "An Introduction to next generation technology". Please see below for an overview of our services. You can book all our services via iLab.

Service Overview

Our NGS platform provides sequencing services for both DNA and RNA analysis as follows:

  • Automated DNA/RNA Isolation
  • Automated library preparation for WGS, Exome-Seq, and RNA-Seq (mRNA and total RNA)
  • NGS Sequencing full service
  • Sequencing only service (users provide Illumina kit)
  • Single Cell Sequencing
  • Long Read Sequencing
  • Method development
  • Consultation on experimental design and troubleshooting
  • Support for the submission of grants and publications
  • Access to self-service instruments (trainied users only)

NGS services

The Illumina Novaseq X Plus sequencing system is the state-of-the-art sequencer for genomic studies.

It can run three types of Flowcells (10B, 25B and 1.5B). These flowcells and various read length combinations enable effective throughput as needed. Flow cell features are summarized in tables 1 and 2 below.

The core will determine the best solution with each customer.


Table 1: Flowcell-Options for the Illumina NovaSeq X Plus


Flow Cell Type




Available sizes

(In cycles)










Single or Paired-reads

1.5 Billions

10 Billions

25 Billions

Number of lanes





Please note: The NovaSeq X Plus Kits contains reagents for 38 additional cycels to support the use of Unique Dual Indexes (UDIs) and Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs).


Table 2: Estimated sample throughput for frequently used applications


Flow Cell Type




Human Genomes per Flow Cell




Exomes per Flow Cell




Transcriptomes per Flow Cell





*All sample throughputs are estimates per single flow cell run. Human genomes assumes > 120 Gb of data per sample to achieve 30× genome coverage. Exomes assumes ~8 Gb per sample to achieve 100x coverage. Transcriptomes assumes ≥ 50M reads. Throughput may vary based on library preparation kit used.


We offer the options below for sequencing on the NovaSeq, routinely the core will order all reagents and invoice for the complete service:

  • Sequencing plus library-Prep from isolated DNA/RNA 
  • Sequencing of customer-made libraries
  • Sequencing only service (Customer delivers Illumina Sequencing Kits and ready made library)


The Illumina NextSeq 1000 sequencing system can run two different flow cell types (P1 and P2) and various read length combinations to enable effective throughput as needed (100 Mio reads in P1 and 400 Mio reads in P2). This benchtop sequencer creates the perfect output bridge between the low throughput Miseq sequencer (up to 25Mio reads) and the high throughput NovaSeq 6000 (starting with 800 Mio reads). Flow cell features are summarized in tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1: Sequencing Output Per Flow CellNextSeq 1000

Flowcell type



2 x 50


40 Gb /   400 Mio reads

2 x 100


80 Gb /   400 Mio reads

2 x 150

30 Gb / 100 Mio reads

120 Gb / 400 Mio reads


Table 2: Estimated Sample Throughput for Key Applications

Flow Cell Type



Small Whole-Genome Sequencing (300 cycles)
130 Mb genome; > 30× coverage



Whole-Exome Sequencing (200 cycles)
50× mean targeted coverage; 90% targeted coverage at 20×



Single-Cell RNA-Seq (100 cycles)
4k cells, 10k-50k reads/cell





We offer the services below for sequencing on the Nextseq 1000, routinely the core will order all reagents and invoice for the complete service:

  • Sequencing plus library-Prep from isolated DNA/RNA
  • Sequencing of customer-made libraries
  • Sequencing only service (Customer delivers Illumina Sequencing Kits and ready made library)


The Illumina MiSeq is a benchtop sequencer ideal for projects requiring a limited number of reads (up to 25 M). It is also frequently used for prokaryotic sequencing projects.

The MiSeq's flow cell has only one lane, for technical details see on Source

User can order runs as a full service or operate the Core’s MiSeq independently after introductory training. Please contact us prior to first use.

For high throughput, standardized library preparation we use three Agilent Bravo NGS workstations (pre and post PCR) to process up to 96 samples per run.

Our library prep portfolio:

  • whole genome library preparation for DNA (Illumina PCR-free tagmentation kit)
  • whole exome library preparation for DNA (Twist Exome/Panels)
  • mRNA and totalRNA library preparation (Illumina Stranded mRNA Ligation and Illumina Stranded Total RNA Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus)

Crucially important for successful and high quality library prep is the exact mesurement of the concentration and the quality of the submitted DNA/RNA. Input DNA and RNA quantities specified in table 1 apply only if samples were quantified by a fluorometric method (e.g. Qubit, PicoGreen, RiboGreen). If a spectrophotometer (e.g. Nanodrop) was used, we suggest submitting twice the requested amount of sample since this type of measurement is often unreliable. In any case, sample amounts higher than the minimum requirements will improve the library complexity and thus the quality of the data.

Prepared libraries are ready to be sequenced on the MiSeq, NovaSeq 6000 or NovaSeq X Plus depending on the desired output. If you have a large project that would require a different library preparation method, get in contact with us to discuss the automation possibilities.


Table 1: Minimum amount and quality of nuclic acids for various library prep protocols (*EB: Elution Buffer, **Measured with a fluorescence-based method like Qubit)


Library Type





Whole Genome Sequencing

double-stranded DNA, non-degraded, A260/280 ratio > 1.8

500 ng

20 ng/µl

EB*, H2O

DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation library

checked with agarose gel, RNA-free

in 25 µl

20 ng/µl

EB*, H2O

Twist Exome/Panels

double-stranded DNA, non-degraded, A260/280 ratio > 1.8, RNA-free

65 ng in 13 µl

5 ng/µl

EB*, H2O

Stranded mRNA, Ligation

mRNA, RIN > 7, DNA-free

300 ng - 1 µg in 25 µl

12-40 ng/µl

non-DEPC treated H2O

Stranded Total RNA, Ligation

Total RNA, RIN > 7, DNA-free

10 - 200 ng in 11 µl

0.9-19 ng/µl

non-DEPC treated H2O


Our Equipment

  • Illumina NovaSeq X Plus
  • Illumina NextSeq 1000 
  • 10x Genomics Chromium
  • Agilent Bravo robotic workstations (library prep)
  • TECAN Fluent robotic workstation
  • Perkin Elmer LabChip GX Touch HT
  • QC-Instruments (Qubit, Nanodrop,Covaris200)

  • Illumina MiSeq Sequencer
  • Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 (Cartridges available upon request at extra costs)

Users can access our instruments for self-service use after prior training by facility staff. Please contact us to arrange training.

Our Contact


Core Facility Genomics

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Building 34