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Aerial viev green forest on a spring day, natural background. Photo from the drone
artjazz -

Environmental Health Center Environmental Simulation

Our research focuses on the impact of environmental factors on the biosphere-atmosphere exchange through the simulation of diverse climatic conditions.

Our research focuses on the impact of environmental factors on the biosphere-atmosphere exchange through the simulation of diverse climatic conditions.

Our Research Areas

Abiotic Stress

Abiotic Stress Resistance and Resilience

For maintaining sustainable, environmentally benign agriculture under the forecasted future climate conditions, it is essential to design effective plant breeding and protection strategies, principally exploiting the available genetic resources.

More about Abiotic Stress

Biology of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Our research provides evidence on how and to which extent biogenic VOCs are involved in plant protection and adaptation as well as how multiple environmental constraints affect plant behavior and biotic interactions (pathogens and herbivores.

More about VOCs


We aim to understand the interrelation between biotic and abiotic stress responses and plant health and productivity on a molecular level.

More about Phenomics
Associated research group

Molecular Plant Physiology

Our research addresses (i) the establishment and control of defense against plant pathogens by inactivation of immune-modulatory signaling molecules through glucosylation and (ii) the impact of aquaporins on plant development using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

More about Molecular Plant Physiology

Scientists at EUS

Porträt Jörg-Peter Schnitzle

Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler

Director of Department, Biologist View profile
Porträt Barbro Winkler

Dr. J. Barbro Winkler

Deputy Director, Biologist, Group Leader Ecophysiology

Dr. Andrea Ghirardo

Biotechnologist, Group Leader Environmental Simulation and Phenomics View profile

Prof. Dr. Peter Schröder

Project leader

Rachna Behl

PhD, EpiCrossBorders

Franz Buegger


Dr. Catarina da Rocha Cruzeiro


Georg Gerl

Agricultural Engineer

Ulrich Junghans


Peter Kary

Machinist, operation of exposure chambers and greenhouse

Anna Mateeva


Dr. Tetyana Nosenko

Bioinformatics scientist

Mustafa Özden


Moritz Popp

PhD student

Humay Rahimova

PhD Student

Armin Richter

Air conditioning technician (state-certified)

Petra Seibel

Chemical-technical assistant

Alexandros Sigalas

Electronics engineer, automation and data analysis

Prasath Balaji Sivaprakasam Padmanaban

PhD Student

Baris Weber

Chemical-technical assistant, VOC, GCMS

Peiyuan Zhu

PhD student

Ina Zimmer

Biological-technical assistant, sample analytics, cell cultures
Chambers and Cabinets
Steps during Lunch Break

EUS Publications

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Cooperation and Affiliation


Porträt Jörg-Peter Schnitzle

Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler

Director of Department, Biologist

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