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Kristallstruktur von Vaspin
Helmholtz Munich | John Heiker

Molecular Obesity Research / Heiker-Lab

Our group ‘Molecular Obesity Research’ pursues several approaches to investigate protein, especially serpins and proteases, function in adipose tissue and obesity. We use our expertise in protein expression and purification to generate substantial amounts of these proteins and elucidate the structural characteristics and molecular mechanisms underlying their biologic activity. In parallel, we are dedicated to unravel their physiological function in health and disease using isolated cells, tissues and animal models. 

Our group ‘Molecular Obesity Research’ pursues several approaches to investigate protein (e.g. serpin or protease) function in adipose tissue and obesity. We use our expertise in protein expression and purification to generate substantial amounts of these proteins and elucidate the structural characteristics and molecular mechanisms underlying their biologic activity. In parallel, we are dedicated to unravel their physiological function in health and disease using isolated cells, tissues and animal models. 

Lab Members

MA-Foto John Heiker_freigestellt

PD Dr. Dr. John Heiker

Group Leader "Molecular Obesity Research" View profile
MA-Foto Christian Strehlau EH6A4702 - freigestellt

Christian Strehlau

PhD Candidate
MA-Foto Helen Broghammer

Helen Broghammer

PhD Candidate

Dr. Juliane Weiner

PostDoc / Guest Researcher
MA-Foto Claudia Gebhardt - freigestellt

Claudia Gebhardt


Olivia Paetow


Alumni of the Heiker Lab

  • Inka Rapöhn, PhD cand., M.Sc., student assistant (2019-2024)
  • Kevin Möhlis, PhD cand. (2020-2024)
  • Maren Wiermann, M.Sc., student assistant (2022-2024)
  • Rachel Zimmer, M.Sc., student assistant (2023-2024)
  • Lukas Schneider, student assistant (2023-2024)
  • Anna Moormann, M.Sc., student assistant (2022-2023)
  • Isabel Sandner, M.Sc. (2023)
  • Michael Schneekönig, M.Sc. (2023)
  • Andrine Frank, student assistant (2022-2023)
  • Lisa Christen, PhD (2020-2023)
  • Sebastian Dommel, PostDoc (2022-2023)
  • Aleix Ribas-Latre, PostDoc (2020-2023)
  • Hanna Scheffold, B.Sc. (2022)
  • Catherine Tindall, PhD (2017-2021)
  • Sophie Rehme, M.Sc. (2021)
  • Helen Broghammer, B.Sc. (2021)
  • Sandra Kuhn, M.Sc. (2021)
  • Nicolas Mytzka, M.Sc. (2020)
  • Estelle Erkner, M.Sc. (2019)
  • Benjamin Fritz, M.Sc. (2019)
  • Lisa Volke, M.Sc. (2019)

Contact Heiker-Lab:

MA-Foto John Heiker_freigestellt

PD Dr. Dr. John Heiker

Group Leader "Molecular Obesity Research"
