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Portrait Timo Müller
Helmholtz Munich | © Michael Haggenmüller

Prof. Dr. Timo Mueller

Director, Institute for Diabetes and Obesity and W3 Professor, Walther-Straub Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)

"Our goal is to discover, validate and target obesity- and diabetes-linked pathomechanisms and to develop personalized preventive and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and its co-morbidities."

"Our goal is to discover, validate and target obesity- and diabetes-linked pathomechanisms and to develop personalized preventive and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and its co-morbidities."

Academic Pathway

Timo Müller studied Animal Physiology at the Philipps-University Marburg, Germany. In 2009, he received his PhD at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He then moved on to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the Metabolic Disease Institute, University of Cincinnati, USA. In 2011, Timo Müller returned to Germany, where he ever since leads the Division of Molecular Pharmacology at the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity (IDO), Helmholtz Munich. In November 2023, Timo Müller was appointed Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity. Since February 2024, Timo Müller holds a full professorship (W3) at the Walther-Straub Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany.

In 2019, he received the Venia legendi for experimental pharmacology from the Medical Faculty at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Timo Müllers research is focused on the development and evaluation of novel unimolecular pharmacotherapies to treat the metabolic syndrome, and in particular obesity and diabetes. He is part of an international team of scientists who pioneered the concept of GLP-1-based dual-and triple-agonists for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.

He published >140 manuscripts, including articles in Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Medicine, Nature Metabolism, and Nature Communications. As postdoctoral fellow, he discovered that that adipose-specific loss of p62 leads to extreme obesity in mice (Müller et al., J Clin Invest 2013) and identified GPR83 as a regulator of energy metabolism (Müller et al., Nat Commun 2013). He established the concept of glucagon-mediated hepatic delivery of T3 to enhance lipid and cholesterol metabolism (Finan et al. Cell 2016) and showed GLP-1-mediated delivery of oestrogen to restore beta-cell mass in diabetic mice (Sachs et al. Nat Metab 2020).

Timo Müller refuted the concept that alternatively activated macrophages regulate adaptive thermogenesis (Fischer et al., Nat Med 2017), identified the signal mechanism of how p62 regulates energy metabolism (Fischer et al., Nat Commun 2020) and identified the CNS GIP receptor as a key regulator of body weight (Zhang et al., Cell Metab 2021). He also published two of the most cited manuscripts of Molecular Metabolism (Müller et al., Mol Metab 2015 and Müller et al., Mol Metab 2019).

Fields of Work and Expertise

Gut Hormones GLP-1 GIPGlucagonEndocrinologyObesityDiabetesEnergy Metabolism


Professional Career

Since 2024

Full Professor

Walther-Straub Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)

Since 2023

Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity

Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (HMGU), Munich, Germany  

Since 2018

Acting Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity

Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (HMGU), Munich, Germany  

Since 2011

Head of Division of Molecular Pharmacology, Institute for Diabetes and Obesity

Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (HMGU), Munich, Germany  


Postdoctoral Fellow at the Metabolic Disease Institute

University of Cincinnati, USA

Honors and Awards

Icon Award
Minkowski Award of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Werner-Creutzfeldt-Preis der Deutschen Diabetesgesellschaft (DDG)
Gallenus-von-Pergamon Preis des Springer-Medizin Verlags
ERC consolidator Grant TRUSTED
Diabetes Award of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)