Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult.
Research Director Helmholtz Munich, Full Professor and Chair of Experimental Genetics Technical University Munich Germany, Director of the Institute of Experimental Genetics Helmholtz MunichProf. Hrabě de Angelis’ areas of research include genetics, diabetes, phenotyping and data mining.
Martin Hrabě de Angelis studied biology at Philipps University in Marburg and completed his PhD on the influence of growth factors on early embryonic development in 1994. During his time as a postdoctoral researcher (1994 – 1997) at the internationally recognized Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor (USA), he examined the Delta/Notch signaling pathway and somitogenesis in mouse models. Deciphering the genetic underpinning for pattern formation of the body axis has been a major focus. Already at that time modelling human health and disease has been of major interest.
In 1997 he returned to Germany and headed the working group “Functional Genetics” at the Institute for Mammalian Genetics GSF, Munich. Together with Prof. Rudi Balling and colleagues he successfully performed the first comprehensive ENU-mutagenesis screen for disease models, resulting in great many new models, which have been used in the own laboratory and world-wide.
In 2001, Martin founded the world first Mouse Clinic (German Mouse Clinic) for the systemic analysis of mouse models for human disease including a special focus on metabolism. This was possible in his new position as director of the Institute of Experimental Genetics at Helmholtz Munich (German Research Center for Environmental Health). In 2003, he was appointed to the Chair of Experimental Genetics at Technical University Munich. He is also the director of the European research consortium "INFRAFRONTIER ERIC".
Hrabě de Angelis and colleagues have shown that dietary obesity and diabetes mellitus can be epigenetically inherited from the offspring via egg cells as well as sperm. By studying knockout mice, each of which lacked a precisely selected gene, he succeeded in identifying 51 unknown genes that could play an important role in the development of metabolic diseases and diabetes. His published research articles, have been cited over 52 000 times. Martin Hrabě de Angelis directs national and international research projects. He is co-founder and board member of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD, 2009). He is also elected member of the National Academy of Science (Leopoldina)
- Speaker and member of the board: German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)
- CEA/CSO: INFRAFRONTIER Ltd. Non for profit
- Member of the Excecutive Board IMPC
- Co-founder of two biotech companies
Fields of Work and Expertise
Metabolism & DiabetesLarge Scale Functional Genomics/GeneticsEpigeneticsData Mining
Professional Background
Research Director Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH
Full Professor (W3) and Chair of Experimental Genetics Technical University München Germany
Director Institute of Experimental Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH
1997-2000: Independent group leader within the German Human Genome Project (DHGP) and coordinator of the ENU mutagenesis project at the Institute of Mammalian Genetics, GSF, Munich
Postdoctoral fellow at Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA (DFG and NIH stipend)
PhD in Biology at Philipps University Marburg (summa cum laude)
Study Biology, Sports, Pedagogy at Philipps University Marburg, (State examination passed with distinction)
Honors and Awards
Paul Langerhans Medal – Highest recognition of the DDG (German Diabetes Society)
2021IMPC award of excellence
2019Member of the National Academy of Sciences LEOPOLDINA
2018Dr. med. honoris causa Technical University Dresden Germany
2018Dr. vet. med. honoris causa. Ludwig Maximilian University Munich Germany
2017Dr. med. honoris causa Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen Germany
2016Paula und Richard von Hertwig award for interdisciplinary research
2003 & 2010JAX/NIH stipend postdoctoral fellow
1996-97DFG Stipend as postdoctoral fellow
1994-96Summa cum laude for overall performance PhD
Highlight Publications
See all Publications of Martin Hrabě de AngelisNature Cardiovascular Research 1(2) 157-173 (2022)
EMBO Mol Med e14397, doi:10.15252/emmm.202114397 (2021)
Characterising a homozygous two-exon deletion in UQCRH: comparing human and mouse phenotypes.
Commun Biology 3:628, (2020)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1819825116 (2019)
Nat Commun 9:288, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01995-2 (2018)
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-througput mouse phenotyping.
Nature Genet 48,497-499 DOI:10.1038/ng.3527 (2016) (* equal contribution)
Epigenetic germline inheritance of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance.
Nat Genet 47(9), 969-978 (2015)
Diabetes, DOI: 10.23377db14-0393 (2014)