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Andreas Müller | Deborah Schmidt

Molecular Diabetology

Solimena Lab

Our laboratory is interested in the cell biology of beta cells of the endocrine pancreas. Pancreatic beta cells play a key role in glucose homeostasis by releasing the glucose-lowering hormone insulin. 

Our laboratory is interested in the cell biology of beta cells of the endocrine pancreas. Pancreatic beta cells play a key role in glucose homeostasis by releasing the glucose-lowering hormone insulin. 

About our work

Our laboratory is interested in the cell biology of beta cells of the endocrine pancreas. Pancreatic beta cells play a key role in glucose homeostasis by releasing the glucose-lowering hormone insulin. Autoimmune destruction of beta cells leads to the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus, whereas an impairment of insulin secretion is implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our research is focused on the insulin secretory granules, i.e. the organelles devoted to the storage and regulated release of insulin in response to glucose and other stimuli.

Our ultimate goal

The ultimate goal is to apply the information obtained through our studies towards the development of novel approaches for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

To pursue these studies we apply a large variety of molecular, biochemical and imaging techniques both in vitro (in insulinoma cells and purified pancreatic islets) and in vivo (in transgenic and knock-out mice).


The Solimena Group

Katja Pfriem 2000x2000 Munich Purple

Katja Pfriem

Administrative Coordination
Yanni Morgenroth 2000x2000 Cyan

Yanni Morgenroth

Dana Krueger Setcard Portrait 2000x2000 Cyan

Dana Krüger

Carla Münster 2000x2000 Setcard Cyan

Carla Münster

Technische Assistenz
Porträt von Eyke Schoeniger

Eyke Schöniger

Technische Assistenz
Porträt Juha Torkko 2000x2000 Cyan Setcard

Juha Torkko, PhD


Dr. Andreas Müller

Portrait Carolin Eckert

Carolin Eckert

Technische Assistenz
Daniela Friedland Portrait 2000x2000 Munich Red

Daniela Friedland

Technische Assistenz
Katharina Ganß 2000x2000 Setcard MunichRed

Katharina Ganß

Technische Assistenz

Ongoing Projects


Elucidation of microtubule networks of beta cells via electron microsocopy


Natural History of Type-2 Diabetes in Beta Cells - Novel Insights from Pamcreatic Living Donors

Type-1 Diabetes

Cell Biologies of Enteroviruses in Beta Cells and Type-1 Diabetes

Selected Publications

See all

Contact us!

Katja Pfriem 2000x2000 Munich Purple

Katja Pfriem

Administrative Coordination