In: Spatially Fractionated, Microbeam and Flash Radiation Therapy: Physics and Multidisciplinary Approach. 2022. 14.1-14.22
Radiobiological modeling and equivalent uniform dose for spatially fractionated radiation therapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:22333 (2022)
Incidental nodal irradiation in patients with esophageal cancer undergoing (chemo)radiation with 3D-CRT or VMAT.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:5964 (2022)
Good Timing Matters: The spatially fractionated high dose rate boost should come first.
In: (DS 118: Proceedings of NordDesign 2022, 16-18 August 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark). 2022. accepted
Material selection for extreme thermo-mechanical loads using design space projection: A concept study for an ultra-high power X-Ray source.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 178:109425 (2022)
Development and external validation of an MRI-based neural network for brain metastasis segmentation in the AURORA multicenter study.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:13693 (2022)
Track structure-based simulations on DNA damage induced by diverse isotopes.
2022 Scientific Article in Neurosurgical Focus Neurosurg. Focus 53:E4 (2022)
Neurosurgery for eloquent lesions in children: State-of-the-art rationale and technical implications of perioperative neurophysiology.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:19914 (2022)
Influence of radiation treatment technique (IMRT vs. 3D-RT) on acute toxicity and prognostic factors for survival for anal cancer.
2022 Scientific Article in European Urology Oncology Eur. Urol. Oncol. 5, 668-676 (2022)
Prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography-based lymph node atlas for salvage radiotherapy in patients with recurrent prostate cancer: A validation of the new NRG oncology 2020 guideline.
2022 Scientific Article in Nanomaterials Nanomaterials 12:3619 (2022)
Curcumin nanodiscs improve solubility and serve as radiological protectants against ionizing radiation exposures in a cell-cycle dependent manner.
2022 Editorial in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 661-665 (2022)
Obituary: Prof. Dr. Albrecht M. Kellerer (1935-2022).
2022 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 507-543 (2022)
Radiation dose rate effects: What is new and what is needed?
2022 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 579-596 (2022)
Heterogeneity of dose distribution in normal tissues in case of radiopharmaceutical therapy with alpha-emitting radionuclides.
2022 Scientific Article in Comparative Medicine Comparative Med. 72, 336-341 (2022)
Comparison of 3 positioning techniques for fractionated high-precision radiotherapy in an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:901390 (2022)
The impact of tumor metabolic activity assessed by 18F-FET amino acid PET imaging in particle radiotherapy of high-grade glioma patients.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:16755 (2022)
Integrated radiogenomics analyses allow for subtype classification and improved outcome prognosis of patients with locally advanced HNSCC.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Public Health Front. Publ. Health 10:969330 (2022)
Mobile phone screen protector glass: A TL investigation of the intrinsic background signal.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 98, 1763-1776 (2022)
Radiation adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) are on the horizon: Advancing radiation protection through an international horizon-style exercisewe.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:4517 (2022)
Surgical and functional outcome after resection of 64 petroclival meningiomas.
2022 Scientific Article in Diagnostics Diagnostics 12:2186 (2022)
Differentiating enchondromas and atypical cartilaginous tumors in long Bones with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:4164 (2022)
As easy as 1, 2, 3? How to determine CBCT frequency in adjuvant breast radiotherapy.
2022Vortrag: International Symposium for Medical Applications of X-ray, Phase-Contrast & Photon-Counting (IMXP), 04-05 August 2022, Garching. (2022)
Phase contrast imaging with a novel powerful source for orthovoltage x-rays.
2022 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 50, 218-227 (2022)
The maximum standardized uptake value in patients with recurrent or persistent prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy and PSMA-PET-guided salvage radiotherapy-a multicenter retrospective analysis.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 98, 1722-1751 (2022)
Application of radiation omics in the development of adverse outcome pathway networks: An example of radiation-induced cardiovascular disease.
2022 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 198, 971-980 (2022)
DEGRO practical guideline for central nervous system radiation necrosis part 2: Treatment.
2022 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 198, 873-883 (2022)
DEGRO practical guideline for central nervous system radiation necrosis part 1: Classification and a multistep approach for diagnosis.
2022 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 485-504 (2022)
Out-of-field effects: Lessons learned from partial body exposure.
2022 Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61:505 (2022)
Correction to: Out‑of‑field effects: Lessons learned from partial body exposure.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 198, 1471-1475 (2022)
Eurados rem-counter intercomparison at Maastro proton therapy centre: Comparison with literature data.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:8265 (2022)
Irradiated triple-negative breast cancer co-culture produces a less oncogenic extracellular matrix.
2022 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 545-559 (2022)
A matter of space: How the spatial heterogeneity in energy deposition determines the biological outcome of radiation exposure.
2022 Scientific Article in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lect. Notes Comput. Sc. 12962 LNCS, 306-314 (2022)
A video data based transfer learning approach for classification of MGMT status in brain tumor MR images.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 114, 409-415 (2022)
Breast cancer radiotherapy and the risk of acute coronary events - insights from a process oriented model.
2022 Scientific Article in Onkologie Onkologie 28, 957–963 (2022)
Radiochirurgie vs. Ganzhirnbestrahlung– mehr Lebensqualität, mehr Leistungsfähigkeit?
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 99, 629-643 (2022)
Assessing the impact of different neutron RBEs on the all solid cancer radiation risks obtained from the Japanese A-bomb survivors data.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:903537 (2022)
Simulation and experimental verification of ambient neutron doses in a pencil beam scanning proton therapy room as a function of treatment plan parameters.
2022 Scientific Article in Journal of Pathology, The J. Pathol. 258, 189-198 (2022)
Experimental investigation of skin toxicity after immune checkpoint inhibition in combination with radiation therapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:10192 (2022)
Analysis of MRI and CT-based radiomics features for personalized treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer and external validation of published radiomics models.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:10909 (2022)
Anatomy-dependent lung doses from 3D-conformal breast-cancer radiotherapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:3031 (2022)
A novel 2-metagene signature to identify high-risk HNSCC patients amongst those who are clinically at intermediate risk and are treated with PORT.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:2948 (2022)
Pneumonitis after stereotactic thoracic radioimmunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors: Exploration of the dose-volume-effect correlation.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 113, 1015-1024 (2022)
Metastasis-free survival and patterns of distant metastatic disease after PSMA-PET-guided salvage radiotherapy in recurrent or persistent prostate cancer after prostatectomy.
2022 Letter to the Editor in American Journal of Epidemiology Am. J. Epidemiol. 191, 1781–1782 (2022)
Response to AJE-00301-2022 Invited Commentary "Mechanistic and biologically based models in epidemiology; A powerful underutilized tool" by Rafael Meza & Jihyoun Jeon.
2022 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 17:e0269827 (2022)
Lessons learned after one year of COVID-19 from a urologist and radiotherapist view: A German survey on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.
2022 Scientific Article in American Journal of Surgical Pathology, The Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 46, 1060-1070 (2022)
Neoadjuvant radiation in high-grade soft-tissue sarcomas: Histopathologic features and response evaluation.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:869764 (2022)
The impact of postoperative tumor burden on patients with brain metastases.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:3745 (2022)
Integration of p16/HPV DNA status with a 24-miRNA-defined molecular phenotype improves clinically relevant stratification of head and neck cancer patients.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:8319 (2022)
Microbeam irradiation as a simultaneously integrated boost in a conventional whole-brain radiotherapy protocol.
2022 Scientific Article in International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Challenges, Proceedings ISBIC Proceedings (2022)
Risk score classification of renal masses on CT imaging data using a convolutional neural network.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:7148 (2022)
Predictive value of clinical and 18F-FDG-PET/CT derived imaging parameters in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
2022 Editorial in Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics 14:851 (2022)
Delivery of molecules using nanoscale systems for cancer treatment and/or diagnosis.
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:1916 (2022)
Outcome after radiotherapy for vestibular schwannomas (VS)-differences in tumor control, symptoms and quality of life after radiotherapy with photon versus proton therapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 67:105005 (2022)
The effect of non-ionizing excitations on the diffusion of ion species and inter-track correlations in FLASH ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 171, 189-197 (2022)
nTMS-derived DTI-based motor fiber tracking in radiotherapy treatment planning of high-grade gliomas for avoidance of motor structures.
2022 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 49, 4464-4477 (2022)
An encoder-decoder network for direct image reconstruction on sinograms of a long axial field of view PET.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:903706 (2022)
Neutron radiation dose measurements in a scanning proton therapy room: Can parents remain near their children during treatment?
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol., DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2022.2110307 (2022)
Radical recombination and antioxidants: A hypothesis on the FLASH effect mechanism.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Cancer Int. J. Cancer 151, 412-421 (2022)
Stereotactic body radiotherapy of adrenal metastases-A dose-finding study.
2022 Scientific Article in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 42:023002 (2022)
Summary of the 2021 ICRP workshop on the future of radiological protection.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 156:106822 (2022)
Lessons learnt from the recent EURADOS intercomparisons in computational dosimetry.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 171, 91-100 (2022)
Development and validation of a 6-gene signature for the prognosis of loco-regional control in patients with HPV-negative locally advanced HNSCC treated by postoperative radio(chemo)therapy.
2022 Editorial in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 339–340 (2022)
War in Ukraine: Handling of manuscripts from the Russian federation by radiation and environmental biophysics.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:938703 (2022)
The bigger the better? Analysis of surgical complications and outcome of the retrosigmoid approach in 449 oncological cases.
In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. 2022. 53-65
Data and biomaterial archives in radioecology and radiobiology; the importance of STOREing.
2022 Editorial in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 177-178 (2022)
A turning point in history: Thinking about the unthinkable.
2022 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 12:842418 (2022)
The chaperone protein GRP78 promotes survival and migration of head and neck cancer after direct radiation exposure and extracellular vesicle-transfer.
2022 Scientific Article in Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik Z. Med. Phys. 32, 261-272 (2022)
A comprehensive and efficient quality assurance program for an image-guided small animal irradiation system.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science In: (HECKTOR 2021: Head and Neck Tumor Segmentation and Outcome Prediction, 27 September 2021, Virtual, Online). 2022. 150-159 (Lect. Notes Comput. Sc. ; 13209 LNCS)
Deep learning based GTV delineation and progression free survival risk score prediction for head and neck cancer patients.
2022 Scientific Article in Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. 49:e2021GL095383 (2022)
An alternative incoming correction for cosmic-ray neutron sensing observations using local muon measurement.
2022 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 67:135009 (2022)
Dual energy CT for a small animal radiation research platform using an empirical dual energy calibration.
2022 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 17:e0265281 (2022)
A systems radiation biology approach to unravel the role of chronic low-dose-rate gamma-irradiation in inducing premature senescence in endothelial cells.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:10131 (2022)
Heterogeneity in coronary heart disease risk.
2022 Scientific Article in Medical Physics Med. Phys. 49:3375-3388 (2022)
Heat management of a compact x-ray source for microbeam radiotherapy and FLASH treatments.
2022 Scientific Article in Archives of gynecology and obstetrics / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Arch Gynecol Obstet 306, 1821-1828 (2022)
First experiences with PET-MRI/CT in radiotherapy planning for cervical cancer.
2022 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 12:4416 (2022)
Quality of life in patients treated with radiochemotherapy for primary diagnosis of anal cancer.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23:2169 (2022)
Micro-RNA and proteomic profiles of plasma-derived exosomes from irradiated mice reveal molecular changes preventing apoptosis in neonatal cerebellum.
2022 Scientific Article in Nature Methods Nat. Methods 19, 803-811 (2022)
Mass spectrometry-based draft of the mouse proteome.
2022 Letter to the Editor in Neuro-Oncology Neuro. Oncol. 24, 1609-1611 (2022)
Gender disparity regarding work-life balance satisfaction among German neuro-oncologists: A YoungNOA survey.
2022 Scientific Article in American Journal of Epidemiology Am. J. Epidemiol. 191, 1766–1775 (2022)
From atherosclerosis to myocardial infarction - a process-oriented model investigating the role of risk factors.
2022 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 67:075005 (2022)
Joint EURADOS WG9-WG11 rem-counter intercomparison in a Mevion S250i proton therapy facility with Hyperscan pulsed synchrocyclotron.
2022 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 198, 346-353 (2022)
Coronavirus disease 2019 and radiation oncology—survey on the impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic on health care professionals in radiation oncology.
2022 Scientific Article in Virology Virology 569, 37-43 (2022)
The interplay of viral loads, clinical presentation, and serological responses in SARS-CoV-2 – Results from a prospective cohort of outpatient COVID-19 cases.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 169, 8-14 (2022)
Biomarker signatures for primary radiochemotherapy of locally advanced HNSCC - hypothesis generation on a multicentre cohort of the DKTK-ROG.
2022 Scientific Article in BMC Neurology BMC Neurology 22:32 (2022)
Age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index in recurrent glioblastoma: A new prognostic factor?
2022 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 14:685 (2022)
Treatment planning study for microbeam radiotherapy using clinical patient data.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 17:27 (2022)
Comparison of the distribution of lymph node metastases compared to healthy lymph nodes in breast cancer.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 167, 300-307 (2022)
Analyses of molecular subtypes and their association to mechanisms ofradioresistance in patients with HPV-negative HNSCC treated bypostoperative radiochemotherapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiology Radiology 303, 696-698:212332 (2022)
X-ray dark-field CT for early detection of radiation-induced lung injury in a murine model.
2022 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 198, 214-218 (2022)
Stereotaktisch ablative Strahlentherapie für operable nichtkleinzellige Bronchialkarzinome in Stadium I (überarbeitete STARS-Studie): Langzeitergebnisse einer einarmigen, prospektiven Studie mit Vergleich zur Operation.
2022 Review in Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Mutat. Res. - Gen. Tox. Environ. Mutag. 873:503436 (2022)
Cancer risk following low doses of ionising radiation – Current epidemiological evidence and implications for radiological protection.
2022 Scientific Article in Psycho-Oncology Psycho-Oncol. 31, 770-778 (2022)
Distress in hospitalized cancer patients: Associations with personality traits, clinical and psychosocial characteristics.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 61, 87–109 (2022)
External dose reconstruction at the shore of the Metlinsky Pond in the former village of Metlino (Techa River, Russia) based on environmental surveys, luminescence measurements and radiation transport modelling.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 150:106693 (2022)
The influence of nuclear models and Monte Carlo radiation transport codes on stray neutron dose estimations in proton therapy.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 150:106695 (2022)
Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective doses due to photon and neutron point sources and typical X-ray examinations: Results of an international intercomparison exercise.
2022 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 112, 818-830 (2022)
X-ray Phase Contrast 3D virtual histology: Evaluation of lung alterations after micro-beam irradiation.
2022 Scientific Article in Radiation Research Radiat. Res. 197, 175-183 (2022)
A computational model for oxygen depletion hypothesis in FLASH effect.
2022 Scientific Article in Life Science Alliance Life Sci. All. 5:e202101164 (2022)
Bis-choline tetrathiomolybdate prevents copper-induced blood-brain barrier damage.
2022 Scientific Article in Tumori Tumori 108, 486-494 (2022)
Neuroanatomical changes seen in MRI in patients with cerebral metastasized breast cancer after radiotherapy.
2021Vortrag: Joint Conference Medical Physics 2021, 19-21 September 2021, online. (2021)
Impact of pulse motion in the brain on the dose distribution of microbeam radiation therapy.
2021Vortrag: Joint Conference Medical Physics 2021, 19-21 September 2021, online. (2021)
Heat management of the line-focus x-ray tube for microbeam radiotherapy and FLASH treatments.
2021 Scientific Article in Cureus Cureus 13:e19317 (2021)
Non-conventional ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) microbeam radiotherapy provides superior normal tissue sparing in rat lung compared to non-conventional ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) radiotherapy.
In: (EURADOS report). 2021. 32 S.
EURADOS intercomparison on compartmental model for 18F-FDG developed by Hays and Segall.
2021 Scientific Article in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 60:2101674 (2021)
Prognostic phenotypes of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma.
2021 Review in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 41, R140-R151 (2021)
Use of effective dose to assess x-ray protective clothing.
2021 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 11:23251 (2021)
Radiological hazard assessments of radionuclides in building materials, soils and sands from the Gaza Strip and the north of Sinai Peninsula.
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Microbiology Front. Microbiol. 12:781904 (2021)
Spatial and annual variation in microbial abundance, community composition, and diversity associated with alpine surface snow.
2021 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 11:24418 (2021)
Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation study of the secondary radiation fields at the laser-driven ion source LION.
2021 Scientific Article in European Urology Oncology Eur. Urol. Oncol. 4, 73-83 (2021)
PSMA-PET/CT-based lymph node atlas for prostate cancer patients recurring after primary treatment: Clinical implications for salvage radiation therapy.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:5826 (2021)
A comprehensive prospective comparison of acute skin toxicity after hypofractionated and normofractionated radiation therapy in breast cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in BMC Neurology BMC Neurology 21:446 (2021)
Prognostic value of tumour volume in patients with a poor Karnofsky performance status scale – a bicentric retrospective study.
2021 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol., DOI: 10.1007/s00066-021-01861-7 (2021)
Integration of radiation oncology teaching in medical studies by German medical faculties due to the new licensing regulations: An overview and recommendations of the consortium academic radiation oncology of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO).
2021 Scientific Article in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 41, S540-S560 (2021)
Training of clinical triage of acute radiation casualties: A performance comparison of on-site versus online training due to the covid-19 pandemic.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:5656 (2021)
Histopathological tumor and normal tissue responses after 3d-planned arc radiotherapy in an orthotopic xenograft mouse model of human pancreatic cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:5370 (2021)
Application of high‐Z gold nanoparticles in targeted cancer radiotherapy—pharmacokinetic modeling, Monte Carlo simulation and radiobiological effect modeling.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:5092 (2021)
Potential morbidity reduction for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy using respiratory gating.
2021 Scientific Article in Current Oncology Curr. Oncol. 28, 3891-3899 (2021)
Spinal manifestation of malignant primary (Plb) and secondary bone lymphoma (slb).
2021 Scientific Article in Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology Phys. Imag. Radiat. Oncology 20, 11-16 (2021)
In-vivo X-ray dark-field computed tomography for the detection of radiation-induced lung damage in mice.
2021 Scientific Article in Journal of Nuclear Medicine J. Nucl. Med. 62, 1082-1088 (2021)
Matched-pair comparison of Ga68-PSMA-11 and F18-rhPSMA-7 PET/CT in patients with primary and biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer: Frequency of non-tumor-related uptake and tumor positivity.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science In: (24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2021, 27 September-01 October 2021, Virtual, Online). 2021. 775-785 (Lect. Notes Comput. Sc. ; 12907 LNCS)
Do we need complex image features to personalize treatment of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer?
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:4953 (2021)
A multi-scale and multi-technique approach for the characterization of the effects of spatially fractionated X-ray radiation therapies in a preclinical model.
2021 Scientific Article in Cells Cells 10:2608 (2021)
A human 3d cardiomyocyte risk model to study the cardiotoxic influence of x-rays and other noxae in adults.
2021 Letter to the Editor in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 517–518 (2021)
Reply and explanation to Little et al. "Response to: On the choice of methodology for evaluating dose‑rate effects on radiation‑related cancer risks".
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Physics Front. Physics 9:719682 (2021)
Coupling radiation transport and track-structure simulations: Strategy based on analytical formulas representing DNA damage yields.
2021 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 519-530 (2021)
Areas of research to support the system of radiological protection.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancer Nanotechnology Cancer Nanotechnol. 12:27 (2021)
Multi-scale Monte Carlo simulations of gold nanoparticle-induced DNA damages for kilovoltage X-ray irradiation in a xenograft mouse model using TOPAS-nBio.
2021 Editorial in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 507-510 (2021)
Radiological protection revisited—the story continues.
München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Medizinische Fakultät, Diss., 2021, 103 S.
Estimating the absorption of ingested soil-derived uranium and the resulting internal dose to humans: Development and application of a new method.
2021 Scientific Article in Cryosphere, The Cryosphere 15, 4769-4780 (2021)
Assessment of neutrons from secondary cosmic rays at mountain altitudes-Geant4 simulations of environmental parameters including soil moisture and snow cover.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 148:106661 (2021)
Monte Carlo calculation of organ dose coefficients for internal dosimetry: Results of an international intercomparison exercise.
2021 Scientific Article in Journal of General Virology J. Gen. Virol. 102:001653 (2021)
Head-to-head evaluation of seven different seroassays including direct viral neutralisation in a representative cohort for SARS-CoV-2.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 164, 73-82 (2021)
MRI-based delta-radiomics predicts pathologic complete response in high-grade soft-tissue sarcoma patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy.
2021 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 11:17378 (2021)
Impact of CBCT frequency on target coverage and dose to the organs at risk in adjuvant breast cancer radiotherapy.
2021 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 66:195002 (2021)
Development of Chinese mesh-type pediatric reference phantoms series and application in dose assessment of Chinese undergoing computed tomography scanning.
2021 Review in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol., DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2021.1969466 (2021)
Expert consultation is vital for adverse outcome pathway development: A case example of cardiovascular effects of ionizing radiation.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:4218 (2021)
Surgical management of jugular foramen schwannomas.
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 11:715020 (2021)
Feasibility and outcome of PSMA-PET-based dose-escalated salvage radiotherapy versus conventional salvage radiotherapy for patients with recurrent prostate cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 147:106637 (2021)
Consistency checks of results from a Monte Carlo code intercomparison for emitted electron spectra and energy deposition around a single gold nanoparticle irradiated by X-rays.
2021 Review in Nuklearmedizin Nuklearmedizin 60, 326-343 (2021)
Value of PET imaging for radiation therapy *.
2021 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 197, 1-23 (2021)
Value of PET imaging for radiation therapy.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 16:141 (2021)
Comparison of the composition of lymphocyte subpopulations in non-relapse and relapse patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck before, during radiochemotherapy and in the follow-up period: A multicenter prospective study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Group (DKTK-ROG).
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:3762 (2021)
Targeting cancer metabolism breaks radioresistance by impairing the stress response.
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Public Health Front. Publ. Health 9:678856 (2021)
Data-independent acquisition proteomics reveals long-term biomarkers in the serum of C57BL/6J mice following local high-dose heart irradiation.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancer Immunology Research Cancer Immunol. Res. 9, 779-789 (2021)
The chemokine CX3CL1 improves trastuzumab efficacy in HER2 low-expressing cancer in vitro and in vivo.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:3538 (2021)
Neurocognitive outcomes in pediatric patients following brain irradiation.
2021 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 21:780 (2021)
Analysis of using high-precision radiotherapy in the treatment of liver metastases regarding toxicity and survival.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 459–474 (2021)
Estimating long-term health risks after breast cancer radiotherapy: Merging evidence from low and high doses.
2021 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 48, 4445-4455 (2021)
Fully automated analysis combining [18F]-FET-PET and multiparametric MRI including DSC perfusion and APTw imaging: a promising tool for objective evaluation of glioma progression.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 146:106603 (2021)
Translation of the absorbed dose in the mobile phone to organ doses of an ICRP voxel phantom using MCNPX simulation of an Ir-192 point source.
2021 Scientific Article in Medical Physics Med. Phys. 48, 6160-6173 (2021)
Evaluating size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) as an estimate of organ doses from routine CT exams derived from Monte Carlo simulations.
2021 Review in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 98, 341-345 (2021)
Twenty years of proteomics in radiation biology - a look back.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 493-500 (2021)
On the choice of methodology for evaluating dose-rate effects on radiation-related cancer risks.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 146:106614 (2021)
Quantitative analysis of thermoluminescence signals of glass displays from mobile phones.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:3238 (2021)
Quantification of differential response of tumour and normal cells to microbeam radiation in the absence of flash effects.
2021 Review in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 41, 1390-1409 (2021)
Keeping the ICRP recommendations fit for purpose.
2021 Review in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 146:106611 (2021)
The ICRP recommended methods of red bone marrow dosimetry.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 1181-1198 (2021)
RENEB/EURADOS field exercise 2019: Robust dose estimation under outdoor conditions based on the dicentric chromosome assay.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 146:106625 (2021)
Thermally assisted optically stimulated luminescence protocol of mobile phone substrate glasses for accident dosimetry.
2021 Scientific Article in Infectious diseases and therapy Infect. Dis. Ther. 10, 1505-1518 (2021)
In search for the SARS-CoV-2 protection correlate: A head-to-head comparison of two quantitative S1 assays in a group of pre-characterized oligo-/asymptomatic patients.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 144:106592 (2021)
Assessment of secondary neutrons from galactic cosmic rays at mountain altitudes-Geant4 simulations and ground-based measurements of neutron energy spectra.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22:6781 (2021)
Lomeguatrib increases the radiosensitivity of mgmt unmethylated human glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.
Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Diss., 2021, 148 S.
X-ray fluorescence imaging: Experimental and numerical analysis of a crystal based concept.
2021 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 197, 746-748 (2021)
Effektivität einer sequenziellen versus einer simultanen Radiochemotherapie oder alleinigen Radiotherapie bei der adjuvanten Behandlung des Zervixkarzinoms nach Hysterektomie.
2021 Scientific Article in Statistics in Medicine Stat. Med. 40, 3299-3312 (2021)
Simulating the dynamics of atherosclerosis to the incidence of myocardial infarction, applied to the KORA population.
2021 Scientific Article in Clinical & translational oncology Clin. Transl. Oncol. 23, 2020-2029 (2021)
Outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery of brain metastases in patients with malignant melanoma and validation of the melanoma molGPA.
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 11:640467 (2021)
Combining 68Ga-PSMA-PET/CT-directed and elective radiation therapy improves outcome in oligorecurrent prostate cancer: A retrospective multicenter study.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:2364 (2021)
Radiooncological view on therapy outcome after multidisciplinary treatment of sinonasal tumors.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 194, 42-56 (2021)
Eurados strategic research agenda 2020: Vision for the dosimetry of ionising radiation.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 145:106596 (2021)
EURADOS intercomparison on the usage of the ICRP/ICRU adult reference computational phantoms.
2021Vortrag: The 2021 Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), 16-23 October 2021, Yokohama, Japan. (2021)
Total-body PET images reconstruction optimization using deep learning.
Developing a computational model for FLASH radiotherapy considering intracellular contents with CPU-GPU coupling independent reaction times module in Monte Carlo simulation code NASIC .
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 16:82 (2021)
A survey among German-speaking radiation oncologists on PET-based radiotherapy of prostate cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 213-231 (2021)
A bespoke health risk assessment methodology for the radiation protection of astronauts.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:1929 (2021)
Prognostic assessment in high-grade soft-tissue sarcoma patients: A comparison of semantic image analysis and radiomics.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:1951 (2021)
Excluding lung tissue from the ptv during internal mammary irradiation. A safe technique for oar-sparing?
2021 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 159, 265-276 (2021)
Impact of DNA repair and reactive oxygen species levels on radioresistance in pancreatic cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 142:106544 (2021)
Evaluation of physical retrospective dosimetry methods in a realistic accident scenario: Results of a field test.
2021 Scientific Article in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation J. Synchrot. Radiat. 28, 410-418 (2021)
Perspectives for microbeam irradiation at the SYRMEP beamline.
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Physics Front. Physics 9:625622 (2021)
Evaluation of the biodistribution of mesenchymal stem cells in a preclinical renal tuberculosis model by nonlinear magnetic response measurements.
2021 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 84, 241-253 (2021)
Intercomparison of Monte Carlo calculated dose enhancement ratios for gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-rays: Assessing the uncertainty and correct methodology for extended beams.
2021 Scientific Article in IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems IEEE Trans. Neural. Netw. Learn. Syst., DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3059635 (2021)
Nearest neighbor-based strategy to optimize multi-view triplet network for classification of small-sample medical imaging data.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Research Radiat. Res. 195, 253-264 (2021)
The 2019-2020 EURADOS WG10 and RENEB field test of retrospective dosimetry methods in a small-scale incident involving ionizing radiation.
2021 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 11:5870 (2021)
Patient individual phase gating for stereotactic radiation therapy of early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
2021 Scientific Article in Geochemical Journal Geochem. J. 55, 33-38 (2021)
A record of 241Am, 236U, 238U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 134Cs and 137Cs in surface seawater and 241Am in aerosols shortly after the FDNPP incident occurred.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Cancer Int. J. Cancer 149, 358-370 (2021)
Stereotactic or conformal radiotherapy for adrenal metastases - patient characteristics and outcomes in a multicenter analysis.
2021 Scientific Article in Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik Z. Med. Phys. 31, 215-228 (2021)
A comprehensive Monte Carlo study of out-of-field secondary neutron spectra in a scanned-beam proton therapy gantry room.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiologe, Der Radiologe 61, 386-388 (2021)
Neues Schutzkonzept: Optimierte Röntgenschürzen könnten 50 % leichter sein.
2021 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 13:786 (2021)
Deep learning based HPV status prediction for oropharyngeal cancer patients.
2021 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 82, 343-350 (2021)
Shielding effectiveness of X-ray protective garment.
2021 Scientific Article in Applied Physics Letters Appl. Phys. Lett. 118:133501 (2021)
Detection of x rays by a surface acoustic delay line in contact with a diamond crystal.
2021 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 11:7624 (2021)
Evaluation of practical experiences of German speaking radiation oncologists in combining radiation therapy with checkpoint blockade.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 866-873 (2021)
Summary of Radiation Research Society Online 66th Annual Meeting, Symposium on “Epidemiology: Updates on epidemiological low dose studies,” including discussion.
2021 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 197, 269-280 (2021)
Moderate hypofractionation remains the standard of care for whole-breast radiotherapy in breast cancer: Considerations regarding FAST and FAST-Forward.
2021 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 197, 962-970 (2021)
Patterns of care for prostate cancer radiotherapy—results from a survey among German-speaking radiation oncologists.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 474-484 (2021)
Acute Radiation Syndrome-related gene expression in irradiated peripheral blood cell populations.
2021 Scientific Article in Anticancer Research Anticancer Res. 41, 359-368 (2021)
Oncological outcome and prognostic factors of surgery for soft tissue sarcoma after neoadjuvant or adjuvant radiation therapy: A retrospective analysis over 15 years.
2021 Scientific Article in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 41, 46–58 (2021)
Quality assurance for the use of computational methods in dosimetry: Activities of EURADOS Working Group 6 "Computational Dosimetry".
2021 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 10:543147 (2021)
A simulated dosimetric study of contribution to radiotherapy accuracy by fractional image guidance protocol of Halcyon system.
2021 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 66:035012 (2021)
Out-of-field doses for scanning proton radiotherapy of shallowly located paediatric tumours-a comparison of range shifter and 3D printed compensator.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 60, 93–113 (2021)
Organ doses of the fetus from external environmental exposures.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 529-540 (2021)
Posterior subcapsular cataracts are a late effect after acute exposure to 0.5 Gy ionizing radiation in mice.
2021 Scientific Article in American Journal of Epidemiology Am. J. Epidemiol. 190, 76-84 (2021)
Evidence for increased susceptibility to breast cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation due to a familial history of breast cancer: Results from the Swedish hemangioma cohort.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 110, 521-525 (2021)
A mouse model for microbeam radiation therapy of the lung.
2021 Scientific Article in EJNMMI Physics EJNMMI Phys. 8:44 (2021)
Radiopharmacokinetic modelling and radiation dose assessment of 223Ra used for treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 140:106458 (2021)
Absorbed doses in bricks and TL-dosimeters due to anthropogenic and natural environmental radiation sources.
2021 Review in Cancers Cancers 13:70 (2021)
The judicious use of stereotactic radiosurgery and hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of large brain metastases.
2021 Scientific Article in JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 9:e19727 (2021)
Web-based patient self-reported outcome after radiotherapy in adolescents and young adults with cancer: Survey on acceptance of digital tools.
2021 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 156, 80-94 (2021)
ESTRO ACROP guideline for target volume delineation of skull base tumors.
2021 Scientific Article in Health Physics Health Phys. 120, 400-409 (2021)
Software tools for the evaluation of clinical signs and symptoms in the medical management of acute radiation syndrome-a five-year experience.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 156-169 (2021)
Dose-dependent long-term effects of a single radiation event on behaviour and glial cells.
2021 Review in Environment International Environ. Int. 146:106235 (2021)
Ionizing radiation-induced circulatory and metabolic diseases.
2021 Scientific Article in Breast Care Breast Care 16, 358-367 (2021)
Mammary chain irradiation in left-sided breast cancer: Can we reduce the risk of secondary cancer and ischaemic heart disease with modern intensity-modulated radiotherapy techniques?
2021 Scientific Article in European Radiology Eur. Radiol. 31, 4175–4183 (2021)
Early detection of radiation-induced lung damage with X-ray dark-field radiography in mice.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 109, 76-83 (2021)
Normal tissue response of combined temporal and spatial fractionation in proton minibeam radiation therapy.
2021 Other: Opinion in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol., DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2020.1784490 (2021)
Biologically based models of cancer risk in radiation research.
2021 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 19-30 (2021)
Biologically-based modeling of radiation risk and biomarker prevalence for papillary thyroid cancer in Japanese a-bomb survivors 1958-2005.
2021 Scientific Article in Pharmacogenomics Journal, The Pharmacogenomics J. 21, 37-46 (2021)
ERCC2 gene single-nucleotide polymorphism as a prognostic factor for locally advanced head and neck carcinomas after definitive cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S152-S152 (2020)
Combined neoadjuvant/definitive Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Oesophageal carcinoma and irresectable Lymph Node Metastases.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S140-S141 (2020)
Internal Mammary Irradiation Technique in Patients with Breast Cancer. What is the Influence of CTV-PTV Safety Margins?
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S193-S193 (2020)
Identification of Biomarkers for the Prediction of Radiation Sensitivity in ductal Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas by means of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S207-S207 (2020)
Micro-radiation Therapy on a compact Radiation Source.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S7-S7 (2020)
High-Precision Radiotherapy in clinically relevant Tumor Mouse Models to implement personalized clinical Trials in Radiooncology.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S28-S29 (2020)
Development and Validation of a CT-based Radiomic Model for the Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Patients with recurrent Prostate Cancer.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S33-S33 (2020)
Soft tissue sarcoma contouring based on planning CTs using deep learning.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S33-S34 (2020)
Improved survival prediction in patients with soft tissue sarcoma through the application of deep learning.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S160-S161 (2020)
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for the Treatment of oligometastatic Prostate Carcinoma.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S109-S110 (2020)
Heterogeneous invasion capacity of patient-derived primary glioblastoma multiforme cells.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S185-S185 (2020)
Influence of MGMT expression on the radiation sensitivity of human glioblastoma cell lines.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S16-S16 (2020)
Stereotactic body radiation therapy of spine metastases using a simultaneous integrated boost concept-evaluation of effectiveness and toxicity.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, S189-S189 (2020)
The protection of healthy tissues in radiation therapy by spatial fractionation.
2020 Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:280 (2020)
Correction to: Predicting survival in melanoma patients treated with concurrent targeted- or immunotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy: Melanoma brain metastases prognostic score (Radiation Oncology, (2020), 15, 1, (135), 10.1186/s13014-020-01558-8).
2020 Other: Opinion in JAMA oncology JAMA Oncol. 6, 1984-1985 (2020)
Errors in hazard ratios, labels in figures, and text.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S13-S13 (2020)
Stereotactic Irradiation of peripheral Lung Tumors using Respiratory Gating: Correlation between PTV Reduction, Tumor Movement and Volume Dose.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1, S139-S139 (2020)
Adjuvant Irradiation of the internal Mammary Lymph Nodes of Patients with Breast Cancer. How high is the additional Toxicity when Using modern Radiation Techniques?
2020 Pharmacogenomics Journal, The Pharmacogenomics J., DOI: 10.1038/s41397-020-00193-6 (2020)
Correction: ERCC2 gene single-nucleotide polymorphism as a prognostic factor for locally advanced head and neck carcinomas after definitive cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy (The Pharmacogenomics Journal, (2020), 10.1038/s41397-020-0174-1).
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, S109-S109 (2020)
Proton minibeam radiation therapy-an innovative strategy in cancer treatment.
2020 Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:19552 (2020)
Author Correction: DNA damage interactions on both nanometer and micrometer scale determine overall cellular damage (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (16063), 10.1038/s41598-018-34323-9).
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, S92-S92 (2020)
Analysis of the local recurrence pattern after radical prostatectomy in PSMA-PET-based radiotherapy planning.
2020 BMC Public Health BMC Public Health 20:1335 (2020)
Protocol of a population-based prospective COVID-19 cohort study Munich, Germany (KoCo19) (vol 20, 1036, 2020).
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:362 (2020)
Efficacy of PSMA ligand PET-based radiotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy and salvage radiotherapy.
2020 Scientific Article in European Respiratory Journal Eur. Respir. J. 56:2001400 (2020)
Socioeconomic correlates of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza H1N1 outbreaks.
2020 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 12:3760 (2020)
Mek1 inhibitor combined with irradiation reduces migration of breast cancer cells including mir-221 and zeb1 emt marker expression.
2020 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 12:3703 (2020)
The emerging role of miRNAs for the radiation treatment of pancreatic cancer.
2020 Review in Geochronometria Geochronometria 47, 23-34 (2020)
A new quartz for γ-transfer calibration of radiation sources.
2020 Scientific Article in Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren Rofo-Fortschr. Rontg., DOI: 10.1055/a-1313-7527 (2020)
Prenatal radiation exposure in diagnostic and interventional radiology.
2020 Scientific Article in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 49, 13-201 (2020)
Adult mesh-type reference computational phantoms.
2020 Scientific Article in Acta radiologica open Acta Radiol. Open 9:2058460120945316 (2020)
Dual-energy CT parameters in correlation to MRI-based apparent diffusion coefficient: Evaluation in rectal cancer after radiochemotherapy.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Research Radiat. Res. 195, 38-46 (2020)
Identifying a diagnostic window for the use of gene expression profiling to predict acute radiation syndrome.
2020 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97, 256-264 (2020)
A five-year report on the conception and establishment of the MSc radiation biology at the Technical University of Munich.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 40:1362 (2020)
Person-specific calibration of a partial body counter used for individualised Am241 skull measurements.
2020 Review in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol., DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2020.1853847 (2020)
Adverse outcome pathways, key events, and radiation risk assessment.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:276 (2020)
Is local radiotherapy a viable option for patients with an opening of the ventricles during surgical resection of brain metastases?
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:1060 (2020)
Intraventricular neuroepithelial tumors: Surgical outcome, technical considerations and review of literature.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:253 (2020)
Report on planning comparison of VMAT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy for the ESCALOX-trial pre-study.
2020 Scientific Article in JAMA oncology JAMA Oncol. 6, 1901-1909 (2020)
Multi-institutional analysis of prognostic factors and outcomes after hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy to the resection cavity in patients with brain metastases.
2020 Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 80, 383-388 (2020)
Corrigendum to “Intercomparison of dose enhancement ratio and secondary electron spectra for gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-rays calculated using multiple Monte Carlo simulation codes” [Phys. Med. 69 (2020) 147–163] (Physica Medica (2020) 69 (147–163), (S1120179719305320), (10.1016/j.ejmp.2019.12.011)).
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol., DOI: 10.1007/s00066-020-01712-x (2020)
Radiation oncology as part of medical education—current status and possible digital future prospects.
2020 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 12:3047 (2020)
Comprehensive analysis of tumour sub-volumes for radiomic risk modelling in locally advanced HNSCC.
2020 Scientific Article in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 49, 2, 200-212 (2020)
Lifetime radiation risk of stochastic effects – prospective evaluation for space flight or medicine.
2020 Scientific Article in Clinical Cancer Research Clin. Cancer Res. 26, 5368-5379 (2020)
Targeted natural killer cell-based adoptive immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with NSCLC after radiochemotherapy: A randomized phase II clinical trial.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 197, 487-493 (2020)
An easy way to determine bone mineral density and predict pelvic insufficiency fractures in patients treated with radiotherapy for cervical cancer.
2020 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 109, 626-636 (2020)
Establishment of microbeam radiation therapy at a small animal irradiator.
2020 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:15625 (2020)
2D and 3D convolutional neural networks for outcome modelling of locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
2020 Scientific Article in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Mol. Cell. Proteomics 19, 1649-1663 (2020)
Radiosensitization by kinase inhibition revealed by phosphoproteomic analysis of pancreatic cancer cells.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1068-1079 (2020)
Measures of infection prevention and incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
2020 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:15775 (2020)
Analytical formulas representing track-structure simulations on DNA damage induced by protons and light ions at radiotherapy-relevant energies.
2020 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 15:e0238559 (2020)
Modeling the spread of COVID-19 in Germany: Early assessment and possible scenarios.
2020 Scientific Article in Earth system science data Earth Syst. Sci. Data 12, 2289-2309 (2020)
A dense network of cosmic-ray neutron sensors for soil moisture observation in a highly instrumented pre-Alpine headwater catchment in Germany.
2020 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 15:e0237501 (2020)
MRI- and CT-determined changes of dysphagia / aspiration-related structures (DARS) during and after radiotherapy.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 601–629 (2020)
ProZES: The methodology and software tool for assessment of assigned share of radiation in probability of cancer occurrence.
2020 Scientific Article in Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy Rep. Pract. Oncol. Radiother. 25, 775-779 (2020)
Hypo- vs. normofractionated radiation therapy in breast cancer: A patterns of care analysis in German speaking countries.
2020 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 10:574889 (2020)
A preliminary simulation study of dose-guided adaptive radiotherapy based on Halcyon MV cone beam CT images with retrospective data from a phase II clinical trial.
2020 Editorial in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 49, 5-297 (2020)
Paediatric computational reference phantoms.
2020 Scientific Article in Medical Physics Med. Phys. 47, 5183-5193 (2020)
Technical and dosimetric realization ofin vivox-ray microbeam irradiations at the Munich Compact Light Source.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 137:106433 (2020)
REFLECT - Research flight of EURADOS and CRREAT: Intercomparison of various radiation dosimeters onboard aircraft.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 1103–1115 (2020)
Prospective evaluation of multitarget treatment of pediatric patients with helical intensity-modulated radiotherapy.
2020 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, S160-S160 (2020)
Toxicity of PSMA-PET-based Salvage Radiotherapy with a simultaneous integrated Boost for Patients with Recurrence of Prostate Cancer after radical Prostatectomy.
2020 Scientific Article in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 978:164395 (2020)
First demonstration of real-time in-situ dosimetry of X-ray microbeams using a large format CMOS sensor.
Radioprotection In:. 17, Ave Du Hoggar, Pa Courtaboeuf, Bp 112, F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A, France: Edp Sciences S A, 2020. S17-S37 (Radioprotection ; 55)
CONFIDENCE dissemination meeting: Summary on the scenario-based workshop.
2020 Scientific Article in Tumori Tumori 107, 139-144 (2020)
Correlations of UICC tumor stage and tumor regression on T2-weighted MRI sequences during definitive radiotherapy of cervical cancer.
2020 Scientific Article in Radioprotection Radioprotection 55, S95-S99 (2020)
A new European cancer risk assessment tool for application after nuclear accidents.
2020 Review in Radioprotection Radioprotection 55, S81-S88 (2020)
Reduction of uncertainties in exposure assessment based on environmental monitoring data.
2020 Review in Radioprotection Radioprotection 55, S89-S93 (2020)
Improvements in individual dose measurement techniques following nuclear emergencies.
2020 Review in Radioprotection Radioprotection 55, S7-S15 (2020)
CONFIDENCE: Project description and main results.
Radioprotection In:. 17, Ave Du Hoggar, Pa Courtaboeuf, Bp 112, F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A, France: Edp Sciences S A, 2020. S39-S43 (Radioprotection ; 55)
Confidence: Achievements and way forward.
2020 Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 65:159501 (2020)
Erratum: Determining dose enhancement factors of high-Z nanoparticles from simulations where lateral secondary particle disequilibrium exists (Physics in Medicine and Biology (2019)64 (155016) DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab31d4).
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 663–682 (2020)
Uncertainty analysis in internal dose calculations for cerium considering the uncertainties of biokinetic parameters and Svalues.
2020 Scientific Article in Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection Chin. J. Rad. Med. Prot. 40, 595-599 (2020)
Evaluation of cost-effective ratio (imaging quality vs. radiation dose) of Varian cone beam CT based on figure of merit (FOM).
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 137:106403 (2020)
External dose-rate measurements based on smartphone CMOS sensors.
2020 Scientific Article in Infectious Disease Modelling Infect. Dis. Model. 5, 386-404 (2020)
Deterministic approaches for head lice infestations and treatments.
2020 Letter to the Editor in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 40, 920-921 (2020)
Reply to 'Comment on: Baaken D, Hammer GP, Seidenbusch MC, Schneider K, Spix C, Blettner M, Pokora R and Lorenz E 2019 Second follow-up of a German cohort on childhood cancer after exposure to postnatal diagnostic x-ray J. Radiol. Prot. 39 1074-91'.
2020 International Journal of Nanomedicine Int. J. Nanomed. 15, 6067-6067 (2020)
A new pharmacokinetic model describing the biodistribution of intravenously and intratumorally administered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) in a GL261 xenograft glioblastoma model (vol 15, 4677, 2020).
2020 Letter to the Editor in Neuro-Oncology Neuro. Oncol. 22:1893 (2020)
Reply to: Call of duty: Neuro-oncology outpatient management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Milan, ITALY.
2020 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 747–748 (2020)
Happy birthday, Klaus-Rudiger! Heartfelt appreciation on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Professor Klaus-Rudiger Trott.
2020 Editorial in Radiation Physics and Chemistry Radiat. Phys. Chem. 176:109002 (2020)
2020 Scientific Article in Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol. 59, 1201-1209 (2020)
Toxicity of internal mammary irradiation in breast cancer. Are concerns still justified in times of modern treatment techniques?
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 743-746 (2020)
Zielvolumenreduktion durch 18F-FDG-PET/CT-basierte „involved field“ Bestrahlung beim fortgeschrittenen NSCLC möglicherweise neuer Standard: Ergebnisse der PET-Plan-Studie.
Recent Results in Cancer Research In: Molecular Imaging in Oncology. 2020. 773-794 (Recent Results Cancer Res. ; 216)
Image-Guided Radiooncology: The Potential of Radiomics in Clinical Application.
2020 Review in Topics in magnetic resonance imaging Top. Magn. Reson. Imaging 29, 149-156 (2020)
Complementary and alternative medicine in radiotherapy: A comprehensive review.
2020 Scientific Article in International Journal of Nanomedicine Int. J. Nanomed. 15, 4677-4689 (2020)
A new pharmacokinetic model describing the biodistribution of intraveneously and intratumorally administered superparamagnetic iron oxid nanoparticles (SPIONs) in a GL261 xenograft glioblastoma model.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 190, 71-83 (2020)
Comparison of experimental and numerical methods of patient dose estimations in CT using anthropomorphic models.
2020 Scientific Article in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 49, 11-145 (2020)
Dose coefficients for external exposures to environmental sources.
2020 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 75, 77-82 (2020)
Simulation and measurement of microbeam dose distribution in lung tissue.
2020 Scientific Article in Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology Phys. Imag. Radiat. Oncology 14, 74-81 (2020)
Clinical microbeam radiation therapy with a compact source: Specifications of the line-focus X-ray tube.
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:501 (2020)
Craniospinal irradiation(CSI) in patients with leptomeningeal metastases: Risk-benefit-profile and development of a prognostic score for decision making in the palliative setting.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Molecular Diagnostics J. Mol. Diagn. 22, 801-810 (2020)
Comparison of GeneChip, nCounter and real-time polymerase chain reaction based gene expressions predicting loco-regional tumour control after primary and postoperative radiochemotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:117 (2020)
Heart sparing radiotherapy in breast cancer: The importance of baseline cardiac risks.
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:536 (2020)
Single-institutional outcome-analysis of low-dose stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) of adrenal gland metastases.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 771–778 (2020)
Effect of hypofractionation on the incidental axilla dose during tangential field radiotherapy in breast cancer.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:135 (2020)
Predicting survival in melanoma patients treated with concurrent targeted- or immunotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy Melanoma brain metastases prognostic score.
2020 Scientific Article in Physics & Imaging in Radiation Oncology Phys. Imag. Radiat. Oncology 14, 32-38 (2020)
Analytical modeling of depth-dose degradation in heterogeneous lung tissue for intensity-modulated proton therapy planning.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys. 21, 6-14 (2020)
The dosimetric impact of stabilizing spinal implants in radiotherapy treatment planning with protons and photons: standard titanium alloy vs. radiolucent carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK systems.
2020 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 47, 2968-2977 (2020)
A CT-based radiomics model to detect prostate cancer lymph node metastases in PSMA radioguided surgery patients.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 787-794 (2020)
Impact of F-18-FDG-PET/CT on the identification of regional lymph node metastases and delineation of the primary tumor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients.
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:442 (2020)
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in patients with lung metastases-prognostic factors and long-term survival using patient self-reported outcome (PRO).
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 134:106321 (2020)
Characterization of thermoluminescence of chip cards for emergency dosimetry.
2020 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 357–387 (2020)
Eurados review of retrospective dosimetry techniques for internal exposures to ionising radiation and their applications.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 133:106294 (2020)
Monte Carlo simulation of the CERN-EU High Energy Reference Field (CERF) facility.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:97 (2020)
A balanced score to predict survival of elderly patients newly diagnosed with glioblastoma.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:102 (2020)
Longitudinal atherosclerotic changes after radio(chemo)therapy of hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
2020 Review in Neuro-Oncology Neuro. Oncol. 22, 928-935 (2020)
Neuro-oncology managment during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on WHO grade III and IV gliomas.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 148, 117-130 (2020)
Neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in adult medulloblastoma patients: Long-term outcomes of the NOA-07 study.
2020 Review in Cancers Cancers 12:1099 (2020)
The role of miRNA for the treatment of MGMT unmethylated glioblastoma multiforme.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Measurements Radiat. Meas. 132:106261 (2020)
PTTL characteristics of glass samples from mobile phones.
2020 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:3815 (2020)
Modification of radiosensitivity by Curcumin in human pancreatic cancer cell lines.
2020 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 10:4928 (2020)
Helical tomotherapy: Comparison of Hi-ART and Radixact clinical patient treatments at the Technical University of Munich.
2020 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 185-209 (2020)
Individual response of humans to ionising radiation: Governing factors and importance for radiological protection.
2020 Scientific Article in Chinese Journal of Medical Physics Chin. J. Med. Physics 37, 164-167 (2020)
Feasibility study of applying a RapidPlan model trained with pre-surgical rectal cancer SIBplans to the optimization of post-surgical non-SIB plans.
2020 Scientific Article in Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection Chin. J. Rad. Med. Prot. 40, 203-208 (2020)
A feasibility study of local adaptation of HFHS Lung SBRT Rapid Plan commercial model.
2020 Scientific Article in Aktuelle Urologie Aktuelle Urol. 51, 265-270 (2020)
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) für die Behandlung von Knochenmetastasen beim oligometastasierten Prostatakarzinom.
2020 Review in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 15:74 (2020)
First statement on preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic in large German Speaking University-based radiation oncology departments.
2020 Other: Biografic acticle in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 1 (2020)
Obituary Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dorr (1959-2019) OBITUARY.
2020 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 47, 1852-1863 (2020)
Influence of localization of PSMA-positive oligo-metastases on efficacy of metastasis-directed external-beam radiotherapy—a multicenter retrospective study.
2020 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 47, 2328-2338 (2020)
Prognostic risk classification for biochemical relapse-free survival in patients with oligorecurrent prostate cancer after [68Ga]PSMA-PET-guided metastasis-directed therapy.
2020 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 12:728 (2020)
Predicting glioblastoma recurrence from preoperative MR scans using fractional-anisotropy maps with free-water suppression.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 368–375 (2020)
Dosimetric comparison of organs at risk using different contouring guidelines for definition of the clinical target volume in anal cancer.
2020 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 71, 82-87 (2020)
A quantitative evaluation of deformable image registration based on MV cone beam CT images: Impact of deformation magnitudes and image modalities.
2020 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 20:8 (2020)
Radiation therapy before radical cystectomy combined with immunotherapy in locally advanced bladder cancer - study protocol of a prospective, single arm, multicenter phase II trial (RACE IT).
2020 Scientific Article in British Journal of Cancer BJC Br. J. Cancer 122, 835-846 (2020)
Pre-operative cellular dissociation grading in biopsies is highly predictive of post-operative tumour stage and patient outcome in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Environmental Radioactivity J. Environ. Radioact. 214-215:106152 (2020)
Luminescence dosimetry for evaluation of the external exposure in Metlino, upper Techa River valley, due to the shore of the Metlinsky Pond: A feasibility study.
2020 Review in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 65:02TR01 (2020)
Technical advances in x-ray microbeam radiation therapy.
2020 Scientific Article in Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis 296, 32-39 (2020)
Risk for cardiovascular events responds nonlinearly to carotid intima-media thickness in the KORA F4 study.
2020 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 69, 147-163 (2020)
Intercomparison of dose enhancement ratio and secondary electron spectra for gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-rays calculated using multiple Monte Carlo simulation codes.
2020 Editorial in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 3-7 (2020)
High CT doses return to the agenda.
2020 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 29–62 (2020)
Internal microdosimetry of alpha-emitting radionuclides.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 63-78 (2020)
Radio-biologically motivated modeling of radiation risks of mortality from ischemic heart diseases in the Canadian fluoroscopy cohort study.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 121–130 (2020)
Measurement, model prediction and uncertainty quantification of plasma clearance of cerium citrate in humans.
2020 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 47, 1391-1399 (2020)
Integration of PET-imaging into radiotherapy treatment planning for low-grade meningiomas improves outcome.
2020 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 196, 15–22 (2020)
Variability in lymph node irradiation in patients with breast cancer-results from a multi-center survey in German-speaking countries.
2020 Review in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 9-27 (2020)
Dose limits for occupational exposure to ionising radiation and genotoxic carcinogens: A German perspective.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation Physics and Chemistry Radiat. Phys. Chem. 168:108557 (2020)
Influence of environmental parameters on secondary cosmic ray neutrons at high-altitude research stations at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, and Zugspitze, Germany.
2020 Scientific Article in Acta astronautica Acta Astronaut. 166, 444-449 (2020)
A TLD-Microdosimeter for aerospace usage: Results relevant to airline pilots undertook long-haul intercontinental flights during March May 2017.
2020 Scientific Article in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 19, 337-345 (2020)
Creb signaling mediates dose-dependent radiation response in the murine hippocampus two years after total body exposure.
2020 Review in Radiation Physics and Chemistry Radiat. Phys. Chem. 168:108514 (2020)
The European radiation dosimetry group - Review of recent scientific achievements.
2020 Review in Journal of Environmental Radioactivity J. Environ. Radioact. 211:106077 (2020)
Nanometer-micrometer sized depleted uranium (DU) particles in the environment.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 111-120 (2020)
A proof of principle experiment for microbeam radiation therapy at the Munich compact light source.
2020 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 142, 195-201 (2020)
Irradiation of regional lymph node areas in breast cancer - Dose evaluation according to the Z0011, AMAROS, EORTC 10981-22023 and MA-20 field design.
2020 Review in Cryosphere, The Cryosphere 14, 935-956 (2020)
Use of Sentinel-1 radar observations to evaluate snowmelt dynamics in alpine regions.
2020Vortrag: ESTRO 2020 Online Congress, 28 November - 01 December 2020, Online. (2020)
Optimization of a compact x-ray source for clinical microbeam radiation therapy.
In: (BIO Web of Conferences). 2019. ( ; 14)
Uncertainties in radiation exposure assessment in the Wismut cohort: A preliminary evaluation.
In: Brain and Human Body Modeling: Computational Human Modeling at EMBC 2018. 2019. 295-304
Dose Coefficients for Use in Rapid Dose Estimation in Industrial Radiography Accidents.
In: (13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 31 March-5 April 2019, Krakow, Poland). 2019.
The relationship between the multi-temporal sentinel-1 backscattering and the snow melting dynamics in Alpine regions.
2019 Editorial in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 186, 1-2 (2019)
EPRBioDose 2018: The joint international symposium on EPR dosimetry and dating and the international conference of biological dosimetry.
2019 Scientific Article in Chinese Journal of Medical Physics Chin. J. Med. Physics 36, 1367-1372 (2019)
LINAC selection strategy based on quality of Varian cone beam CT image.
2019 Scientific Article in Medical Physics Med. Phys., DOI: 10.1002/mp.13971 (2019)
Evaluation of a pixelated large format CMOS sensor for x-ray microbeam radiotherapy.
2019 Review in Lancet Oncology, The Lancet Oncol. 20, e715-e728 (2019)
EANO–EURACAN clinical practice guideline for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of post-pubertal and adult patients with medulloblastoma.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 186, 172-175 (2019)
Biophysical simulation tool partrac: Modelling proton beams at therapy-relevant energies.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 11:1884 (2019)
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) as an addition to long-term results after high-precision stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with secreting and non-secreting pituitary adenomas: A retrospective cohort study up to 17-years follow-up.
In: Wissenschaftliche Resultate 2017/2018. 2019. 62-65 (Wissenschaftliche Resultate 2017/2018 ; 5)
Valdierung von Sentinel-1 SAR-Daten mit in situ gemessenen Schneeparametern am Zugspitzplatt zur Prognose der Schneeschmelzdynamik.
In: Wissenschaftliche Resultate 2017/2018. 2019. 59-61 (Wissenschaftliche Resultate 2017/2018 ; 5)
Kalibrierung des UFS-Neutronenspektrometers an einem Teilchenbeschleuniger am CERN.
2019 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 14:e0224873 (2019)
Proton pencil minibeam irradiation of an in-vivo mouse ear model spares healthy tissue dependent on beam size.
2019 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 9:17082 (2019)
Locomotion and eating behavior changes in Yucatan minipigs after unilateral radio-induced ablation of the caudate nucleus.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 11:1655 (2019)
Cachectic body composition and inflammatory markers portend a poor prognosis in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with chemoradiation.
2019 Scientific Article in British Journal of Cancer BJC Br. J. Cancer 121, 1050-1057 (2019)
Post-neoadjuvant cellular dissociation grading based on tumour budding and cell nest size is associated with therapy response and survival in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancer communications Cancer Comm. 39:73 (2019)
Neoadjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery for intracerebral metastases of solid tumors (NepoMUC): A phase I dose escalation trial.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 186, 381-385 (2019)
What anatomic features govern personal long-term health risks from breast cancer radiotherapy?
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:198 (2019)
Adjuvant versus early salvage radiotherapy: outcome of patients with prostate cancer treated with postoperative radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy.
2019 Review in European Journal of Immunology Eur. J. Immunol. 49, 1457-1973 (2019)
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition).
2019 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 67, 20-26 (2019)
Digital biomarkers: Importance of patient stratification for re-irradiation of glioma patients - Review of latest developments regarding scoring assessment.
2019 Scientific Article in Review of Scientific Instruments Rev. Sci. Instruments 90:103103 (2019)
Optimization of in vivo murine X-ray dark-field computed tomography.
In: Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. 2019. 175-204
Radioiodine releases in nuclear emergency scenarios.
2019 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 9:14019 (2019)
Predicting DNA damage foci and their experimental readout with 2D microscopy: A unified approach applied to photon and neutron exposures.
2019 Scientific Article in Physics and chemistry of minerals Phys. Chem. Miner. 46, 861-875 (2019)
Quartz thermoluminescence spectra in the high-dose range.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:170 (2019)
MRI based neuroanatomical segmentation in breast cancer patients: Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis vs. oligometastatic brain disease vs. multimetastastic brain disease.
2019 Scientific Article in Cells Cells 8:1166 (2019)
Radiosensitization of HSF-1 knockdown lung cancer cells by low concentrations of Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922.
2019 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 19:907 (2019)
Outcomes of immediate oncoplastic surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy in breast cancer patients.
2019 Scientific Article in EBioMedicine EBioMedicine 48, 332-340 (2019)
Tumor grading of soft tissue sarcomas using MRI-based radiomics.
2019 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 65, 106-113 (2019)
High resolution radiochromic film dosimetry: Comparison of a microdensitometer and an optical microscope.
2019 Other: Opinion in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 1033-1035 (2019)
Zweitmalignomrisiko nach Behandlung von lokal begrenzten Prostatakarzinomen mit Kohlenstoffionen möglicherweise niedriger als nach Photonenbestrahlung.
2019 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 14:e0221502 (2019)
Cytosolic Hsp70 as a biomarker to predict clinical outcome in patients with glioblastoma.
2019 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 14:e0221454 (2019)
Beam size limit for pencil minibeam radiotherapy determined from side effects in an in-vivo mouse ear model.
2019 Scientific Article in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 38, 1875-1884 (2019)
Personalized radiotherapy design for glioblastoma: Integrating mathematical tumor models, multimodal scans, and bayesian inference.
2019 Review in Biomedical physics & engineering express Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 5:055006 (2019)
A method of determining geometry of cone beam CT scanner.
2019 Scientific Article in Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol. 58, 1714-1719 (2019)
Stereotactic irradiation of the resection cavity after surgical resection of brain metastases - when is the right timing?
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:135 (2019)
Incidental dose distribution to locoregional lymph nodes of breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy with tomotherapy - is it time to adjust current contouring guidelines to the radiation technique?
2019 Scientific Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 16750-16759 (2019)
Airborne concentrations and chemical considerations of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major nuclear release in 2017.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 58, 539-552 (2019)
Risk bases can complement dose bases for implementing and optimising a radiological protection strategy in urgent and transition emergency phases.
2019 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 19:742 (2019)
Have we achieved adequate recommendations for target volume definitions in anal cancer? A PET imaging based patterns of failure analysis in the context of established contouring guidelines.
2019 Scientific Article in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 39, 1074–1091 (2019)
Second follow-up of a German cohort on childhood cancer incidence after exposure to postnatal diagnostic x-ray.
2019 Review in Onkologe, Der Onkologe 25, 919-924 (2019)
End of life: Individual-together-interdisciplinary. Cooperation between radiotherapy and palliative medicine.
2019 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 688-690 (2019)
Radiochirurgie und operative neurovaskuläre Dekompression annähernd gleichwertig beider Behandlung von Trigeminusneuralgien.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 138, 166-172 (2019)
Deep learning derived tumor infiltration maps for personalized target definition in Glioblastoma radiotherapy.
2019 Review in Current Treatment Options in Oncology Curr. Treat. Options Oncol. 20:71 (2019)
A second course of radiotherapy in patients with recurrent malignant gliomas: Clinical data on re-irradiation, prognostic factors, and usefulness of digital biomarkers.
2019 Other: Opinion in Journal of Radiological Protection J. Radiol. Prot. 39, R37–R50 (2019)
EURADOS education and training activities.
2019Poster: DEGRO Jahrestagung, 14 June 2019, Münster. (2019)
New insights into the dose rate effects of homogeneous irradiation on clonogenic cell survival of tumour and normal cell lines.
2019 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 64:155016 (2019)
Determining dose enhancement factors of high-Z nanoparticles from simulations where lateral secondary particle disequilibrium exists.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:109 (2019)
Deep inspiration breath-hold for left-sided breast irradiation: Analysis of dose-mass histograms and the impact of lung expansion.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 58, 321-336 (2019)
Exposure-lag-response associations between lung cancer mortality and radon exposure in German uranium miners.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 58, 433-438 (2019)
Selenium does not affect radiosensitivity of breast cancer cell lines.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S56-S57 (2019)
An optimized compact microbeam source for preclinical studies.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S1147-S1148 (2019)
MC simulations on the dose enhancement effect of antibody conjugated AuNPs in targeted radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S196-S196 (2019)
TCGA molecular subclassification is prognostic for LRC of HNSCC after postoperative RCTx.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S603-S604 (2019)
The interaction between miR-221 overexpression and radiosensitivity in mamma carcinoma cell lines.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S254-S255 (2019)
Deep-learning based estimation of loco-regional control for patients with locally advanced HNSCC.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S176-S177 (2019)
Compact microbeam sources and microbeam treatment planning.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S600-S601 (2019)
Biological interaction of a static magnetic field (SMF) with ionizing irradiation.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S690-S691 (2019)
Influence of PET-imaging during treatment planning on outcome in meningioma patients.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S193-S194 (2019)
A PET-based patterns of failure analysis in the context of contouring guidelines in anal cancer.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S1210-S1211 (2019)
Influence of rotational setup errors on dose in target and organs at risk in cranial radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S47-S48 (2019)
Microcavities in the lung affect the dose distribution in microbeam radiation therapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S1198-S1198 (2019)
Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations by FISH in FaDu tumor cells after in vivo X-ray MRT irradiation.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S879-S880 (2019)
Response prediction of palliative radiotherapy to painful spinal bone metastases.
2019 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 133, S715-S715 (2019)
Gated treatment of left-sided breast cancer: Evaluation of lung movement, irradiated volume and mass.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:97 (2019)
Positive correlation between blood glucose and radiotherapy doses to the central gustatory system in Glioblastoma Multiforme patients.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S115-S115 (2019)
18F-FET PET MRI / CT in glioblastoma Rrlapse - contribution to target volume definition and association of tracer uptakes with survival.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S134-S134 (2019)
Unexpected discontinuations in patients undergoing radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S148-S148 (2019)
Exosomes from mistletoe extract treated breast cancer cells to stimulate immune cells.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S81-S81 (2019)
Increased risk of breast cancer from radiation in the presence of familial breast cancer history: Results from the Swedish hemangioma cohort and implications for breast cancer radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S168-S169 (2019)
The individual invasive properties of patient-derived primary GBM cells.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S165-S165 (2019)
Biologically inspired nanoparticles as tools for the protection of healthy tissues in radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S113-S113 (2019)
Influence of PET imaging during the radiotherapy planning on the survival of meningioma patients.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S113-S114 (2019)
Is fractional stereotactic radiation therapy (FSRT) superior to radiosurgery (RC) for the treatment of resection hollow in patients with brain metastases?
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S34-S34 (2019)
Development of a prognostic score for the outcome after resection and radiotherapy in patients with high-grade meningioma (WHO II/III).
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S39-S39 (2019)
Patterns of care and outcome analysis of stereotactic radiotherapy for patients with adrenal metastases.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S21-S21 (2019)
The influence of hypofractionation on the incidental irradiation of the axillary lymphatic pathways of patients with breast cancer.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S172-S172 (2019)
Identification of Biomarkers for the Determination of individual Radiosensitivity in Patients with pancreatic ductal Adenocarcinoma.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S30-S31 (2019)
Development of a prognostic Risk Classification for biochemical Recurrence after PSMA-PET-based Radiotherapy in Patients with oligometastatic Prostate Cancer.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S172-S172 (2019)
Histopathological validation of the accuracy of high-precision stereotactic irradiation in an orthotopic pancreatic tumor mouse model.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S41-S42 (2019)
Characterization of the radiation response of different patient-derived organoids of pancreatic cancer.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S89-S89 (2019)
Biological interaction of ionizing irradiation with a static magnetic field (SMF).
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S128-S128 (2019)
Longitudinal atherosclerotic changes in patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma after radio (Chemo) therapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S90-S90 (2019)
Development of a cell culture system for irradiation with high LET alpha particles under hypoxic conditions.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S114-S114 (2019)
Deep learning derived tumor infiltration maps for personalized target definition in Glioblastoma radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S192-S192 (2019)
A five-year report on the MSc radiation biology at the technical University of Munich (TUM).
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S25-S25 (2019)
A five-microRNA-signature predicts recurrence and survival in HPV-negative HNSCC.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S108-S108 (2019)
Simulation of the Influence of Rotational Errors on the Dose in PTV and Risk Organs during the Storage for cranial Radiotherapy.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S162-S163 (2019)
Influence of MGMT expression on the radiation response in different Glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S82-S82 (2019)
Individual variability in doses to contralateral breast from tangential breast-cancer radiotherapy follows from variations in minimum breast distance.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S164-S164 (2019)
Radioresistant pancreatic cancer cell lines show lower levels of reactive oxygen species and higher DNA repair capacity.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S166-S166 (2019)
No improved Regeneration after radiogenic and immunopathogenic Tissue Damage by Type III Interferon Activation.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S174-S175 (2019)
New insights into dose-rate effects (FLASH) on clonogenic cell survival of tumor and normal cell lines.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S9-S9 (2019)
Have we achieved optimal Recommendations for the Target Volume Definition for Patients with Anal Cancer? A PET-based Analysis of the initial Lymph Node Distribution in Patients with Anal Cancer.
2019 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, S117-S117 (2019)
Neoadjuvant radiotherapy (N-RT) for intracebral metastases of solid tumors (NepoMUC): A phase I dose escalation trial.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Journal Radiat. Oncol. J. 37, 127-133 (2019)
Interfraction variation and dosimetric changes during image-guided radiation therapy in prostate cancer patients.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 138, 30-37 (2019)
Application of presurgical navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation motor mapping for adjuvant radiotherapy planning in patients with high-grade gliomas.
2019 Scientific Article in Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy Rep. Pract. Oncol. Radiother. 24, 315-321 (2019)
Definitive, intensity modulated tomotherapy with a simultaneous integrated boost for prostate cancer patients - Long term data on toxicity and biochemical control.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 11:709 (2019)
Continued weight loss and sarcopenia Ppedict poor outcomes in locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with chemoradiation.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 11:727 (2019)
Acute skin damage and late radiation-induced fibrosis and inflammation in murine ears after high-dose irradiation.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:78 (2019)
Increased heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) serum levels and low NK cell counts after radiotherapy - potential markers for predicting breast cancer recurrence?
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Physics and Chemistry Radiat. Phys. Chem. 162, 82-89 (2019)
CFD simulations to study the effect of ventilation rate on Rn-220 concentration distribution in a test house.
2019 Review in Topics in magnetic resonance imaging Top. Magn. Reson. Imaging 28, 49-61 (2019)
The role of particle therapy for the treatment of skull base tumors and tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS).
2019 Scientific Article in Health Physics Health Phys. 117, 193-201 (2019)
Measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of Am-241 activities in three skull phantoms: EURADOS-USTUR collaboration.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 58, 305-319 (2019)
On prognostic estimates of radiation risk in medicine and radiation protection.
2019 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 142, 529-536 (2019)
Role of postoperative tumor volume in patients with MGMT-unmethylated glioblastoma.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:66 (2019)
Neoadjuvant versus definitive chemoradiation in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
2019 Scientific Article in Advances in Radiation Oncology Adv. Rad. Onco. 4, 413-421 (2019)
MRI radiomic features are independently associated with overall survival in soft tissue sarcoma.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 135, 187-196 (2019)
CT-based radiomic features predict tumor grading and have prognostic value in patients with soft tissue sarcomas treated with neoadjuvant radiation therapy.
München, Technische Universität, Fakultät für Medizin, Diss., 2019, 122 S.
The impact of high- and low-LET irradiation on the invasion of Glioblastoma multiforme cells.
2019 Scientific Article in Carcinogenesis Carcinogenesis 40, 1240-1250 (2019)
Risk of lung adenocarcinoma from smoking and radiation arises in distinct molecular pathways.
2019 Scientific Article in Journal of Instrumentation J. Instrum. 14:P010122 (2019)
Comparison of LR-115 SSNTD based Integrated sampler with Yu-Guan bronchial dosimeter for measurement of inhalation dose due to radon progeny.
2019 Scientific Article in American Journal of Surgical Pathology, The Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 43, 618-627 (2019)
Cellular dissociation grading based on the parameters tumor budding and cell nest size in pretherapeutic biopsy specimens allows for prognostic patient stratification in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma independent from clinical staging.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancer Medicine Cancer Med. 8, 1486-1499 (2019)
Comprehensive clinical profiling of the Gauting locoregional lung adenocarcinoma donors.
2019 Review in Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology Crit. Rev. Oncol. Hematol. 136, 13-19 (2019)
Modern radiotherapy in cancer treatment during pregnancy.
2019 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 352-361 (2019)
Radiochemotherapy combined with NK cell transfer followed by second-line PD-1 inhibition in apatient with NSCLC stage IIIb inducing long-term tumor control: Acase study.
2019 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 142, 327-335 (2019)
Re-irradiation in elderly patients with glioblastoma: A single institution experience.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 14:2 (2019)
Neoadjuvant image-guided helical intensity modulated radiotherapy of extremity sarcomas - a single center experience.
2019 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 64:045005 (2019)
Percentile-specific computational phantoms constructed from ICRP mesh-type reference computational phantoms (MRCPs).
2019 Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 58, 303-303 (2019)
Dose-responses for mortality from cerebrovascular and heart diseases in atomic bomb survivors: 1950-2003 (vol 57, pg 17, 2018).
2019 Scientific Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 183, 40-44 (2019)
Modeling studies on dicentrics induction after sub-micrometer focused ion beam grid irradiation.
2019 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 103, 970-976 (2019)
Regeneration after radiation- and immune-mediated tissue injury is not enhanced by type III interferon signaling.
2019 Letter to the Editor in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 103, 779-780 (2019)
In Reply to Byun et al.
2019 Scientific Article in Cancer Medicine Cancer Med. 8, 128-136 (2019)
Combining multimodal imaging and treatment features improves machine learning-based prognostic assessment in patients with glioblastoma multiforme.
2019 Review in IEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences IEEE TRPMS 3, 1-23 (2019)
Advances in computational human phantoms and their applications in biomedical engineering - A topical review.
2019 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 132, 42-47 (2019)
Stereotactic body radiotherapy dose and its impact on local control and overall survival of patients for locally advanced intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
2019 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 475-481 (2019)
CT-based dose recalculations in head and neck cancer radiotherapy: Comparison of daily dose recalculations to less time-consuming approaches.
2019 Review in British Journal of Radiology, The Br. J. Radiol. 91:20180466 (2019)
Spatially fractionated proton minibeams.
2019 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 103, 574-582 (2019)
FDG/PET-CT-based lymph node atlas in breast cancer patients.
2019 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 207-217 (2019)
Cavity volume changes after surgery of abrain metastasisconsequences for stereotactic radiation therapy.
2019 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 195, 131-144 (2019)
Early and late toxicity profiles of patients receiving immediate postoperative radiotherapy versus salvage radiotherapy for prostate cancer after prostatectomy.
2019 Scientific Article in Clinical Cancer Research Clin. Cancer Res. 25, 1505-1516 (2019)
A five-microRNA signature predicts survival and disease control of patients with head and neck cancer negative for HPV-infection.
In: Adult CNS Radiation Oncology. 2018. 51-62
Vestibular schwannoma.
In: (69th International Astronautical Congress: #InvolvingEveryone, 1-5 October 2018, Bremen). 2018. ( ; 2018-October)
RAVI-2017: A solar proton fluence monitor for LEO nanosatellite missions based on COTS electronics.
In: (69th International Astronautical Congress: #InvolvingEveryone, 01-05 October 2018, Bremen). 2018. ( ; 2018-October)
A TLD-Microdosimeter for aerospace usage: Results of dosimetry and radiation risk assessment of airline pilots undertook long-haul intercontinental flights during March-May 2017.
In: (34th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2018, UAI 2018, 6-10 August 2018, Monterey, United States). 2018. 1042-1052 ( ; 2)
Bayesian optimization and attribute adjustment.
2018 Review in Journal of neurosurgical sciences J. Neurosurg. Sci. 63, 179-186 (2018)
The algorithms of adjuvant therapy in gliomas and their effect on survival.
2018 Scientific Article in Clinical and translational radiation oncology Clin. Transl. Radiat. Oncol. 13, 44-49 (2018)
Cancer clinical trials – Survey evaluating patient participation and acceptance in a university-based Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC).
2018 Scientific Article in Neurosurgery Neurosurgery 83, 1241-1248 (2018)
Moving second courses of radiotherapy forward: Early re-irradiation after surgical resection for recurrent gliomas improves efficacy with excellent tolerability.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:237 (2018)
Impact of VMAT-IMRT compared to 3D conformal radiotherapy on anal sphincter dose distribution in neoadjuvant chemoradiation of rectal cancer.
2018 Review in Cancers Cancers 10:456 (2018)
Human glioma migration and infiltration properties as a target for personalized radiation medicine.
2018 Meeting abstract in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 102, E569-E569 (2018)
Analysis of patterns of lymph node metastases in primary and recurrent breast cancer by evaluation of FDG / PET-CT image datasets.
2018 Meeting abstract in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 102, E239-E239 (2018)
Neuroanatomical differences in the brains of cerebral metastasized breast cancer patients: Meningeal carcinomatosa patients vs. brain oligometastatic patients vs. multiple metastastic brain patients.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13, 227 (2018)
Dosimetric comparison of different radiation techniques (IMRT vs. 3-dimensional) of the "true" (deep) ano-inguinal lymphatic drainage of anal cancer patients.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:218 (2018)
Acute radiodermatitis in modern adjuvant 3D conformal radiotherapy for breast cancer - the impact of dose distribution and patient related factors.
2018 Scientific Article in Cancers Cancers 10:401 (2018)
Dosimetric comparison of proton radiation therapy, volumetric modulated arc therapy, and three-dimension conformal radiotherapy based on intracranial tumor location.
2018 Scientific Article in Journal of Perinatology J. Perinatol. 39, 115-119 (2018)
Radiation exposure by digital radiographic imaging in very low birth weight infants.
2018 Review in Seminars in Radiation Oncology Semin. Radiat. Oncol. 28, 309-320 (2018)
Proton beam therapy and carbon ion radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.
2018 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 1 (2018)
Adjuvant radiation after spinal instrumentation in metastatic bone disease: The potential benefit of carbon pedicel screws in target delineation in RT treatment planning .
2018 Scientific Article in JMIR research protocols JMIR Res. Protoc. 7:e178 (2018)
Early detection of cardiovascular changes after radiotherapy for breast cancer: Protocol for a European multicenter prospective cohort study (MEDIRAD EARLY HEART study).
2018 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 8:16063 (2018)
DNA damage interactions on both nanometer and micrometer scale determine overall cellular damage.
2018 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 95, 233-237 (2018)
Students' expectations in an international Master of Science course in radiation biology.
2018 Scientific Article in Cancer radiothérapie Cancer/Radiother. 22, 802-809 (2018)
Concepts and terms for dose/volume parameters in carbon-ion radiotherapy: Conclusions of the ULICE taskforce.
2018 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 8:424 (2018)
The role of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation motor mapping in adjuvant radiotherapy planning in patients with supratentorial brain metastases.
2018 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 18:907 (2018)
A trend towards a more intense adjuvant treatment of low-grade-gliomas in tertiary centers in Germany after RTOG 9802-results from a multi-center survey.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S758-S759 (2018)
Reduction of lung dose during stereotactic radiation of lung tumors using respiratory gating.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S1283-S1283 (2018)
Downregulation of ALDH1A1 reduces radioresistance and migration of glioblastoma cells.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S802-S803 (2018)
DVH- and NTCP-based dosimetric comparison of different cranial margins for VMAT of rectal cancer.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S1281-S1282 (2018)
Effects of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib on radiosensitivity of glioblastoma cells.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S1271-S1271 (2018)
Selenium does not affect radiosensitivity of human breast cancer cell lines.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S1052-S1053 (2018)
Dosimetric impact of stabilizing spinal implants in proton therapy: Titanium vs. carbon systems.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:169 (2018)
Dosimetric analysis and comparison of reduced longitudinal cranial margins of VMAT-IMRT of rectal cancer.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 904-910 (2018)
Complementary medicine in radiation oncology: German health care professionals’ current qualifications and therapeutic methods.
2018 Other: Opinion in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 870-871 (2018)
Einsatz alternativer Behandlungsmethoden bei Krebserkrankungen und Auswirkungen auf das Überleben.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:182 (2018)
Comparison of definite chemoradiation therapy with carboplatin/paclitaxel or cisplatin/5-fluoruracil in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S610-S611 (2018)
Tomotherapy of pediatric sarcomas: Outcome and toxicity rates.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S659-S660 (2018)
15 years of cerebral stereotactic radiotherapy at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S85-S86 (2018)
Dose of stereotactic radiotherapy, local control and overall survival in cholangiocarcinoma.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, E581-E582 (2018)
Detection of radiation induced lung fibrosis using x-ray dark-field imaging in a murine model.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S50-S50 (2018)
Cancer Clinical Trials - survey evaluating patient participation and attitude in an Oncology Center.
2018 Meeting abstract in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, S636-S637 (2018)
Influence of dose applied to cochlea during RT of vestibular schwannoma and its effect on hearing.
2018 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 18:760 (2018)
Moving targets in 4D-CTs versus MIP and AIP: Comparison of patients data to phantom data.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 886-893 (2018)
Prognostic factors in stereotactic body radiotherapy of lung metastases.
2018 Scientific Article in Liver cancer Liver cancer 8, 281–294 (2018)
Stereotactic body radiation therapy as an alternative treatment for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma compared to sorafenib: A propensity score analysis.
2018 Meeting abstract in Medical Physics Med. Phys. 45, E260-E260 (2018)
The dosimetric impact of uncertainties in HU assignment of spinal implants for photon and proton RT: Carbon vs titanium screw systems.
2018 Scientific Article in Journal of Proteome Research J. Proteome Res. 17, 1677-1689 (2018)
PPARα is necessary for radiation-induced activation of noncanonical TGFβ signaling in the heart.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 824-834 (2018)
Treatment-related features improve machine learning prediction of prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma patients.
2018 Review in Aktuelle Neurologie Aktuel. Neurol. 2, E97-E107 (2018)
Modern techniques of radiation therapy in the treatment of brain tumors and tumors of the skull base.
2018 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 139, 583-590 (2018)
Evaluation of radiation-related invasion in primary patient-derived glioma cells and validation with established cell lines: Impact of different radiation qualities with differing LET.
Progress in tumor research In: Advances in Radiation Therapy. 1200 New York Ave, Nw, Washington, Dc 20005 Usa: Amer Assoc Advancement Science, 2018. 122-129 (Prog. Tumor Res. ; 44)
Preclinical mouse models for the evaluation of novel techniques in particle therapy.
2018 Journal of Translational Medicine J. Transl. Med. 16:128 (2018)
Correction: MicroRNA expression profiling for the prediction of resistance to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus [J Transl Med., 16, (2018) (109)] DOI: 10.1186/s12967-018-1492-9.
2018 Scientific Article in Neuro-oncology practice Neuro-oncology practice 5, 82-95 (2018)
Predicting brain tumor regrowth in relation to motor areas by functional brain mapping.
2018 Scientific Article in Cancer Medicine Cancer Med. 7, 2319-2327 (2018)
Multicenter analysis of stereotactic radiotherapy of the resection cavity in patients with brain metastases.
2018 Scientific Article in Cancer Medicine Cancer Med. 7, 2350-2359 (2018)
Local control and possibility of tailored salvage after hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of the cavity after brain metastases resection.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 994-952 (2018)
MRI-based high-precision irradiation in an orthotopic pancreatic tumor mouse model: A treatment planning study.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Research Radiat. Res. 190, 226-235 (2018)
Impact of inter-individual variance in the expression of a radiation-responsive gene panel used for triage.
2018 Scientific Article in Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik Z. Med. Phys. 28, 303-309 (2018)
Dosimetric characterization of a single crystal diamond detector in X-ray beams for preclinical research.
2018 Review in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 48, 27-36 (2018)
Radiomics in radiooncology - Challenging the medical physicist.
2018 Review in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 47, 146645318756224 (2018)
The work programme of EURADOS on internal and external dosimetry.
2018 Scientific Article in Health Physics Health Phys. 115, 49-56 (2018)
Successful teaching of radiobiology students in the medical management of acute radiation effects from real case histories using clinical signs and symptoms and taking advantage of recently developed software tools.
2018 Scientific Article in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP, 146645318756231 (2018)
New mesh-type phantoms and their dosimetric applications, including emergencies.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 127, 274-279 (2018)
Clinical outcome after high-precision radiotherapy for skull base meningiomas: Pooled data from three large German centers for radiation oncology.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:36 (2018)
Impact of68Ga-PSMA-PET imaging on target volume definition and guidelines in radiation oncology - a patterns of failure analysis in patients with primary diagnosis of prostate cancer.
2018 Scientific Article in European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 275, 1239-1247 (2018)
Improved overall survival in head and neck cancer patients after specific therapy of distant metastases.
2018 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 101, 671-679 (2018)
Improved overall survival of mice by reducing lung side effects after high-precision heart irradiation using a small animal radiation research platform.
2018 Editorial in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 8:34 (2018)
Editorial: Data based radiation oncology-design of clinical trials.
2018 Review in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:90 (2018)
PSMA-PET based radiotherapy: A review of initial experiences, survey on current practice and future perspectives.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:86 (2018)
Evaluation of particle radiotherapy for the re-irradiation of recurrent intracranial meningioma.
2018 Scientific Article in Journal of luminescence J. Lumin. 200, 254-259 (2018)
Investigation of phosphate glass doped lanthanum as beta dosimeter.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:58 (2018)
Influence of68Ga-DOTATOC on sparing of normal tissue for radiation therapy of skull base meningioma: Differential impact of photon and proton radiotherapy.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:54 (2018)
Clinical outcome after particle therapy for meningiomas of the skull base: Toxicity and local control in patients treated with active rasterscanning.
2018 Annals of Surgical Oncology Ann. Surg. Oncol. 25, 989-989 (2018)
Prognostic value of tumor volume in glioblastoma patients: Size also matters for patients with incomplete resection (vol 25, pg 558, 2018).
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 580-590 (2018)
Semantic imaging features predict disease progression and survival in glioblastoma multiforme patients.
2018 Scientific Article in Cancer Medicine Cancer Med. 7, 1742-1749 (2018)
Re-irradiation of recurrent gliomas: Pooled analysis and validation of an established prognostic score-report of the Radiation Oncology Group (ROG) of the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK).
2018 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 8:4561 (2018)
Retrospective analysis of radiological recurrence patterns in glioblastoma, their prognostic value and association to postoperative infarct volume.
2018 Scientific Article in JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 6:e45 (2018)
Mobile app delivery of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life in oncological patients: Usability study.
2018 Scientific Article in Clinical Cancer Research Clin. Cancer Res. 24, 1364-1374 (2018)
Development and validation of a gene signature for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas treated by postoperative radio(chemo)therapy.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:31 (2018)
Dosimetric impact of tumor treating field (TTField) transducer arrays onto treatment plans for glioblastomas - a planning study.
2018 Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:8 (2018)
Correction to expert consensus on re-irradiation for recurrent glioma.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:15 (2018)
Evaluation of the tumor movement and the reproducibility of two different immobilization setups for image-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy of liver tumors.
2018 Scientific Article in Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol. 57, 825-830 (2018)
Dosimetric quantification of the incidental irradiation of the "true' (deep) ano-inguinal lymphatic drainage of anal cancer patients not described in conventional contouring guidelines.
2018 Review in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 13:6 (2018)
New insights in the relative radiobiological effectiveness of proton irradiation.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 57, 99-113 (2018)
Lifetime study in mice after acute low-dose ionizing radiation: A multifactorial study with special focus on cataract risk.
2018 Scientific Article in Methods in Molecular Biology Methods Mol. Biol. 1709, 307-320 (2018)
Immunohistochemical and flow cytometric analysis of intracellular and membrane-bound Hsp70, as a putative biomarker of glioblastoma multiforme, using the cmHsp70.1 monoclonal antibody.
2018 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 18:15 (2018)
Adjuvant stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy to the resection cavity in recurrent glioblastoma - the GlioCave study (NOA 17-ARO 2016/3-DKTK ROG trial).
2018 Scientific Article in Onkologe, Der Onkologe 24, 143–150 (2018)
Stellenwert der Strahlentherapie bei sezernierenden und nichtsezernierenden Hypophysenadenomen.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 185–195 (2018)
Essential role of radiation therapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
2018 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 100, 263-269 (2018)
Deep-inspiration breath-hold radiation therapy in breast cancer: A word of caution on the dose to the axillary lymph node levels.
2018 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 126, 125-131 (2018)
SDF-1/CXCR4 expression is an independent negative prognostic biomarker in patients with head and neck cancer after primary radiochemotherapy.
2018 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 194, 125-135 (2018)
Perioperative chemotherapy vs. neoadjuvant chemoradiation in gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. A population-based evaluation of the Munich Cancer Registry.
2017 Meeting abstract in Medical Physics Med. Phys. 44, 3314-3315 (2017)
Determining size-specific dose estimates for head CT examinations.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S51-S51 (2017)
Creation of a joint prognostic model by combining clinical and qualitative imaging features for Glioblastoma Multiforme patients.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S40-S40 (2017)
Presurgical navigated transcranial motorcortex mapping data in radiotherapy planning: Motorcortex sparing in the treatment of brain tumors.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S39-S39 (2017)
Selenium and zinc blood levels during radiation therapy the prospective, non-interventional SELINK-study.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S33-S34 (2017)
Comparison of perioperative chemotherapy and neoadjuvant chemoradiation in patients with adenocarcinoma of the gastro-esophageal junction: A population-based evaluation of the Munich Cancer Registry.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S23-S24 (2017)
Mobile applications in oncology - a survey on evaluating the patient acceptance in a German Oncology Center: Final analysis.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S10-S11 (2017)
Micro-channel radiotherapy with X-rays on a compact synchrotron.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S167-S167 (2017)
The complaint profile of meningioma-patients after Usage of [68Ga] DOTANOC-PET in radiation treatment planning.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S148-S148 (2017)
Evaluation of patient positioning with exactrac system for the irradiation of intracranial tumors.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S37-S38 (2017)
Use of the liquid fiducial marker BioXmark for high-precision radiotherapy of a tumor mouse model.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S145-S145 (2017)
Reduction of the lung dose in stereotactic irradiation of lung tumors due to respiratory gating.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S152-S153 (2017)
Hypoxia-induced radio-resistance in glioblastoma cells as a function of the LET.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S141-S142 (2017)
Characterization of migration of four mammary carcinoma cell lines after irradiation.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S129-S129 (2017)
Evaluation of IMRT-based simultaneous integrated protection (SIP) concepts in re-irradiations of bone metastases.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S133-S134 (2017)
Influence of the dose applied to the cochlea during radiotherapy of the vestibular schwannoma and its effect on hearing preservation.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S120-S120 (2017)
Inter-observer-comparison concerning the effects of the reference-CT on image registration with 3D cone beam CTs in lung stereotaxy.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S116-S116 (2017)
Students' expectations regarding work load, teaching format and interprofessional acitivies in an International Master of Science (MSc) course in radiation biology.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S104-S105 (2017)
Submicrometer focusing of low LET protons - understanding the RBE of heavy ion irradiation.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S100-S101 (2017)
Moving Re-Irradition forward: Generation of target volume guidelines in patients with recurrent glioblastoma following gross total resection.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S95-S96 (2017)
Further development of an established prognostic score after re-irradiation of recurrent glioma.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S54-S54 (2017)
Setup for tumor growth delay studies in small animals for low energy x-rays and small irradiation fields.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S52-S53 (2017)
Moving second courses of radiotherapy forward: early re-irradiation after surgical resection for recurrent gliomas improves efficacy with excellent tolerability.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S168-S168 (2017)
An only survey seeking healthcare professionals' opinion on mobile apps in oncology.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S166-S166 (2017)
ALDH1A1 expression enhances migration and radioresistance of glioblastoma cells.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S164-S164 (2017)
Volume regression of cervical carcinoma in T2-weighted MRI under percutaneous radio-chemotherapy.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S171-S171 (2017)
Reduced acute side effects by proton mini beam radiation therapy in the mouse ear model.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S170-S170 (2017)
Quality assurance in higher education - traditional and innovative student feedback methods in the MSc Radiation Biology Program at the School of Medicine of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S156-S157 (2017)
Change in resection cavity volume after surgery and local stereotactic radiotherapy of brain metastases.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S155-S156 (2017)
Acute hematological toxicities in patients treated with (cranio)-spinal irradiation according to treatment technique and prior chemotherapy use.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S180-S181 (2017)
Effects of local radiotherapy on the composition of lymphocyte subpopulations in prostate and breast cancer patients.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S180-S180 (2017)
Serum levels and outcome correlation of S100 and neuron pecific enolase (NSE) during radiation therapy of brain metastases.
2017 Meeting abstract 193, S174-S174 (2017)
Establishment of an interdisciplinary workflow of machine learning-based Radiomics in sarcoma patients.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S171-S171 (2017)
Mobile applications in oncology: App-assisted treatment and research.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:2 (2017)
Risk of second cancer following radiotherapy for prostate cancer: A population-based analysis.
2017 Scientific Article in JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 5:e81 (2017)
Mobile health in oncology: A patient survey about app-assisted cancer care.
2017 Scientific Article in Annals of the ICRP Ann. ICRP 46, 1-136 (2017)
Dose coefficients for non-human biota environmentally exposed to radiation.
2017 Review in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:203 (2017)
Effective radiotherapeutic treatment intensification in patients with pancreatic cancer: Higher doses alone, higher RBE or both?
In: (European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2017, 25-29 June 2017, Munich, Germany). 2017. ( ; Part F81-EQEC 2017)
Microbeam radiation therapy at a laser-based compact synchrotron x-ray source.
2017 Meeting abstract in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, S172-S173 (2017)
Randomized study exploring the combination of radioTherapy with two types of acupuncture treatment (ROSETTA trial).
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:194 (2017)
Expert consensus on re-irradiation for recurrent glioma.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiology and oncology Radiol. Oncol. 51, 407-414 (2017)
Phytotherapeutics oridonin and ponicidin show additive effects combined with irradiation in pancreatic cancer in vitro.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:182 (2017)
Comparison of neoadjuvant chemoradiation with carboplatin/ paclitaxel or cisplatin/ 5-fluoruracil in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
2017 Scientific Article in Annals of Surgical Oncology Ann. Surg. Oncol. 25, 1-7 (2017)
Prognostic Value of Tumor Volume in Glioblastoma Patients: Size Also Matters for Patients with Incomplete Resection.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:169 (2017)
First intraindividual comparison of contrast-enhanced MRI, FET- and DOTATOC- PET in patients with intracranial meningiomas.
2017 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 984-988 (2017)
Critical consideration of the European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of adult astrocytic and oligodendroglial gliomas.
2017 Meeting abstract in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 99, E402-E402 (2017)
mHealth in oncology: A Patient survey evaluating the acceptance of app-assisted cancer treatment.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:234 (2017)
Use of multicenter data in a large cancer registry for evaluation of outcome and implementation of novel concepts.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 125, 266-272 (2017)
Sequential proton boost after standard chemoradiation for high-grade glioma.
2017 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 12:e0186005 (2017)
Increased cell survival and cytogenetic integrity by spatial dose redistribution at a compact synchrotron X-ray source.
2017 Scientific Article in Scientific Reports Sci. Rep. 7:13206 (2017)
A comparative study of machine learning methods for time-to-event survival data for radiomics risk modelling.
2017 Scientific Article in European Journal of Immunology Eur. J. Immunol. 47, 1584-1797 (2017)
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:226 (2017)
Master of Science (MSc) program in radiation biology: An interdepartmental course bridging the gap between radiation-related preclinical and clinical disciplines to prepare next-generation medical scientists.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:225 (2017)
Comparative analysis of efficacy, toxicity, and patient-reported outcomes in rectal cancer patients undergoing preoperative 3D conformal radiotherapy or VMAT.
2017 Review in Aktuelle Neurologie Aktuel. Neurol. 44, 489-500 (2017)
Modern imaging in neurooncology.
2017 Scientific Article in Trauma und Berufskrankheit Trauma Berufskrankh., 1-6 (2017)
Strahlentherapie bei Weichteilsarkomen der Extremitäten. Ihre Rolle in der multimodalen Behandlung.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 1039-1047 (2017)
BioXmark for high-precision radiotherapy in an orthotopic pancreatic tumor mouse model: Experiences with a liquid fiducial marker.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:181 (2017)
Which obstacles prevent us from recruiting into clinical trials: A survey about the environment for clinical studies at a German University hospital in a comprehensive cancer center.
2017 Scientific Article in Trials Trials 18:398 (2017)
Randomized study exploring the combination of radiotherapy with two types of acupuncture treatment (ROSETTA): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
2017 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 17:563 (2017)
Are heart toxicities in breast cancer patients important for radiation oncologists? A practice pattern survey in German speaking countries.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:128 (2017)
DVH- and NTCP-based dosimetric comparison of different longitudinal margins for VMAT-IMRT of esophageal cancer.
2017 Scientific Article in Translational Cancer Research Transl. Cancer Res. 6, S779-S788 (2017)
Proteomics approaches to investigate cancer radiotherapy outcome: Slow train coming.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 831–839 (2017)
Interobserver variability of patient positioning using four different CT datasets for image registration in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy.
2017 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 12:e0180457 (2017)
Modification and optimization of an established prognostic score after reirradiation of recurrent glioma.
2017 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 12:e0180940 (2017)
Sulforaphane enhances irradiation effects in terms of perturbed cell cycle progression and increased DNA damage in pancreatic cancer cells.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 823–830 (2017)
Interobserver variability in target volume delineation of hepatocellular carcinoma: An analysis of the working group “Stereotactic Radiotherapy” of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO).
2017 Review in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:132 (2017)
Integrating hyperthermia into modern radiation oncology: What evidence is necessary?
2017 Scientific Article in European Journal of Medical Research Eur. J. Med. Res. 22:24 (2017)
Primary radio(chemo)therapy for esophageal cancer in elderly patients: Are efficiency and toxicity comparable with younger patients?
2017 Scientific Article in Science of the Total Environment, The Sci. Total Environ. 605-606, 569-577 (2017)
A method for assessing exposure of terrestrial wildlife to environmental radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn).
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 767–779 (2017)
“Radio-oncomics”: The potential of radiomics in radiation oncology.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 897–909 (2017)
Re-irradiation after gross total resection of recurrent glioblastoma: Spatial pattern of recurrence and a review of the literature as a basis for target volume definition.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:130 (2017)
Tangential field radiotherapy for breast cancer-the dose to the heart and heart subvolumes: What structures must be contoured in future clinical trials?
2017 Scientific Article in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 44, 1656–1662 (2017)
Patterns of failure after radical prostatectomy in prostate cancer – implications for radiation therapy planning after 68Ga-PSMA-PET imaging.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Research Radiat. Res. 188, 204-220 (2017)
The COOLER code: A novel analytical approach to calculate subcellular energy deposition by internal electron emitters.
2017 Scientific Article in BMC Cancer BMC Cancer 17:361 (2017)
Oligometastases from prostate cancer: Local treatment with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT).
2017 Scientific Article in Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Phys. Med. 39, 100-112 (2017)
Feasibility of reducing differences in estimated doses in nuclear medicine between a patient-specific and a reference phantom.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:77 (2017)
Does age really matter? Radiotherapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma, the Munich experience.
2017 Scientific Article in World neurosurgery World Neurosurg. 105, 294-301 (2017)
Radiolucent carbon-fiber reinforced pedicle screws for the treatment of spinal tumors: Advantages for radiation planning and follow-up imaging.
2017 Scientific Article in Medical dosimetry Med. Dosim. 42, 197-202 (2017)
Heart-sparing radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer: What are the techniques used in the clinical routine?: A pattern of practice survey in the German-speaking countries.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 921-930 (2017)
High-precision radiotherapy for meningiomas: Long-term results and patient-reported outcome (PRO).
2017 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 510-512 (2017)
Kombination von Strahlentherapie mit Temozolomid bei über 65-jährigen Glioblastompatienten.
2017 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 7:37 (2017)
mHealth and application technology supporting clinical trials: Today's limitations and future perspective of smartRCTs.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 648–655 (2017)
Effects of definitive and salvage radiotherapy on the distribution of lymphocyte subpopulations in prostate cancer patients.
2017 Review in Current treatment options in neurology Curr. Treat. Options Neurol. 19:12 (2017)
Does proton therapy have a future in CNS tumors?
2017 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 7, 1-12 (2017)
Quantitative changes in the protein and miRNA cargo of plasma exosome-like vesicles after exposure to ionizing radiation.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:45 (2017)
Do selective radiation dose escalation and tumour hypoxia status impact the loco-regional tumour control after radio-chemotherapy of head & neck tumours? The ESCALOX protocol.
2017 Scientific Article in International Journal of Radiation Biology Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 93, 1064-1078 (2017)
Risk of solid cancer in low dose-rate radiation epidemiological studies and the dose-rate effectiveness factor.
2017 Review in Mutation Research / Reviews in Mutation Research Mutat. Res.- Rev. Mutat. Res. 771, 59-84 (2017)
Ionizing radiation biomarkers in epidemiological studies – An update.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 56, 79-87 (2017)
The influence of reference radiation photon energy on high-LET RBE: Comparison of human peripheral lymphocytes and human–hamster hybrid AL cells.
2017 Scientific Article in Proceedings of SPIE Proc. SPIE 10132:101325P (2017)
Experimental investigation of a HOPG crystal fan for x-ray fluorescence molecular imaging.
2017 Scientific Article in Proceedings of SPIE Proc. SPIE 10132:1013241 (2017)
Dose conversion coefficients for partial-fan CBCT scans.
2017 Scientific Article in Proceedings of SPIE Proc. SPIE 10132:101322Q (2017)
Novel method to calibrate CT scanners with a conic probe body.
2017 Scientific Article in Cancer Letters Cancer Lett. 390, 146-152 (2017)
The Hsp70 inhibiting peptide aptamer A17 potentiates radiosensitization of tumor cells by Hsp90 inhibition.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 419-425 (2017)
Complementary and alternative medicine in radiation oncology: Survey of patients’ attitudes.
2017 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 12:31 (2017)
Helical TomoTherapy for locally advanced or recurrent breast cancer.
2017 Scientific Article in Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol. 56, 422-426 (2017)
Validation of an established prognostic score after re-irradiation of recurrent glioma.
2017 Scientific Article in Der Chirurg : Zeitschrift für alle Gebiete der operativen Medizin Chirurg 88, 311-316 (2017)
Radiotherapeutic management of lymphatic fistulas: An effective but disregarded therapy option.
2017 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 62, 2132-2152 (2017)
Inclusion of thin target and source regions in alimentary and respiratory tract systems of mesh-type ICRP adult reference phantoms.
2017 Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193:171 (2017)
Erratum to: Fractionated vs. single-fraction stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with vestibular schwannoma: Hearing preservation and patients’ self-reported outcome based on an established questionnaire.
2017 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 193, 192-199 (2017)
Fractionated vs. single-fraction stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with vestibular schwannoma: Hearing preservation and patients’ self-reported outcome based on an established questionnaire.
2016 Scientific Article in Acta Oncologica Acta Oncol. 2, 1-7 (2016)
Volumetric response of intracranial meningioma after photon or particle irradiation.
2016 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 121, 364-373 (2016)
HPV status, cancer stem cell marker expression, hypoxia gene signatures and tumour volume identify good prognosis subgroups in patients with HNSCC after primary radiochemotherapy: A multicentre retrospective study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Group (DKTK-ROG).
2016 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 118, 35-42 (2016)
ESTRO-ACROP guideline "target delineation of glioblastomas".
2016 Scientific Article in Journal of medical internet research J. Med. Internet Res. 18:e312 (2016)
Mobile Apps in Oncology: A survey on health care professionals' attitude toward telemedicine, mHealth, and oncological apps.
2016 Scientific Article in Irish journal of medical science Ir. J. Med. Sci. 186, 577-582 (2016)
Proton therapy in paediatric oncology: An Irish perspective.
2016 Meeting abstract in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 96, E665-E665 (2016)
Interobserver comparison on patient positioning using 4 different computed tomography datasets for image registration with cone beam computed tomography in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy.
2016 Scientific Article in Frontiers in Immunology Front. Immunol. 7:492 (2016)
Immunological and translational aspects of NK cell-based antitumor immunotherapies.
2016 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 11:142 (2016)
Registration uncertainties between 3D cone beam computed tomography and different reference CT datasets in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy.
2016 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11:e0165801 (2016)
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) as part of the oncological treatment: Survey about patients' attitude towards CAM in a university-based oncology center in Germany.
2016 Review in Journal of neurosurgical sciences J. Neurosurg. Sci. 60, 357-366 (2016)
Stereotactic radiosurgery of brain metastases.
2016 Scientific Article in Advances in Radiation Oncology Adv. Rad. Onco. 1, 344-350 (2016)
Use of acupuncture to alleviate side effects in radiation oncology: Current evidence and future directions.
2016 Scientific Article in PLoS ONE PLoS ONE 11:e0164473 (2016)
Optimization of carbon ion treatment plans by integrating tissue specific α/β-values for patients with non-resectable pancreatic cancer.
2016 Scientific Article in Medical Image Analysis Med. Image Anal. 35, 655-668 (2016)
Assisting the examination of large histopathological slides with adaptive forests.
2016 Scientific Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology Phys. Med. Biol. 61, 7688-7703 (2016)
Effect of blood activity on dosimetric calculations for radiopharmaceuticals.
2016 Editorial in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 672-674 (2016)
Bessere Prognose von Low-grade-Gliomen durch Kombination von Bestrahlung, Procarbazin, CCNU und Vincristin.
2016 Scientific Article in Radiation Oncology Radiat. Oncol. 11:133 (2016)
Reduced volume SIB-IMRT/IGRT to head and neck cancer in elderly and frail patients: Outcome and toxicity.
2016 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 722-729 (2016)
Comparison of dosimetric parameters and toxicity in esophageal cancer patients undergoing 3D conformal radiotherapy or VMAT.
2016 Letter to the Editor in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 498-499 (2016)
Protonentherapie bei Kindern mit Medulloblastom bei akzeptablen Nebenwirkungen ähnlich erfolgreich wie Photonentherapie.
2016 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 759-769 (2016)
Dosimetric advantages of proton therapy over conventional radiotherapy with photons in young patients and adults with low-grade glioma.
2016 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 770-779 (2016)
Intensity-modulated proton therapy, volumetric-modulated arc therapy, and 3D conformal radiotherapy in anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma : A dosimetric comparison.
2016 Scientific Article in Nature Communications Nat. Commun. 7:12121 (2016)
Eigenspectra optoacoustic tomography achieves quantitative blood oxygenation imaging deep in tissues.
2016 Scientific Article in International Journal of Hyperthermia Int. J. Hyperthermia 32, 455-463 (2016)
Rationale of hyperthermia for radio(chemo)therapy and immune responses in patients with bladder cancer: Biological concepts, clinical data, interdisciplinary treatment decisions and biological tumour imaging.
2016 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 127, 581-587 (2016)
Is a modification of the radiotherapeutic target volume necessary after resection of glioblastomas with opening of the ventricles?
2016 Scientific Article in Receptors & Clinical Investigation Recep. Clin. Invest., DOI: 10.14800/rci.1269 (2016)
Functional consequences of genetic polymorphisms in the NKG2D receptor signaling pathway and putative gene interactions.
2016 Scientific Article in Journal of Neuro-Oncology J. Neuro-Oncol. 128, 341-348 (2016)
Radiotherapy plus concomitant temozolomide in primary gliosarcoma.
2016 Scientific Article in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 368-376 (2016)
HFSRT of the resection cavity in patients with brain metastases.
2016 Review in Frontiers in Oncology Front. Oncol. 6:75 (2016)
Review of developments in electronic, clinical data collection, and documentation systems over the last decade - are we ready for big data in routine health care?
2016 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 279-287 (2016)
Adenosine can thwart antitumor immune responses elicited by radiotherapy : Therapeutic strategies alleviating protumor ADO activities.
2016 Scientific Article in European Journal of Cancer Eur. J. Cancer 57, 78-86 (2016)
Targeted next-generation sequencing of locally advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck reveals druggable targets for improving adjuvant chemoradiation.
2016 Review in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Strahlenther. Onkol. 192, 209-215 (2016)
Individualized radiotherapy by combining high-end irradiation and magnetic resonance imaging.
2016 Scientific Article in Radiotherapy and Oncology Radiother. Oncol. 118, 176-180 (2016)