Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmid
Deputy Director Group Leader Radiobiology
- Telephone: +49 89 3187-43040 +49 89 4140-9788
- E-mail: Email me
PD Dr. Stefan Bartzsch
Group Leader Experimental Medical Physics
- Telephone: +49 89 3187-43042 +49 89 4140-4305
- E-mail: Email me
PD Dr. Sophie Dobiasch
Junior Group Leader Personalized Radiooncology of pancreatic cancer
- Telephone: +49 89 4140-8064
- E-mail: Email me
PD Dr. Jan C. Peeken
Group Leader Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in Radiation Oncology
- Telephone: +49 89 4140-9378
- E-mail: Email me
Dr. Anton Dimroth
Guest Scientist
Jui-Che Chuang
Master Student
Daniel Friedrich
Dr. sc. hum. Kerstin A. Eitz
Group Leader Medical Informatics
- Telephone: +49 89 4140-4502
- E-mail: Email me