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Epigenetic modification representation
Helmholtz Munich | ©Amelie J. Kraus

FROM DNA TO PHENOTYPE Workshop. Join us in Jaen!


This multidisciplinary workshop will bring together 15 OUTSTANDING SPEAKERS with the objective of tackling the various dimensions of epigenetic mechanisms in resilience and adaptation, by providing a platform for researchers to exchange knowledge, share recent findings, and foster collaborative efforts. Click on the poster for registration when open.


FROM DNA TO PHENOTYPE: Epigenetic mechanisms in resilience and adaptation.


EPIGENETIC phenomena can be viewed as the mechanisms by which distinct gene expression programs are established and perpetuated from the same DNA sequence. During differentiation, genetically identical cells diversify into phenotypic lineages via the acquisition of heritable changes in genome function that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence. Together with transcription factors, these epigenetic mechanisms can activate or repress genes associated with cell lineages, thereby establishing cellular identity. Once established, gene expression patterns can be maintained across cell division (resilience), even in the absence of the original signal, by the action of epigenetic memory systems.

Unlike genetic alterations, CHANGES IN THE EPIGENOME ARE OFTEN REVERSIBLE. They frequently occur in response to environmental factors (adaptation), sometimes in a heritable manner, contributing to the fitness of a cell or organism. These adaptive responses can be beneficial under certain circumstances, especially in response to repeated exposures. However, they also bear the risk of contributing to the development of complex diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Thus, lifelong health not only reflects successful adaptation, but also resilience to a lifetime of challenges, especially in an ever-changing environment.

The workshop will bring together 15 OUTSTANDING SPEAKERS and a maximum of 35 participants. The scientific programme will start on Tuesday 15th October in the morning and will end on Thursday 17th October in the morning. Ample time for informal discussion will be reserved. Participants are encouraged to present a poster. A considerable number of submitted abstracts will be selected for a short talks.


ORGANISERS:Robert Schneider (Helmholtz Center Munich) & Gonzalo Millan (CABIMER)

LOCATION: Baeza (Jaen, Spain)

DATES of the event: 15 – 17 October 2024